Convenient factor for the Crypto Bounty Programs
Convenient factor
With the emerging new cryptocurrency projects and all of these projects offers Bounty programs for the community. Most of these bounty programs are failed due to different reasons and majority of the bounty programs are failed due lack of focus on the bounty Points update by the bounty admins + bounty hunters forgot to update their activities. Almost all the bounty programs are design to capture the bounty activities in manual way with a use of google spreadsheets.
This is a super hard activity for the bounty hunters since they have to have track of their bounty activities specially to copy all of these activities such as Facebook/twitter/Instagram & LinkedIn likes, share comments in the form of URL’s.
We are talking about digitization & digital currency usage with block chain technology, decentralization the terms go on and on but yet still most of the social activities are captured in manual form by bunch admins, The main problem of this manual process is, it’s hard to maintain the consistency of updating the stakes or the points assigned to the bounty user, since it’s not automated takes longer time to get it updated.
why not atomizing bounty programs !!
Interestingly most of the social media platforms offers API’s to capture the user activity if user has given access to the bounty application. So why not use to prevent this hassle of capturing bounty activities??
Live example of atomizing the bounty program
Bethereum an Ethereum based Social Betting Platform has taken steps to atomize the bounty program with Facebook, Twitter, Telegram and a bounty leader board. They have assigned point scheme for each social activity and capture it into their platform automatically by social API’s. This has Revolutionized the conventional spreadsheet based bounty program and according to the Bethereum team they have gain the attraction of 45,000 members within 1 week with one of the highest Telegram community of 52,000 members. Since the point scheme it atomized bounty hunters can check their points in LIVE.
As a Cryptocurrency enthusiastic I hope new projects will think of this atomizing process to make life easier for both admins and bounty hunters.
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