John McAfee on Infinite Power, Horror of Human Mind
I did this interview on May 27, 2016, and at only three minutes, it remains one of my favorites of all time.
News2Share's Ford Fischer asks John McAfee, then a Libertarian presidential candidate and renowned computer scientist, what the internet has taught him about liberty. McAfee explains that the internet has revealed, "Two possible diverging paths: one, the infinite power of the human mind, magnified to this day. Two, the infinite horror of the dark side of humans."
Fischer goes on to ask McAfee about his vice presidential pick, Judd Weiss, and the new ad released by him telling its viewers to "kill politics." McAfee defines politics as "those practices and procedures needed to gain power in government and retain power in government."
"Can you think of a more horrifying concept?" he asked.
The interview concluded as a campaign staffer directed him to a New York Times interview, which he refused.
"I don't talk to the New York Times," he told the reporter. "They trashed me three and a half years ago."
Since his presidential run, McAfee has led MGTI, a company working in cryptocurrency mining and digital security.
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I didn't even know he ran for president?? I would have voted for him. He's great!
He originally ran on the "Cyber Party" ticket which garnered only him, then switched to Libertarian Party where he finished third place for the nomination.
That guy is a riot, the media would wish for the good old days of Donald Trump.
Apparently he ran for president. You learn something new everyday! ha
Yea in 2016
He was the runner up I believe or 3rd runner up to Gary Johnson for libertarian party. Gary is a phony republican pretending to be a libertarian! John would of had more votes in general
He's been boring lately imo
John McAffy seems like a nice person to me. It is sad that you dont hear about simple people like him, running for American presidency on the media. Because it is impossible for simple straightforward people to be successful in American politics. The people that come to power are demon-possessed illuminati puppets. Hilary, Bush, Clinton and Obama were not normal people.
Democracy is a hoax.
This guy, McAfee, is allegedly not clean himself. Apparently, he took bribes for promoting ICOs.
I have heard these rumors but would like more evidence too
Just go to youtube and search on the subject. There are bots designed to trade those pumped crypto based on his tweets
I don’t doubt it
I just haven’t seen any evidence and most don’t respond. I will search for it where u said to 👍
and keep following the feed after that with date stamp and follow along the respective coin chart with exact time stamps
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
He claimed his Twitter was hacked during that period
I’m not saying he was yelling Truth maybe he lied but just saying
Remember when he was living in Belize and his neighbor got shot dead and when they sought to question John he fled the country. Definitely the actions of an innocent man.
Now that I’ve researched and u my friend are spewing the media’s story. U should do some research before calling John a murdering man
You are wrong
Dudee John Macafee is psychoo. Look up the netflix docu about him. He took over a entire island about 5 years ago. He hired an army on the island to take it. He hired hookers to shit in his mouth because he liked that. And on top of that he murderd his neighbour and moved back to the US. He moved to the US so he wouldn't be convicted for this!
This is all truee look it up!
Great interview! Mcafee a reasonably priced anti-virus software.
John McAfee has the infinite shill power of course--the new ICO and shitcoin guru for the illiterate investors.
I have never seen in history somebody man handling cryptos like he does, pumping and dumping at will.