A PIVX Steemit Original: Meet a Pivian interview series - Jeko
Hello fellow Steemians and Pivians! Welcome to our "PIVX Steemit Original: Meet a Pivian interview series".
At PIVX, we're all about our community and with our Meet a Pivian interview series we want to put Pivians in the spotlight. Make sure to check in often for a new one!

This time we interviewed a Pivian known as "Jeko".
Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
Hi! My name is Jeffrey, and I'm 21 years old. I live in France and I'm a web developer. I have many hobbies beside what I do for a living and they are PIVX, PIVX and PIVX...
Jokes aside (although being a Pivian is one of my hobbies and it has grown to become more than that), I'm a really creative guy. I love to imagine things, create them but often I find myself destroying a lot until I finally create what I intended. I tend to destroy things because I'll be convinced that what I've done is crap. I'm not kidding, I can spend 3 months on something and then decide to destroy it because I'm like "god, that's really ugly". This must be because of my perfectionist nature, but once it feels good it will be good and I'll be really proud of it.
One thing I'm currently really proud of, is all the work I have done in and for the PIVX Community! I've grown to become a French PIVX Ambassador and I started managing the French PIVX Twitter account! Did I mention that I love PIVX?

What is your screen name, avatar and how did you get them?
My screen name is 'Jeko' and it may be weird, but I like it! The 'Je' stands for the first letters of my name (little reminder: Jeffrey) and the 'ko' well... I don't really know but it sounded kind of cool! I don't really have an avatar, sometimes I have a photo of myself, sometimes I don't even have one. Lately my mind settled on having my own photo for my avatar.

When and why did you get into cryptocurrency?
The first time I set foot in the cryptocurrency world was 2 and a half years ago when I discovered a certain coin. I was reading some random articles about technology when I noticed something about cryptocurrency and mining hardware. I found it really intriguing and I decided to go deeper on that discovery and researched more and more. I started to learn how to mine and that was how I started in this beautiful world.
When and why did you get into PIVX?
In February 2017 a guy messaged me (I don't remember his screen name) and said "Hey, there is a coin called Darknet that will soon rebrand into PIVX and its Proof of Stake!!!". We had a talk and I decided to join the Slack at that time and there were like 30 people in it. Very soon after I knew that PIVX would become something huge in the future (and I was right). :)
I offered to help in any way I could, I started to manage the Slack community. I helped with the website, Twitter and some other things. It was a lot of work, but it was really worth it! Especially when you see how far PIVX has come one year later!
What is your favorite thing about PIVX?
I must definitely say that it's the community. In my entire life, I've never seen so many kind people. Everyone is so helpful and so amazing and that has never changed. The first day I stepped into the Sack, everyone was ready to help me. Come to the Discord now and that will be exactly the same. PIVX is about community and helping each other and I really do think that no one is doing that better than PIVX.
What is your favorite color?
Purple has a special place in my hearth because of PIVX. But besides that, I'm going with green. Green is a really interesting color because you can find it everywhere and it goes with everything if you choose the right tone. When I do something, I try as hard as I can to put green in it and the result is always amazing. It's my touch. :)
Do you have a crypto dream?
Everyone has a crypto dream, most people surely want lots of money and things. I would lie if I would say that I don't want money, but that's only a tiny percent of my dream. My dream is bigger than that. If I can I want to help everyone, put smiles on people's faces and make them forget about bad days… That's a big dream, but I do believe I have an even bigger community behind me to help me do that.
Last question: Do you have a prediction for PIVX at the end of this year and can you elaborate on that?
Well I don't like to give price predictions, especially when we are having tough days with Bitcoin being like a rollercoaster. But if we put all of this aside, if the developers keep working hard like they are currently doing (and I'm sure they will), we may go to $50 per PIV for Christmas. It's not only a developer effort, but it is a community effort. I'm trusting all the Pivians and future ones to help us getting bigger than ever to finally get to the place that PIVX deserves to be at.
Like always, stay awesome, and keep it purple!
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Keep it purple people!
Excellent, I've seen JEKO around for this entire year and for whatever reason I've never really got to know him, seems like a great guy.
it is great and exciting to find people around the world who love this community to this purple family of pivx, it is true that there are no people as graduated as the community, I do not get tired of thanking this family
One of my favorite things about PIVX is its community, very interesting people all around the world.