Crypto lingo & explanation for beginners
What do slangs like HODL, To the Moon and When Lambo mean?
Here are a few expressions and abbreviations used in the Crypto space and what they mean.
AltCoins are generally any coin or token that isn't bitcoin.
So you can say we have two classes of coins:
Bitcoin and Altcoins
FUD stands for "Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt".
FUDster is someone who spreads FUD.
ATH stands for "All Time High". ATH is what we say happens when a coin or token reaches prices or valuation it hasn't reached since it's inception.
[Image Source]
Fiat is legal tender or paper money usually issued by government & banks.
Old money, according to blockchain Millenials, if you will.
P&D stands for pump and dump.
According to Wikipedia,
p&d involves artificially inflating the price of an owned asset through false and misleading positive statements, in order to sell the cheaply purchased assets at a higher price.
A whale is a big time player in cryptocurrency space; a very wealthy cryto asset owner whose assets are worth millions of dollars, possibly billions and in essence, power to swing/manipulate the market.
Proof of Stake. It is a consensus algorithm. I will make a post on consensus methods and how they work soon.
Proof of Work Consensus method
Bullish sentiments is an expectation that the market valuation of an item question will appreciate/increase.
Bearish is the opposite of bullish. Bearish is simply when market price of an item in question depreciates.
ICO stands for "Initial Coin Offering".
TA stands for "Technical Analysis".
FA represents "Fundamental Analysis".
FOMO is "Fear of Missing Out".
Satoshi can be the smallest fraction of a Bitcoin that can currently be sent: 0.00000001 BTC or when making reference to the original Bitcoin creator: The anonymous Satoshi Nakamoto.
A wallet is a place to hold your crypto assets.
This Expression is used to express the value of a cryptocurrency asset shooting up very high.
A fork is when a new blockchain is created from an existing blockchain usually because the developers developing the forked blockchain have varying opinions on how the project should proceed.
HODL means 'Hold on For Dear Life'. It simply implies that you should hold not seller your assets regardless of how good or bad the market. Most of cryptocurrency assets are undervalued, albeit some being massively overvalued [Yes, I'm looking at you TRX]. General opinion dictates that we are still in the early stages of the blockchain era and that's why we have to HODL.
You aren't fully initiated into the Crypto community if you have no idea what Lambo is.
Lambo is short for Lamborghini, a car you might never own unless you HODL ;)
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You should send link of this to groups
You did a really good job, i didnt know some of those
Thanks much
Thank you :)
Any idea which groups I can send links to?
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