They earn more than gold. And they will be worth more. A revolution is waiting for virtual money

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

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All thanks to ethereum, a new cryptocurrency that can not only dethrone the famous bitcoin, but also change the way we pay and save.

Today, the world of virtual money, or cryptocurrencies that exist only in the form of a computer file, seems to be fairly orderly. In principle, their synonym is pioneer bitcoin, which for several years has been igniting the minds of investors and opportunity hunters, hunting for quick profit. Evidence? A few days ago - May 25 - for one bitcoin you had to pay as much as 2730 dollars, the most in his history since 2009. (Considering the fact that at the beginning of January its rate fluctuated around a thousand dollars, the increase in value should be considered impressive). And although after a few days the value of the virtual currency falls to a mere $ 29,79, interest in it does not diminish

Only that bitcoin can no longer count on the monopoly position in the world of computer money. The value of ethereum grows very much. In December, the exchange rate of the existing digital currency in less than two years ranged slightly below $ 8, at the end of March it reached $ 50, at the end of May to climb to $ 203 per unit. And all this in the case of a currency that can be paid in very few stores or service outlets in the world, and its main turnover takes place on special transaction platforms, reminiscent of online exchange offices.

Rate of bitcoin and ethereum. Why is it growing so fast?
Why are cryptocurrencies getting so expensive? First of all, due to the issue policy, for which no state bank is standing, they are immune to inflation. Bitcoins should never be more than 21 million. The ethereum system, in turn, limits the issue volume of new currency units to 18 million per year. Thus, additional "printing of money" is not an option. (Although it does not mean at all, the creek can not reach an absurd level, meaning the formation of another speculative bubble).

This is how the Ethereum exchange rate in US dollars is shaped
This is how the Ethereum exchange rate in US dollars is shaped
It's just that it does not happen so far. The second reason for the growing value of cryptocurrencies stems from the growing trust and interest in them. Both from private persons and institutions. The register of all transactions carried out on them is stored in a special, distributed database, which makes theft extremely difficult. Big global banks already know this and practically all work on the development of various financial services, which will be based on solutions already used today in the world of virtual currencies.

Po trzecie, coraz łatwiejsze i bardziej dostępne stają się zarówno platformy do wymiany bitcoinów i ethereum na inne waluty, jak i narzędzia – cyfrowe portfele – do ich przechowywania.

No i po czwarte, wielu inwestorów zniechęciło się do prawdziwych walut. Dolar słabnie przez Trumpa, funt przez Brexit, euro przez luźną politykę Europejskiego Banku Centralnego, a wymienialność juana chińskiego jest brutalnie ograniczana przez rząd w Pekinie.

Ethereum – dużo więcej niż tylko kryptowaluta
Zmienia się też sposób użytkowania wirtualnych nominałów. O ile bitcoin służył jedynie do gromadzenia kapitału, to nowsze ethereum jest już platformą do cyfrowego handlu, w dodatku wzbogaconą o język programowania, w którym kryptowaluta jest tylko jedną z wielu możliwych aplikacji. Co to oznacza w praktyce?
Thirdly, both platforms for exchanging bitcoins and ethereum for other currencies, as well as tools - digital wallets - are becoming easier and more accessible to store them.

And fourth, many investors were discouraged from real currencies. The dollar weakens by Trump, the pound by Brexit, the euro by the loose policy of the European Central Bank, and the convertibility of the Chinese yuan is brutally limited by the government in Beijing.
Ethereum umożliwia realizację tzw.
Ethereum enables the implementation of the so-called smart contracts - contracts based on computer protocols. The simplest example of such a contract can be a sports bet. Those interested bet on which of the two teams will win, then the system confirms the result and pays the winner's money without the participation of any intermediaries. A special algorithm written in the language provided by the ethereum platform makes sure that the contract is kept.

In the future, it may facilitate the sale of various financial services and securities - for example loans, credit cards or bonds. This can also be used, for example, in the implementation of export contracts and to find hundreds of other applications, not necessarily so much related to the world of finance.

In a word, virtual money is to become more real