Information ICO LYNKED - Data Security Storage

About the Job:
Lynked world At its heart, this platform solves a serious problem which users faced when working with data and sharing it on the world wide web. The undertaking of the job itself is to provide users with the capacity to safely save their own data, regardless of what they've been. That is, this data could be both media files and text files, and all this is totally personal, and also above all, data that can transmit information and must be safely stored. At precisely the exact same time, users will even have the ability to exchange their own data, while this can occur through the platform itself, no less safe. For the end, the project uses technologies like block-chain and smart contracts. Due to these technologies, maximum transparency is achieved, and many importantly, complete data protection

Very interesting is how the platform works on an extremely straightforward principle and that's the reason why users can openly deal with it and utilize it in regular life. It'll be quite helpful to people who are constantly dealing together with documents and especially those who often confirm their identity. The principle of operation is extremely simple. The user moves and registers himself on the undertaking. Further, this person will want to pass on the identification of the or her person. It's going to be very straightforward and intuitive. Further, even after completing these methods, this user should have the ability to perform all the necessary actions for him that are possible with this stage.
This project involves not merely storing data, but also the power to safely send this data to additional users. Additionally, users should have the ability to use this kind of wonderful miracle as being a freelancing platform, that will also be submitted to the project. This will soon be as one of the segments of the Project.
The Lynked World endeavor is just a gateway through which you'll be able to transmit all the vital information, and so on. This can solve lots of problems such as:
- A secure and trustworthy system has not yet been developed for executing the method of confirming the identity of counter-agents in the instance of work via the Internet.
- There's no chance to verify the validity of any documents received via the Internet / system.
- The want to attract various intermediaries to boost the visibility while working together with personal data / information, in relation with this increase in costs.
- Limitations in the selection of services provided in platforms, as digital diagnosis is unreliable and has many flaws.
It's also well worth noting that not many associations and associations may send files / documents employing the Internet and personal presence is essential.
The Lynked World job will produce a platform that will solve all of these problems with the support of a special ecosystem based on the blockchain technology.
- Platform for departure the point - confirmation, as well as digital identity.
- Digital wallets made for transferring personal data / information.
- Proven services that are professional.
- Selection of job vacancies.
Now about the ICO of the project:
The amount of the project is going to be named: LYNK.
It is intended to release these tokens inside another quantity: 200,000,000 LYNK tokens.
Forsale, it's intended to spend using this quantity: 150,000,000 LYNK tokens.
The main sales period is scheduled to begin on November 15, 2018, and it's intended to finish this period on February 10, 2019.
The purchase price per component of the market LYNK is: 1 LYNK = $ 0.35.
Minimum sales target: $ 5,000,000.
Maximum earnings target: $25,000,000.
Payment Method : Bitcoin & Ethereum

Below is an indicative timeline for the development of the Lynked.World ecosystem. Scroll to the down to see our planned features and marketing initiatives for the all 8 quarters !!!
Q2 2017
Concept and Initiation of idea
Genesis of Lynked.World
Team Formation
Q3 – Q4 2017
Market Research
Smart contract POC completed
Lynked.World Development Begins
Q1 2018
Launch of Lynked.World Web Portal
Presentation at World HRD Congress
Launch of Lynked.World Beta App (iOS + Android)
Inauguration of Lynked.World Platform @ ICMAI
Identity, Education & Experience Verification
Q2 2018
Mobile App Launch
API for secured login with Lynked.World Digitally Identity
Data & Document sharing with QR code
Launch APAC marketing team
Onboard 25 partners for early adoption
25,000 users on platform
Q3 2018
50,000 users on platform
Onboard 100 organizations
Launch Lynked.World API as a Service (AaaS)
Blockchain based identity/Access card
Blockchain based attendance management system
Q4 2018
Launch ICO
200,000 users on the platform
Onboard 250 organizations
Configurable Profile
Configurable Application Forms
Job Portal
Blockchain based communication plateform
Q1 2019
500,000 users on platform
Advance Configurable profile
Advance Configurable Application Forms
Transaction Authorization using Lynked.World ID
Collaboration with Government organizations for Identity and other verification API
Q2 2019
1,000,000 users on the platform
Digital signature
Expansion to Africa
Collaboration with Government organizations for Identity and other verification API (countinued)
Q3 2019
2,000,000 users on the platform
Blockchain based E-Auction
Multilingual Support
Collaboration with public sector organizations
Expansion to USA and Australia
Collaboration with Government organizations for Identity and other verification API (countinued)
Q4 2019
3,500,000 user club
Blockchain based E-Voting
Multilingual support (countinued)
Tie up with top recruitment platforms
API for Digital Signature
Collaboration with Government organizations for Identity and other verification API (countinued)
Q1 2020
5,000,000 users on the platform
Secure Partnership with organizations from fortune
500 companies for Identity & Background verification feature
Multi-Layer signature contract on Blockchain
Collaboration with Government organizations (countinued)
Q2 2020
7,000,000 users on the platform
Blockchain based E-Voting
Multilingual support (countinued)
Collaboration with Government organizations (countinued)
Digital Signature Integration with pdf
Collaboration with Government organizations for Identity and other verification API (countinued)
Q3 2020
10,000,000 users on the platform
Digital Signature Integration with MS (Word,Outlook)
Collaboration with Government organizations for Identity and other verification API
Custom Applications for Customers
Multi-Layer signature contract on Blockchain
Collaboration with Government organizations for Identity and other verification API (countinued)
Q4 2020
12,500,000 users on the platform
Digital Signature Integration with Lotus Notes
Collaboration with Government organizations for Identity and other verification API
Collaboration with Government organizations for Identity and other verification API (countinued)
Q1-Q2 2021
18,000,000 users on the platform
Digital Signature Integration with Apple
Digital Signature Integration with SalesForce
Collaboration with Government organizations for Identity and other verification API
Custom Applications for Customers
Q3-Q4 2021
25,000,000 users on the platform
Digital Signature Integration with SAP
Digital Signature Integration with Oracle/Peoplesoft
Custom Applications for Customers
Collaboration with Government organizations for Identity and other verification API

From the author:
I would like to say I'm simply doing reviews on endeavors and also expressing my opinion concerning that or this product, as well as executing the ideas that the developers are offering to us. I do not in any way encourage you to invest, as investment is a matter of every user's personal choice. Also, I'm not a financial expert who could give info on investments. You take such decisions purely on your own. I would like to remind one that I do not bear any responsibility for your investments. Read my reviews and learn plenty of interesting ideas. Have a great day!
The most complete information about the project is on the links below
Bitcointalk Profile :;u=1063830
My Username Bitcointalk: MN_Sidik
My ETH wallet address: 0x2016deDc02912bE50DbeD8e8093D1e3fF528bf54