A review of the situation around the Bitcoin's hard forks...

Successful hard fork has become a kind of stress test for the first cryptocurrency and has proved that bitcoin is quite an adult project with an established ecosystem that can "budge" a new project absolutely painlessly.
Nevertheless, the appearance and survival of Bitcoin Cash has created an interesting precedent that could result in a whole wave of alternative versions of the first crypto currency

There are three main reasons for this trend:

1) Technical
Today, creating a new crypto currency on the Proof Of Work algorithm is a very difficult task, which requires serious investments in winning the confidence of industry representatives and increasing the overall capacity of the network for its resistance to various kinds of attacks. At the same time, the network should be as decentralized in all senses as possible.

From this point of view, when creating an alternative version of bitcoin, the initiators immediately receive a large number of advantages. First of all, they receive the transaction history, the elaborated code base, the opportunity to involve a part of the community in their project and the harmonious name, which is inevitably connected with bitcoin, which almost everyone heard about, with the first crypto currency.

It's hard not to agree that for many newcomers of the market the difference between Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin Gold is not so great. The key word for potential investors is Bitcoin.

2) Ideological
As you know, the discussion about the size of the block and the methods of scaling bitcoin has been going on for a long time. The first swallows of the alternative way of development of the cryptocurrency were such projects as Bitcoin Unlimited, Bitcoin XT, Bitcoin Classic. Their ideologists offered the community their versions of block size and scenarios for further development of bitcoin. Not all these competing paradigms have survived to this day in any qualitative form.

Bitcoin Unlimited was one of the most popular bitcoin versions due to a large number of influential supporters, so the successful appearance of Bitcoin Cash for many industry players was a surprise.

Obviously, manufacturers of equipment for mining, especially when it comes to ASIC, benefit from the emergence of an additional market for their products. For example, Bitmain, the largest manufacturer of mining devices, now has customers who want to mine not only BTC, but also BCH. It's worth noting that in the case of Bitcoin Gold, the situation is different because of the proposal to switch to the GPU and change the hash algorithm from SHA-256 to Equihash.