
You have some kind of alert for this contest or what? I always see you first. (Gonna start working on mine soon). xD haha

@michellerhey, if you follow the contest bot you will get a memo in your wallet with a .001 deposit to your wallet. There will be a link to the contest in the memo. If you are accessing your wallet on a mobile device you may need to rotate your screen horizontally to see the details of the memo text. Vertical view only says who I got a deposit from on my device. Hope this helps you get the message faster, but I doubt it will help you beat the @outerground beast of a writing machine. Cheers!

I am following originalworks, but I wasn't aware of the contest bot. I'll follow that one too. Thanks. : D

I must be psychic. or perhaps I'm just in the right time zone ! @michellerhey.. I'm waiting to see your entry this week... & @mitnebs actually I did sign up to follow @contestbot.. i thought everyone did !

Yeah, @outerground, the first couple of weeks I couldn't figure out how the heck you were able to post an entry so quickly. I almost missed this weeks entry, but just happened to turn my phone horizontal, and the memos showed their complete messages, and Voila!, there it was! Cheers!

I missed the last contest unfortunately. Now I've got updates though so I should be good. :D

even weirder. my time zone is GMT and about 9pm on a friday evening I would logon and the first thing I'd see is the competition announcement. It was kind of a fluke, then I was introduced to contestbot and it still seems like whatever time the contest is announced is about the same time as I get online.

It must be your destiny, @outerground! You can't escape this weekly contest!

I do write fast too

That's an understatement, @outerground! You are a warp-speed Jedi of writing!

well, I do have a liquid cooled keyboard and JED is my other name ;) I have been known as Yoda in the past :!

That's just plain eerie, @outerground! 🤣

it's not really spooky, just a lot of hard work training my mind.. I did learn to speed read as a kid and was a spelling Bee, so that kind of helped. what's your secret ? oh and while we're here, what's @mitneb all about, is it your name backwards or something >> bentim