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RE: Types of Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs)

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

A work of the highest quality and very useful!

Thanks @flash07, you have contributed a lot with my knowledge about ICOs and Cryptocurrencies!

They aim to disrupt the monopolistic nature of the existing businesses by Offering additional values ​​to the users ...; Usually have an extensive roadmap ...; They have an experienced and known people backing their idea ...; They have the best and detailed white paper and the web interface ...

Great, your way of explaining "Natural ICOs" in a small paragraph is all I needed to know to identify what suits me ...

Congratulations @flash07 !!!
You have my total support




Thanks @flash07, you have contributed a lot with my knowledge about ICOs and Cryptocurrencies!

Happy to here that my friend.

Great, your way of explaining "Natural ICOs" in a small paragraph is all I needed to know to identify what suits me ...

Just trying my best to share what I know.

Thank You for your continuous support and nice comment..