Attack on Crypto-Networker and RevShare-PartnersteemCreated with Sketch.


Since a couple of days Henrik Brockmann is advertising for his upcoming Podcast series “Mach Dich frei durch Network Marketing”. Simultaneously he is giving is second book “Die meisten Networker schwätzen eh nur dumm rum” away for free. Since we have already worked intensively with Henrik Brockmann (e.g. in the shoot and production of the first German RAIN presentation or the live recording of the RAIN presentation in Berlin), it is a good reason to take a closer look at the eBook.

Against the Crypto-Hype

A third of the book is dedicated to Henrik Brockmann and his opinion on the type of Network Marketing he despises and, according to him, has no right to exist. Generally the statements of the author and networker are correct, even if expressed drastically and almost insulting. Henrik Brockmann takes on multi-level marketing, especially those that have committed themselves to the most popular crypto currencies. He sees great potential in payment methods such as Bitcoin or Ethereum and even argues for them as investments, but not in the MLM industry. Especially not if they use multiple levels of yield distribution, commissions for training packages or other cryptic investments.

Actually there have been a lot of Bitcoin clubs, websites with training content and questionable bitcoin services popping up over the last few weeks and months. The hype around crypto currencies is driven by the current bitcoin spot price and coin investors, who became multi millionaires over night. Problematic about the ongoing crypto trend is the plain ignorance and incompetence of participating networkers, financial service providers and hobby traders. Most people can’t grasp how crypto currencies are created, what value they offer and how they are traded. Even more dangerous is the loose willingness to invest of most of the coin networkers.

Snowball Systems are back!

That is written in the eBook “Die meisten Networker schwätzen eh nur dumm rum” on page 5. I asked myself at that very point, when did snowball systems ever disappear. No matter how one defines a snowball system, they were never off the radar. Even malicious Ponzi schemes, run by criminal people with questionable business locations, have survived until today or have invented themselves new and were still there. Today they are set up more professionally, put on autopilot via the internet and spread faster than ever.

Henrik Brockmann talks about the RevShare programmes, the click systems and profit optimized traffic exchange portals. For me it is a non explainable phenomenon, which proves once more, that you can turn shit into money. You can’t describe the ongoing existence of banner-clicking-sites any other way. When I first came into contact with this new packages traffic exchange script with its 3×3 banner window, I became nostalgic and was speechless at the same time. What used to be spare time webmasters transferring a few clicks and visitors between each other, are now online networker and self announced marketing professionals making money like crazy. Since then I’ve been waiting patiently for a networker who holds a burning match in front of my face and tells me about the possibilities of making fire. All for an unbeatable price, of course.

Besides the RevShare programmes mentioned, Henrik Brockmann names a few more sales models or weird MLM concepts from different branches and markets, where networker want to cut themselves a piece of the cake through a cake battle.

Besides the RevShare programs mentioned, Henrik Brockmann names a few more sales models or weird MLM concepts from different branches and markets, where networker want to cut themselves a piece of the cake through a cake battle.

What is real Network Marketing?

Henri Brockmann tries to offer an answer to this question, even more, with his positive attitude towards his own business and his daily prospects für the product or the business opportunity, he mediates values for ethically correct network marketing. Sadly this networker denies all digital value creations their existence and only sees a business as something legit if it has a physical product, which can be sold to the customer.

This statement is simply put just false!

Here are some examples for digital products and services, that are successfully being sold through network marketing:

  • Software (as a download without physical storage device)
  • Smartphone-App with or without in app sales
  • Marketing tools and services (e.g. autoresponder and landing page builder)
  • eBooks, audio books and video tutorials

Amongst others the company NEURS connects entrepreneurs since a couple of years and compensates the premium services of their platform through a network marketing compensation plan.

Purple conclusion: Henrick Brockmann has published a good eBook about network marketing and talked about some important topics, that should be noted by all of the MLM industry. Finally a networker talked about his colleagues and their wrong doings, pertaining to the sale of marketing services. Traditional networkers should stay away from tech themes and online marketing services that need a lot of explanation and they should be especially careful, not to be consumed by sales promotion statements that they themselves can’t explain properly. Despite that, network marketing has its place in the digital world or in other words, a business opportunity is not automatically a fraud, just because there is no physical product.

In a world where digitalization is moving at an ever increasing pace, network marketing must not be excluded from it and will be accompanied by exciting business opportunities in the future.

The german eBook “Die meisten Networker schwätzen eh nur dumm rum” by Henrik Brockmann is available for free at as a .pdf file.

What do you think about crypto currencies and RevShare-Programs in network marketing?

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