Origin of the word HODL... and more interesting tit-bits

It’s not every day that you learn something truly life changing. Well, sit down people… you’re about to get a dose of intergalactic-grade awesome.
I always assumed that HODL was an acronym which meant Hold On for Dear Life. It appears I have been very much mistaken. Check out the below link for the actual genesis of the word – The date was 18 December 2013. The time was 10:10:03am.The man (nay, the legend) was called GameKyuubu. It was spawned from the drunken rant of a frustrated bitcoin forum member. – Actually why was he that drunk at 10am – Anyway… who cares?
I’d like to buy GameKyuubu a beer or maybe some whiskey/whisky! Good on ya, cuz.

Now that I have whet your appetite for bit-based morsels of factual information (as opposed to my usual “Fascinating” “Facts” blog – which, shock horror, I actually conjure from thin air)…., here are a few more – probably more suited to the newbies, but perhaps some of the old guard may find an intriguing nugget amongst the below mine of information:
3600 bitcoins are mined each day
All available bitcoins are due to be mined by 2140
There are more than 20,000 computers working at mining new bitcoins
The first bitcoin transaction took place on 12 Jan 2009 and was between Satoshi and Hal Finney
It took 5 years for the price of bitcoin to go from $0 to $1000
64% of bitcoins are sitting in accounts that haven’t been touched.
There is 31000 lines of computer code behind bitcoin
There is an area in Berlin called Kreuzberg which has established itself as a bitcoin friendly shopping zone