PIVX Steemit Original: Meet a PIVian interview series - javieralexvr
Hello fellow Steemians and PIVians! Welcome to our "PIVX Steemit Original: Meet a PIVian interview series".
At PIVX, we're all about our community and with our Meet a PIVian interview series we want to put PIVians in the spotlight. Make sure to check in often for a new one!

This time we interviewed a PIVian known as “javieralexvr”.

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
Hello everyone! My name is Javier Villarroel. I’m 23 years old and currently coursing my last year for my mechanical engineering degree at the Simon Bolivar University in Caracas, Venezuela. I make a living thanks to the internet. My income from the last 3 years come from giving online math and physics tutoring lessons at www.chegg.com, a little freelance work and mostly from trading cryptocurrency.
Thanks to cryptocurrency I actually got rich in December 2017, by making more than 11000% of profit on my initial investment, but I couldn’t handle the downtrend and got badly liquidated and lost most of it. I took it as a lesson and I keep thinking that if I could get rich once, I can do it again. This is just the beginning of the blockchain revolution.
I love technology and one of my hobbies is to do 3d modelling and printing, and thanks to the December pump I bought my own 3d printer.
What is your screen name, avatar and how did you get them?
My screen name is “javieralexvr” which is an acronym of my full name, Javier Alexander Villarroel Romero. My Discord avatar is a picture of me wearing a PIVX t-shirt which Rhubarbarian send me after asking me to join the Ambassador program, which I did.

When and why did you get into cryptocurrency?
I first heard about cryptocurrency from a friend in 2014 around the time Bitcoin crashed from $1000 to $200 so I did not pay much attention to it. It wasn’t until January 2017 when I was looking for ways to avoid the financial restriction and hyperinflation in my country that I understood what Bitcoin and blockchain could really do and why the technology will change systems. Since then, I have read a lot about blockchain technology and the projects around the technology and I started trading cryptocurrencies with my cousin and a friend from the university.
When and why did you get into PIVX?
I learned about governance systems in cryptocurrencies because I went to a cryptocurrency meetup one day where that was a topic. I found the topic so interesting that I started doing some research and I found out about PIVX. I learned it is a fine project with great development. I decided to join the community in March 2018 because I wanted to be part of it and help getting PIVX grow worldwide.
What is your favorite thing about PIVX?
The community. It is friendly and always open to answer questions, discussing any topic or helping you out with whatever you need. Also, I like how the developers create things that have never been done in any other project like zPoS (private staking). PIVX is at the vanguard of the blockchain movement when it comes to privacy.
People might not know that you’ve organized meetups in Venezuela and promoting PIVX is a big part of them. Thank you for doing so by the way! Can you tell us how the first meetup came to be?
As I started to be part of the Ambassador program one of the tasks is to promote PIVX in your locality, which I did with the help of “seismicsoft”. We hosted the first meetup about PIVX in May and I consider that it went well. There were 14 attendees and we talked about cryptocurrency, wallets, privacy, governance, merchant adoption and PIVXplaces. For me, it was a nice experience and I learned a lot because I am not used to talk in front of a crowd, so I was a little nervous.

Being a DAO with community governance, you’ve submitted a proposal to take your promotional activities to the next level. However, that proposal didn’t pass. Can you tell us what you think about our community governance, how your proposal came to be, and perhaps what you learned from it?
I gathered a team to work on the idea of starting the first PIVX office in Latin America to promote PIVX and support the Spanish speaking community. Unfortunately, the proposal did not pass. There were a few reasons why it did not pass, and I got a few pointers on how to improve my idea for a future re-submission. In the meantime, I also started working on other small projects to keep promoting PIVX. These experiences have helped me in having many interactions with members and I’ve gotten to know the community much better.
As you know we have recently released zPoS which enables PIVX users to stake privately. What do you think about this feature and are you using this feature already?
I think this feature is amazing, not just because PIVX is the first coin to implement such a feature but because it allows users to privately stake their coins and support the network. I am not using the feature yet but would love to make an investment to support PIVX network in the future.
Knowing about all the exciting things on our roadmap and community projects, what is it that you’re most excited about?
Definitely the zDEX. Having a way to exchange PIVX for Bitcoin without intermediaries is going to be great!
What is your favorite color?
Red is my favorite color but since joining the community I’m starting to enjoy “keeping it purple”.
Do you have a crypto dream?
Yes, I do. My dream is to see the day we achieve real adoption where you can use cryptocurrency to acquire goods and services easily and they are considered legitimate payment. I hope to see this evolution and be a part of the changes in current financial systems that it will bring.
Last question: Do you have a prediction for PIVX at the end of this year and can you elaborate on that?
PIVX development is going well, but this is a question that depends on the crypto market as a whole. I believe that PIVX could test new highs at around $20 but only if Bitcoin starts a new bull trend and I am not so sure that this will happen this year. Anyway, we just need to continue to do our work with PIVX as this is a community-based project and it will eventually payoff. There’s no doubt about it!
Would you like to have a chat with javieralexvr? Would you like to know more about PIVX? Join our Discord! (you can find the link below)
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ALL PIVX community members, feel free to RESTEEM this article! Let’s keep spreading the word of our amazing community focused privacy centric global cryptocurrency.
Keep it purple people!
es excelente saber que la comunidad de PIVX en mi pais esta creciendo y se mantiene en pie!!
Hay sir. .. what's up ...? I hope you are well the reason is lf you not good then you could not post this.
It's good to see your post....☺& sir your posts help me a lot
Bye sir....we will talk again with your new one post.☺