Why Most ICOs and Cryptos are a WASTE OF TIME

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)


Most cryptocurrencies and ICOs have nothing to do with elevating consciousness, freeing humanity, or ending debt slavery. Therefore, they are a WASTE OF TIME.

To paraphrase Marcus Aurelius, "You're either moving towards the goal, or away from it. There is no in between."

I just finished the latest edition of The Dollar Vigilante newsletter, which I would recommend you subscribe to since it has a solid moral foundation of freedom and as a result has returned the highest returns of the decade, as far as I know.

-They recommended Bitcoin in 2011, Dash and Ether in 2016, because they get it.

In the last issue, Rafael LaVerde explained that cryptocurrencies have attracted a lot of new investors and attention. Originally, bitcoin had the potential to free humanity as economic freedom is a precursor for personal freedom.

Currently, we are debt slaves, meaning the money we use has been created by a central bank out of nothing. The Federal Reserve, People's Bank of China, European Central Bank, et al. DO NOT HAVE a pile of cash that they can then lend out. They type numbers into their computer, create the money, and then charge you interest on it, usually through their government proxies.

If you don't pay back, they get to take your real wealth: Your car, your home, et c. It's a Win-Win for Team Evil.

We became debt slaves because we did not live the moral law. People before didn't care about rampant killing, war, or other immorality, so the universe said, "Alright, you guys get a central bank. Have fun being slaves."

If we begin living morally (cleanse the internal evil) - and it's really simple to do, just don't steal- then the external evil will fade away. As above, so below.

Cryptocurrencies are a way around theft and slavery. Governments and central banks know this, and have either taken over Bitcoin through the backdoor, (the Bilderberg group owns Bitcoin), or have dispersed the rising tide through a plethora of largely useless altcoins.

Trading 4 Chickencoins for 1 Breadcoin is hardly an improvement, as LaVerde put it.

If We Want Freedom We Must Be United Under Truth

The ones who wish to take away our freedom are of ONE MIND. Their thoughts match their emotions and correspond to their actions.

Many in the freedom movement's actions do not match their thoughts (including my own until recently).

I would say I would want freedom but wouldn't be willing to speak out publicly for it.

I would say I wanted freedom but would spend 10x time geeking out over cryptocurrency charts and technical analysis rather than helping people understand why we need any cryptocurrency.

I would spend their time nitpicking others in the Freedom Movement and largely leave the oppressors alone.

And I was afraid. The oppressors are scary. They have teeth. They fight back.

However, Courage is the highest virtue. And the definition of courage by Aristotle is...

Doing something which involves danger for the sake of reason.

Why I've Stepped Back from Crypto

Back in Shenzhen, I would organize "Bitcoin Startup Parties." I would charge a high price and teach people the basics of Bitcoin, Ether, and cryptocurrencies. I talked about why we need cryptocurrencies during the event, but it was mostly focused on how to use them.

Now it's different. Most people getting into the crypto game are statists and some actually welcome regulation, i.e. CONTROL, by government. They actually believe that the people in government have the right to control them. Sad!

For example, the cryptocurrency Cardano says on its "What is Cardano?" page...

"A major innovation of Cardano is that it will balance the needs of users with those of regulators, and in doing so combine privacy with regulation"

Barf! What a joke!

A major of innovation of Cardano is that we will paint a giant bullseye on our neck to balance the needs of the victim AND the vampires..."

Many getting into the game just want more PIECES OF FIAT BUTTWIPE TRASHPAPER, aka dollars, rmb, euros, et c. Most don't give a rip about actually securing their freedom.

All Head and No Heart

See this? This is a Freemasonic tracing board given to Master Masons.

3rd Degree.jpg

Now before you get all huffy about the Freemasons, know that the knowledge they teach is a tool, which can be used for good or evil, just like a knife.

One can make a healthy vegetarian meal with it, or can stab his friends with it. It's not the knife, it's the one using it.

Back to the picture. You see the big Skull and Crossbones on the coffin. Know what that means?

The skull represents intellect (not intelligence).
The bones represent action, movement.

What's missing?...the heart.

The Freemasons are WARNING their adherents that if you're all head and no heart, you're going to cause a lot of suffering.

The hydrogen bomb for example.

Most late comers to the crypto party need to hear this message, because most don't care a lick about making the world a better place, or ending human slavery (through government), or elevating consciousness so that we don't need a government.

I'm still open to good opportunities which help elevate consciousness, since that is paramount.

Sounds Great but Let's Make Some Money First

Since I've returned from Anarchapulco, I've been approached by a few people wanting to partner up and make some money. I tell them where my head's at and they say it sounds great, but we need to be "realistic."

Once we generate a "stable business" then we can focus on doing good and saving the world. That day will never come.

They don't get it, and that's ok, I didn't get it either:

When you focus on doing good, you will be rewarded.
When you focus on rewards, you won't do good.

You have to put the horse before the cart, and that horse is, right action, NATURAL LAW

All credit goes to Mark Passio and What on Earth is Happening? for that beautiful picture.

As Richard W. Wetherill said, "Right is might."

Who I like

I really like what @dantheman and his team are doing with EOS. EOS is legit. I love how they intentionally warned people that their token could have no value. It kept the prettyboys and the "I'll invest in anything if it makes me money" crowd far AF away.

See Also: @adamkokesh is running for Not President to Dissolve the federal government. This is a great first step and may shock anyone under mind control. It sure would've shocked me if I had read that 10 years ago when I was deep in the university system.

Governments have killed over 260,000,000 people in the 20th century, outside of war. They are one of the leading causes of death.

To eradicate governments would be like eradicating cancer. It should fill you with joy and excitement. If you feel fear, ask if that fear is really your own, or has it planted by others? Perhaps in a government school?

Don't be a blockhead and fall into the left-brain prison. Think for yourself and breathe the free air.

Thank you for your time, I hope you enjoyed reading this, and I hope it made you think a little bit.

I hope you can Resteem my post and give me a like, or if you want, write me a comment and we can continue the conversation (Con: Together + versare: To change).

All the best to you

-Michael McGillicuddy
Guangdong, China


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Oh yay! Coin Robot thing is back