Investment fund Cryptonomics Capital

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

All normal people stand for future plans, dream, plan their financial lives. If we analyze the "wants" of such plans and dreams, I am sure there will be 90 percent of the same things and the blessings of our World-our private home, a beautiful machine, provide children with housing and start-up capital for the successful commencement of adulthood, travel a lot, do not save on your health, nutrition, comfort. Surely, you, reading this article, have exactly such dreams or plans for life! I have, incidentally, as a person accustomed to looking at a few steps forward, to the above list also applies to have a certain amount of free funds, the income from owning which will allow to maintain life at the "right" level.

By the way, the difference between dreams and plans, in my opinion, is only that the former remain beautiful pictures in your mind in anticipation of a happy ticket to the lottery, and plans are rather a step-by-step guide on the way to the goals set. Do you have any option?

This article will be useful to those who are still accustomed to taking life into their own hands and to lead their ship not to where the current carries. Today we will consider just one company, one fund created by enthusiasts from Russia, young and already successful people, quite well known in the field of Internet business and not only. With the help of this foundation, each of us can quickly get rich and provide ourselves with the means to achieve the goals that I wrote about in the first paragraph of this article. It's about Cryptonomics. Feedback from a real investor, a review of the opportunities that the fund gives us and all technical points - read on in this article.

Instead of the preface ...

In October 2017, on the wave of wild excitement about crypto currency, my friend and a classmate from Omsk called me and asked about my attitude to Bitkoyn. Not the essence of what was our conversation, but the main thing is that he told me about one investment project, as well as his personal acquaintance with people involved in its creation and promotion. Agree, when you, something tells your close friend (friend, colleague), it is perceived differently, than you just saw an advertisement on the Internet?

In general, this is how I first learned about the company Cryptonomics (Cryptonomiks). I have studied the information that the fund offers to invest in it in bitkoyany under the condition of increasing the deposit by 50% for 2 months. The first thought: "Ah! Hyp! Pyramid! MMM!". That's how I reacted. Especially with my experience of participation in both MMM and HYIP (by the way, for the most part, a successful experience).

But! I decided to listen to one of the webinars, conducted by a certain Nikolay Evdokimov, co-founder of the foundation. The webinar made me think and go into more detail. The fact is that I understood the scheme by which the fund works and where it plans to earn so much money. For me it became clear that this is quite real. Moreover, it earns exactly twice as much, just leaves the second 50% to itself as a reward, and gives 50% to investors. Well, it's quite good, 50% for 2 months ...

He started to google everything that was said on the webinar, to check how much everything corresponds to reality. He studied the personality of the same Evdokimov, who turned out to be quite famous in certain circles in a person, took 6th place in the rating of "Top Young and Successful Entrepreneurs of Russia for 2015" (here you can see), the former director of the very famous in RuNet SeoPult company .

The company's website has information about the founders of the fund:

By the way, I am currently in the Telegram-chat of investors, among which there was Yuri Golovko (pictured above), but he was overcome by issues that are clearly not related to the head of the fund (CEO is our CEO), and he, having bowed , left the chat, leaving this matter to his colleagues. This is to the question of personal acquaintance of my classmate from Omsk with people from among fund managers. If the readers of this article have a desire, I can add to that chat as new investors of the fund (for this write in komenty).

In general, the study of all this information, its verification and comprehensive evaluation on my part, still tipped the scales to the fact that the fund may very well be real and, in this regard, presents an excellent chance to quickly get rich in a short period of time. And I did not make a reservation by writing in the title of the article "how fast to get rich" - not to earn, but to get rich now there is a chance as long as the fund exists and works.

How long it will last I do not know and nobody knows, maybe a year, maybe five years. At least the wave of popularity of crypto-currencies and the associated forms of earning and investing are just beginning their way, and this "bubble", as many are rushing to call crypto-currencies, and especially BitCoin, which is more "publicly visible" to the general public, is probably still very far away from the state of its "critical filling", if it ever happens at all. And while many "sit on the fence," watching how bitkoyn makes +100% of its value in a month, people who are ready to take less risks to get much more in the future receive more than earnings.

Why am I talking about bitkoyn? The matter is that the fund accepts payments in криптоалюте. So far only bitkoyn, but within the next month promised to connect a number of other crypto-currencies.


He himself did not notice how he began to delve into the details of the investment process, so we turn to the main part of this article.
Brief information about the Cryptonomics Foundation

For starters, I will give a definition for those who are not in the topic of crypto-currencies and associated with them.

ICO - Initial coin offering - a form of investment attraction in the form of selling to investors a fixed number of new units of crypto-currencies received by a single or accelerated emission. There is also a form of "primary offer of tokens".

The term "ICO" is formed by analogy with the IPO (English Public Offering - the initial public offering of shares).

The main differences between ICO and IPO:

at the ICO there is currently no state regulation, typical for IPO and any other public financial and investment activities;
purchasers of tokens or crypto-currencies do not have corporate rights similar to those that owners of shares receive.
The issue of regulation, already actively discussed at all possible levels, is a matter of time. The difference in rights is fundamental. Tokens are inherently closer to bonds, loans.
This definition is from the Wikipedia site.

