Orozu soon to be on the CoinMarketCap List
To most investors, Market Capitalization is the best means of estimating how much money they might be able to make from a cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple and soon Orozu. To get the Price of the coin, take the volume weighted average of all the prices reported on the market section on each cryptocurrency page, for example orozu.com. To calculate the Market Cap, the Price is multiplied by the Circulating Supply. Circulating Supply refers to the approximate number of coins that are in the general public’s hands and it is a metric for determining market cap. The total amount of coins in existence minus the number of coins that have been burned is called Total Supply while Max Supply is an approximation of the maximum amount of coins that will ever exist in its lifetime. Some coins can’t affect the price as such coins are either locked, reserved or can’t be sold on the public market and therefore should not affect the market cap.
Orozu is projected to get listed on the coin market cap by midyear because of its liquidity as a coin. To be listed, the cryptocurrency or token must be on a public exchange with an API that reports the last traded price and the last 24 hour trading volume. Also, on at least one supported exchange, it must have a non-zero trading volume so a price can be determined. An accurate circulating supply figure is a requirement for market cap ranking as well.
Supporters of Orozu community are optimistic that CoinMarketCap will soon be reporting on Orozu’s trading activities like it does for thousands of other markets. It does not however directly sell any cryptocurrency so the way to purchase is by registering on https://www.orozu.com , best place to start off your cryptocurrency experience.
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