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RE: Mastering timing for trade

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

Whatever your argument, I just don't like Warren Buffett anymore!!!

And YOU SHOUDN'T mentioned his name on steemit.



Buffett, Buffett, Buffett. Just joking man. I agree with you 100%. The old man may have once been a role model, but that was back in the fiat criminal central bankers days. (Before the age of Satoshi) We are free now. Free to make money from home with Steemit. Free to mine cryptocurrencies. Free to send money to anyone in the world who has a smartphone.

Besides, he is on that Fear Monger train to dispel anything and all that is good with crypto... only to protect fiat and the banking industry. It's all he knows and he will do or say anything to disrupt the crypto space. I don't trust him now.

Actually his stance on crypto is no different from his initial stance on technology. If he doesn't understand the product he takes a dim view of it. My how that has changed as witnessed by his AAPL holding.

AAPL is not BTC!

Correct! It's not about AAPL it's about the concept of understanding. Until Buffet spends some time understanding cryptocurrency his view will be negative toward it. As a buy and hold investor I doubt that he will spend the time to do so.

Ha, he doesn't likely have much time left to Hold onto anything for very long!

P.S. I like your moto at your profile :-)

Just a modified version of the "Golden Rule!" It would be a good thing if most everyone could live this way, huh? And I don't care for Warren Buffet lately myself.

We should learn even from people that we don't like. I hate what he is talking about crypto but that doesn't mean that we can't learn anything from him...

True. What I have learned lately is that I don't like his integrity. If he doesn't know anything about crypto, then he should say so instead of selling himself out for the benefit of his kind. Turned himself into a liar is what he has done.

+1 😁

Don't worry @cicbar. I will support you. Good post!

Thanks I appreciate it :)

That Warren Buffet quote hit me so hard.

Warren Buffet - He says a lot, but believe they do not understand what they're saying. And I do not know what will happen next!

Buffet is an investor of the past and no longer has the risk tolerance of those in the crypto market. He doesn't understand the market and thus his opinion on crypto is irrelevant.

Yes 100% right. It’s likr football player telling us how to play basketball.

I’m sure most of the core strategy can be applied for both old day and crypto investment. But crypto game it’s self more of a millennial game.

Why not? He is investor with good rules and I don't care if he hates Bitcoin. Some of his rules are doable at any investing strategy so they are good at Crypto investing also.

Hi Cicbar :)
Warren Buffett investment in like Coca-cola contribute to nearly 137,000 deaths a year from diabetes, 45,000 deaths from heart disease, and a few more thousand a year from Cancer.

So DO you like an investor who care more about the ROI than negative impact in the society ?

I would agree with you if people don't know how Coca Cola is unhealthy. Most of people know that it is bad but still drink it. It is not Warren Buffett's fault. Even I drink Coke sometimes with Pizza :-) I know what is your point but you know for sure that many factors have influence at diseases, not just Coca Cola. Usually people who drink Coke, live very unhealthy. Warren Buffett drinks Coke every day and he is 80+...

Warren Buffett era investment strategy = ROI with compounding interest

Crypto investment era = ROI with compounding impact.

And the world needs a lot of impact. So we’re here to help people and getting richer by doing good!

2018 + = WORLD LOVE II
1948 - = WORLD WAR II

+1 I hope we will get there :-)

I believe we'll get there!

It's what he puts in his coke that keeps him going! 😋

Ha ha! True!

lol, this makes me laugh of the day.