So, now I will answer the question what the foundation is doing:

you, as an investor, transfer funds to the fund Cryptonomics
the minimum amount of the deposit is -0.07 btc (in dollars, count yourself, the rate is different every day)
The fund selects the best ICO-projects and funds each of them
each selected ICO project provides its own tokens to the Cryptonomics fund
the Cryptonomics fund implements tokens through its own infrastructure (a pool of outside external investors, not fund investors)
the fund returns to the investor the invested funds + profit, as well as earns himself
At the thoughtful reader the question arises - and how they select ICO-projects which "will shoot" ?? I asked them one of the first. The thing is that they themselves organize the ICO for all comers well. One of the founders of the fund, Nikolay Evdokimov is also the founder of ICOBOX, which promotes ICO projects. That is, they see the whole kitchen of the project from within and evaluate each of them comprehensively from the perspective of its prospects, which is called "shoot" (for "scientific" this is called scoring). That you understand, when the project "shoots" and its tokens start to be bargained on a stock exchange, their cost rises on thousand percent happens! Basically of course more modest, but 100-150% increase in the price of tokens after the successful ICO is quite real numbers to date.

In addition, information was received that the management of the fund initiated the procedure for obtaining a license for the company's activities in the jurisdiction of Switzerland, which for us as investors means full security of the invested funds under the protection of the most reliable financial regulator in the world. Let me remind you that at the moment the company is registered in the USA.
At the end of this article, I attached 5 video records of the open webinars of the fund and an interview with an employee of ICO BOX, having seen which, you can fully understand what and how it works in the fund, where does this profit come from and understand whether you should invest in it. So with this moment, I think the issue is closed.

Information for self-study:

Here you can see the PDF-presentation about the work of the fund
Here is the website of the fund itself (at the time of writing, the site is absolutely no, but already in January promised a new one)
A bit of the biography of the founder of the foundation Nikolay Evdokimov
The article with the rating of TOP of successful businessmen of Russia (Nikolay Evdokimov on the 6th place of the rating)
Interview of Forbs magazine with Nikolay Evdokimov
Interesting article about the fund in RBC.

How much can you earn in the fund? And how fast to get rich, damn it ?!

Further, I will try to be brief, since I am already beginning to get tired of writing this article and will continue briefly and in fact.

In general, at the time when I invested my 1000 dollars in the fund on October 27, 2017, there was only one type of investment portfolios - 50% of the amount for 2 months. I put in 1 bitcoin, in 2 months I get 1.5 - it's easy.

Only due to the growth of the bitcoin cost, which on October 27 cost about $ 5,800, I increased my assets in this fund quite well. Here is a screenshot of the movement of funds from a personal cabinet -

So, let's take a concrete math on the example of the past two months, during which I invested in the project.

October 27 invested $ 1000. At that time, 0.174 BTC at the rate of 5800 $ for 1 bitkoyn.
On December 29 I received on my account 0.174 * 1.5 = 0.261 BTC
for these two months bitkoyn significantly grown and at the time of writing the article is $ 12800 (while the article has already edited 14 000)
0,261 BTC * 12800 $ = $ 3340 - the amount on my current account in dollars
for 2 months yield in foreign currency was 234%
And this is in view of the fact that at the moment bitkoyn is in the drawdown and not so long ago its cost reached 20,000 dollars per unit of crypto currency.

But that's not the point.

How to get rich then? - I still have not answered. I answer further.

At the moment (December 30, 2017) the fund no longer receives funds in portfolio No. 1, which I just described, because its maximum "capacity" is limited by a certain amount, more than which the fund simply is not able to enforce of their obligations to investors. Funds are already being accepted into portfolio # 2, and soon 3 and 4 crypto-briefcases will be announced as well. But first things first.

On the second portfolio, the investment scheme is different. There is no fixed yield as in the first case. The essence of the second portfolio is that the fund invests in the 10 best ICO projects, which he himself "enforces". Since the beginning of the work until the tokens of the projects in which the investments are made, will go to the exchange and significantly increase in price, runs from 4 to 8 months. It is during this period of time that you will receive profit on your settlement account together with the contribution body. The timing is higher, but the yield has also increased, which now amounts to 700 - 900% per annum in the crypto currency. In other words, for 4-8 months we can expect 466-600% of net income, that is multiplying the invested amount by 5-6 times.

To answer the question how quickly to get rich on this, I'll give a simple calculation using the amount of investment that now lies on my own account in the fund.

So, after 2 months of work in portfolio No. 1, my deposit increased to 0.261 BTC. Let's simplify the calculation a little round it down to 0.25 - let it be our error for force majeure.

I have just invested the entire amount in portfolio # 2 in order to earn 466-600% of net income within the next 4-8 months or 0.25 * 5 (let the average be 5 times). The result of my investments in the specified period of time should be 1.25 BTC on the account. What do you think I will do with them, following my goal to try a chance to get rich quick on this? Of course, I reinvest them in full!

Suppose that the first 4-8 months were successful, and I again invested all the funds in the same portfolio with a yield of 466-600% (or again 5 times for convenience of calculation and ease of perception).

