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RE: The Simple Reason Most Blockchain Projects Are Stalling

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Thoughtful post; unearned wealth, with no other purpose but as an end in itself, will never satisfy. If the only motivation is "survival" (perhaps as a moocher, or looter) you'll merely want more and more - perhaps for show, because you crave attention from others - but will never feel satisfied with what you have acquired through parasitical practices.

Wealth earned through conscious, creative work, on the other hand, producing goods and services of value - which includes the creation of works of art - can be quite satisfying. At least, it is for a rational human being.

For example, when accomplished cellist Pablo Casals, was asked - at age 93 - why he continued to practice the cello three hours a day, Casals replied, "'I'm beginning to notice some improvement." (Wikipedia article on "Pablo Casals")


Of course, mere survival does not require billions.