Crazy Idea: Ending Homelessness With CryptoCurrency

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)


A crazy idea

I have been thinking about this a while. How can CryptoCurrency help the homeless? I have come up with a crazy idea, which admittedly, I have not thought through, because I do not know all the intricacies of the problem. However, I hope those in the know can build upon this idea.

My idea is to set up a group of CryptoCurrency, financial, experts among volunteers at homeless shelters. These will help manage Crypto for local homeless people. The end goal is to have homeless people break out of homelessness through accumulated wealth.

How it might work

People will donate CryptoCurrency to these volunteer groups. Some of the Crypto will be diversified and traded in a way, to accumulate more value. Wallets can be assigned to each local group or maybe even to each homeless family or person, looking for housing. In either case, more and more Crypto will, if all goes well, accumulate for individual volunteer groups or homeless people depending on the strategy.

Workshops will be arranged to teach people about what Crypto is and how you can manage it. Some of the Crypto might be dedicated to individuals to use how they want, while the rest is only available to the Crypto/financial experts.

Donators will keep an eye on the wallets on the blockchain(s), to make sure, that no CryptoCurrency ends up in the wrong hands. No need for currency to whither away in bureaucracy.

Long-term goal

The long-term goal is simple: Accumulate so much value in CryptoCurrency that each homeless family and individual wanting to can now find housing.

In short: The goal is to give CryptoCurrency to homeless people, who truly need wealth, through a system that cannot be cheated.

Any potential proceeds from upvotes on this post will be donated in Danish Kroner (or Crypto if able through an NGO) to help homeless people in my local area in Denmark. I am not in need of profits from this idea. I only hope someone out there on Steemit have the power, knowledge and prowess to make a project like this a reality.

Feel free to expand on the idea any way you can. You do not need to credit me for anything. Consider it a global, open-source sort of project. You are welcome to criticize this idea in the comments or in your own Steemit post as you see fit.

@arbitrarykitten was one of the biggest inspirations for this idea. You should check out her devastating story on being homeless. You can start reading HERE.


I am currently homeless as well (read about it here) and have been homeless other times in my life as well. I have first hand knowledge of the problems that lead people to becoming homeless, what keeps them homeless and what (if anything) can be done to get them off the streets. I might actually do a detailed analysis post of "The Homeless Problem" in the near future!

Sucks to hear. Hope you find footing, man. It's good to see that you are pushing on with Steemit. A detailed analysis is a great idea, and I think it will bring a lot of value here.

Stay strong brother, your community here supports you! Do you have a Bitcoin, Litecoin, or Ether Address through which you can receive payments/donations?

I think this is a great idea. I'm in a private group on fb for trading, and from time to time we will make a donation to a charity. You'd be surprised at how many charities accept crypto . . . HARDLY ANY! That kinda sucks . . but projects like the one you want to start change the stigma attached to crypto. I hope your idea comes to fruition!

Thanks for the vote of confidence! Sadly, I know almost no charities accepts Crypto. In Denmark I do not even know if any do. I will try to contact some regarding the donation (and in general for others to use Crypto as well). We shall see what they say. Great that your group does donations every now and then, I think it could help opening eyes to Crypto.

Shelter in England are good also like to say there are many charities that help younger homeless people the elderly are kind of left to rot.

I've been homeless myself at times in my life. A few years ago I was trying to find a way to help the homeless with cryptocurrencies as well. I have to go out tonight but just ran into this while surfing my feed and just had to acknowledge this idea.

I hope to be able to help at some point. Kinda new here myself. U/R/&Followed.


Thanks for the support! Man it's good to hear, that you found footing and are looking for ways to help others. CryptoCurrency has so much potential in this field I think.

I've had some time to think about your idea @rawbinhutt and the idea of using cryptocurrencies to affect real change for the homeless. I don't want to deviate from your own post...getting the front line workers and volunteers up to speed on the blockchain would be a challenge in it'self.

Still one has to start somewhere yes/no? There have been some valid points and ideas by others commenting here. @arbitrarykitten quite rightly points out the main benefit of utilizing the blockchain and full disclosure. There are a lot of NGOs and some must have basic altruism at the heart of their work and not just making work for themselves and their cronies.

@joebloggs points out one of the main reason's people tend not to push for helping the homeless. The blackchain can, and probably would bring the cryptosphere into the spotlight as doing something good rather than the negative aspects most reported on.

I'm thinking perhaps if an exchange, maybe even just one cryptocurrency...STEEM to be precise allocate a small percentage of all transactions, upvotes and curation earnings go to a special wallet. The homeless and those who support the initiative could wear t-shits, hoodies and or hats..bumperstickers?...with a QR code for that wallet and some tag line or various themes and memes that can direct people who are interested here (Steemit) where they can learn more about how it all works I mentioned earlier...the trend to end poverty on a regional basis and the added bonus of more people becoming motivated to getting involved in the cryptosphere.

Steemit would benefit directly as well through increased traffic and membership. Advocates for the homeless or dispossessed could present their unique purpose for requesting funds...the homeless could also join through the use of public libraries or other avenues access to the internet and Steemit.

I envision witnesses and delegates (not quite sure what these really are myself) overseeing the whole #fullsteemahead niche within the platform. Upvoting from steemians would help individuals and or groups who post blogs about their particular issue. Other larger NGO and chritable organizations can make their appeal through the same method of having an account where they keep steemians up to date on what it is they're doing with the funds raised and stories of how this initiative helped those that it was made for.

Large...hmmm #steemitwhalewallet donations can be voted on by all steemians who wish. Not understanding is we all have a vote on important issues as they arise. This would make more people like myself more familiar with the process of using their vote so they'll be better prepared when there are other issues not related to this initiative that would require their vote.