1,25 * 5 = 6,25 BTC
6 bitcoins! And how much is this ?? Now it is 80 000 dollars or 4 700 000 rubles. I got rich ?? In accordance with my goals, about which I wrote at the beginning of the article - NO! So I put the whole amount in a new circle.

Let me remind you that 8-16 months have passed since the investment began. Let's continue!

6.25 * 5 = 31.25 BTC or 400 000 $ or 23 500 000 rubles (this is for a period of 12 to 24 months, that is, 1-2 years)

And now the magic, gentlemen!

All calculations in dollars and rubles are given taking into account the fact that the rate bitkoyna for this time does not change and is equal to today's 12 800 dollars. Do you believe that? Many large investors are predicting bitcoin growth far above this amount. And the figures range from 40 to 100 thousand dollars in the medium term.

And now recalculate the same 6.25 and 31 bitokoyn (1 year and a year and a half of investment under the given strategy of full reinvestment) taking into account that its cost will be already 40 000 $ instead of 20 000 $, which it recently already cost.

6.25 BTC * 40 000 $ = 250 000 $ or 14 700 000 rubles
31 BTC * 40 000 $ = 1 240 000 $ or 72 912 000 rubles
And now I'm ready to consider it as wealth! 72 million rubles or 1.2 million dollars from a deposit of only $ 1000! Is this even possible ?? In the current conditions, YES! Of course, everything can change, the fund can for some reason stop paying or something else. But! Just think about the ratio of profit / risk! They are simply not conceivable! No other projects, known to me to date, do not give even a small fraction of this scenario of the chance to quickly become rich.

Maybe I'm idealizing, maybe I'm wrong ... but I prefer to act and torture chances. Personally, it's better for me to regret what I did, and not about what I did not do! And one more good saying and habit - most risky is the one who does not risk at all! Exactly!

And indeed! Nobody prevents me from deducing the amount of the contribution that I originally made on the first receipt of profit, thereby observing the subsequent process relaxed and risking nothing.

I personally bet on Cryptonomiks! That's right - I bet! This is a great chance and I do not want to stay away.

How to invest in Cryptonomics?

In order to become an investor of the fund, you need to have some idea about working with crypto-currencies. Registration on the website of the fund is not difficult, but replenishing the wallet will require additional skills from you. Well about this in order.

Step # 1 - registration on the fund's website
Follow this link to go to the fund's website. Do not pay attention to the frankness of the design of the site, the developers promised by mid-January to submit a new Diz. After the transition, press the red button Sign Up -

Fill out the form by simply entering your working e-mail, enter the password twice, check the box and click the Continue button -

After the form has been successfully submitted, you will be notified that registration has been successfully completed and will be asked to confirm registration by clicking on the link sent to the specified e-mail. This is what this letter looks like -

You need to click on the specified link. After that you will be on the authorization page, where you need to enter your email and password to enter your personal cabinet (LC).

Immediately after entering the LC you will be asked to fill in the profile data -

Click on the link above to go to the profile editing page -

Here enter the name, phone number and address of your bitcoin-purse for making payments.
At the initial stage, you can leave this field empty, as it will only take you a few months to make a profit.

Step # 1.1 - verification of KYC
According to the requirements of the world financial regulators (I recall that the fund is currently registered in the US), the company is obliged to conduct a customer identification procedure, which is abbreviated as KYC - (know your customer):

There are no difficulties here. Click on the link in the top menu -

On the opened page fill out all your personal data in English and load 2 photos:

scan-copy of the front side of the passport (where the photo and signature)
Selfie (frontal photo of the head and shoulders on the phone or laptop camera)
After downloading, press the "Submit a KYC" button and that's it.

Step # 2 - replenishment of balance
Next you have to refill the balance of your office for at least 0.07 BTC. To do this, go to the DashBoard tab and click on the "Add money to current account" button.

Or immediately scroll the page with the block to get the address for the transfer of funds -

After clicking on the button Get Address for Payment (get the address for payment) you will have here such information -

On the right, you see the BTC address for the transfer. You can transfer funds to it from anywhere, from the exchanger, and from your bitcoin-purse.
In general, you need to specify your data, purse numbers (or accounts from which you transfer money), and the requisites window for sending funds must specify the same BitCoin address that you received in the personal account of Cryptonomics (long string of letters and numbers ).

In fact, nothing complicated. Keep in mind that the average transfer time on the BitCoin network is 30-40 minutes, but it can be much longer, depending on the amount of transfer commission.

Step # 3 - Transfer of funds to the deposit
After replenishing the account on the fund's website, your money is not yet in work. For this you need to send them to one of the available portfolios.

At the time of writing, this is portfolio # 2.

Simply enter the amount and click the Translate button.

Your deposit is at work! All cash flows are displayed in the Payments tab.

If you are experiencing difficulties at any stage, you can contact me for advice.

At the end of the article, I recommend that you watch the webinar records conducted by Nikolay Evdokimov in October-December 2017, in which he answers in sufficient detail all possible questions about the fund's work, technical details and plans. You can start with the most recent webinar, which was held on December 27, 2017 .

The link for registration in the fund is listed in my profile.



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