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RE: Price?

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Im definatly not giving much fucks about technology, unless each and every human is able (pyhsically & mentally) to go and grow their own food, and be taught how to be organic again, then id care about technology more.

Technology is the complete oppersite of nature, and nature is the thing we have lost connection with, mainly due to the distractions of technology.

Its ok if youve surrendered and are willing to sit in a box that somebodys paying for and are completely immersed in The System , maybe even thinking that your a something "ist"- then technology is great, woopie!

But, if your an active believer and seeker and do-er of freedom, then all the technology thats happening and soon to be adopted by the masses is just terrifying to freedom itself.


Oh sorry yeh, before I click Post- who drew that picture? Its fuckin sicko, a real true representation of modern day. - Thankyou!