Again, like you said @rawbinhutt, this is just an idea. It IS up to those who support it in general to help bring it into reality. I have no doubt that the talent is here at Steemit and this could truly scale up into a grass roots movement that grows to a point where it transcends the cryptosphere itself and enters into the mainstream of global awareness.

Anything I can do to help just let me know...what we really need are some influential steemians, regardless their status, to help put a "package" together that will scale and catch the imagination of as many steemians as possible. This I don't know how to do as I'm only in my third week but I do know that initiatives are being/have been hammered out and implemented to help new arrivals.

If there be the will...Steemit and steemians can make this happen! imo You've started this great idea...keep at it...and follow that same heart that made you post this most excellent idea.


EDIT: it had crossed my mind to make my own post about this but it just seemed somehow wrong to do so. I suppose any who wish to support this idea can make their own blog post and refer to this original post by @rawbinhutt. We need to find a way to get more eyes on this initiative...thus engaging more hearts and minds. I'm interested in seeing how this post trends...or doesn't. 7 days seems awfully restrictive to try to get traction for such a BIG idea.

Hey @cryptologyx. Thanks a bunch for the detailed comment! You have a lot of great ideas here, and you seem to have a passion for pushing them forward.

I want to make it clear, like I wrote in the post:

Feel free to expand on the idea any way you can. You do not need to credit me for anything. Consider it a global, open-source sort of project. You are welcome to criticize this idea in the comments or in your own Steemit post as you see fit.

I really mean this. You should write your ideas into your own post, so you can get more eyes on them! As stated, you don't even have to credit me for anything. The above ideas are yours, not mine. The ideas in my post are free for anyone to amend to, make their own versions off or what not.

As you say, you want more eyes on these ideas. Again, the ideas are now yours to do with as you please, and so I urge you to write your own ideas (based of mine or not, as you prefer), in your own post to spread the message that you have right here in your comment.

You have the experience of being homeless, I have not. You can add a deeper and different perspective compared to me. All I did was share an idea I had. What you can add goes beyond that, I feel.

Always...and in all ways. Yup...seems both are trending.

~smiles fer miles~

I have seen firsthand how homelessness is "big business" and there is much room for corruption and embezzlement. New orgs and charities pop up monthly- it's very profitable and there is noone who watches them! With it being public knowledge- anyone able to view the blockchain, I feel this is a much better model than the current one.

I am an advocate now, and I am working on ideas regarding cryptos and homeless myself. I think we may be on the forefront of something great!

I'm currently homeless with my dog. I'm hoping that steemit along with a portfolio of crypto gathered through my (admittedly pathetic amount of) peerplay tokens (currently I have 1.88 PPY) will allow me to get a small place with a yard so that my dog can live out his last years happy and free.

My blog centers around my efforts to transform an '06 e250 cargo van into a liveable mobile home for the short term.

I would be happy to be a test case for your efforts to bring crypto to the homeless. I know several other homeless (including an old vet, an older man and his young daughter, and a couple that found themselves homeless after getting in trouble with meth.) that live at the same TA I park at.

Great to hear you working as an advocate! The possibilities are mind-blowing and I hope we will see more fantastic projects take form for the betterment of us all.

Good idea, anything to help is good. The public's attitude to the homeless sucks I have been homeless on & off for 32 years people really don't understand why & how people end up like it. There is an attitude that we are lazy uncooperative & even stupid. People look down their nose at us because we are scruffy well you know it's hard to get a change of clothes without the luxury of a wardrobe.

Very interesting and I think it's got legs. there's almost a philosophy emerging on steemit for the near future of the blockchain revolution check out my yesterday's post about how

Universal Basic Income & BlockChain could bring about the economic revolution

Thanks for the comment, glad you like it. I'll bookmark your post and check it out when I can, for sure!

Best of luck @rawbinhutt I think Steemit's got a lot to contribute in shaping the economic revolution, as much for the quality of thinking on the platform as much as the models it's breaking and re-making ..

Great idea :)

Thanks Patelincho!

This is an excellent post. I've said it once and I'll say it again..imagine the issues that crypto and solve in ways regular currency can't.

That said, up'd and resteemed!

Thanks for your support! I agree, there are so many problems that can be hepled with Crypto. So many, we probably haven't even thought about yet.

Maybe someone could create a smart contract where the funds can only be spent at local businesses for stuff like nutritious food and temporary shelter. I think people are very cynical about giving to the homeless, right or wrong, and would be more generous if there was proof that the donations were going to a good cause and not a vice.

The blockchain would be perfect, actually. A homeless person could have their QR code on a sign, and people could send money without stopping traffic or rolling down the window. You could see what someone's balance is and their recent purchases. If someone is out there with their kids at the end of the month and then you see a transfer of a large amount as they get picked up in a nice vehicle (I've actually seen someone picked up or dropped off in nice vehicles more than once in one part of town. Parents asking for donations to send the youth sports team to Delaware for a game always work at the end of the month), you can assume they had to make their mortgage payment. I know this is cynical and there is real need out there, but even the biggest advocates for the homeless would have to admit that there is some shadiness with it in the US at least.

One solution would be for someone to create a wallet that was synched with the local community. The wallet provider would only release funds for approved uses. Once spent, the funds would be converted to the government currency and deposited in the merchant's bank. The wallet addresses would need to have a unique and recognizable descriptor that would prevent someone not in the program showing up on a corner with a QR code linked to an unauthorized wallet.

Yes the people who are having difficulty, should actually be on the block chain. They could be "adopted" easily. Isn' that better than a crypto kitty?

Greta post! Cant wait to help and be a part of this!!! <3 <3 <3 Might start an Aussie one <3

Thanks! As I said, feel free to push this project forward. I merely supply the idea. Do with it whatever you wish! :D