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RE: Cryptocurrency Question Wednesday:

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago

Just to be the one to point this out. I firmly believe that Crypto-currencies will be adopted by Government (If they weren't really invented by one to begin with) and will be tied to microchip implants. This is exactly what the Bible foretold 2000 plus years ago would happen. If I am wrong, no big deal, just some crazy Christian right? But if and when you begin to see microchipping of humans (Oh yeah they already are...) then you might want to pause and think. I could point out that RFID microchips can be equated with the number 666 as well. If A=1 B=2 Etc....Then R=18 and 3x3x2=18....F=6 and 2x3=6....I=9 and 3x3=9....D=4 and only 2x2=4. If you take the common denominator of the first three letters, 3, and multiply it by the common denominator of the last letter, 2, then you get 2x3, 2x3, 2x3 or 666. Just something to think about....


Exactly. They want complete control of the individual.

Yes they do, and I truly believe there will be something that it does to your "Soul" that makes you unacceptable to God.

If governments force the microchipping of people there will be a worldwide revolt against it. Additionally, from my perspective, Yah is quite forgiving and as a father he will be understanding towards those belivers who consent to the governments even though he will be disappointed that it happened to one of his children.

I would argue that perhaps you should read Revelation. He is very clear that it will not be forgiven.

Have read it my brother...and I believe that Yah is more understanding than the book says. And just so we are clear, I will stand up for my rights before allowing a chip to be implanted.

Hmmmm so you have read the word but don't believe it? I am glad you won't accept the chip, but I challenge you to stop trying to reinterpret the word. It says what it says, not what you want it to say.

Take care brother and may Yah bless you always.

Is there a way to vote something here to indicate that it is total BS. Because man, your theory is a piece of crap. And I don't mean any disrespect to you personally but you should be held accountable for Do you want to know why? First because you pick an acronym in English, that complies with 666 value by your own set of rules, that are not even universal. Get the same acronym in French, do you get 666 value? No. German? Nope. etc etc.

So does that mean that only RFID in english speaking countries is the works of the devil and not in the rest? What if we change the name of the technology? oh, then it is not evil!!

If you want to find signs you can force your rules so to get the results that confirm your bias.
It is fine if you do that in your home and so. But spreading idiotic ideas, while possible and you are free to do so, should be pointed out.

You are as free to say so as we are to point out it is an idiotic idea.

I am glad you have an opinion. I will be a lot less forgiving in my criticism than you are. You are not going to have me do your research for you. There's is a neat thing called Google, try using it before you criticize. God Bless.