Deposit of the future. How to force money to make the money?

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

Hi, guys. Today I’m glad to share with you some useful information, that help you earning money and the most patient can get their millions.

We will talk about Nodes, PoS-mining and analogues.

I suggest, first of all, begin with each of the items, and then consider what you need to do to gain profit on this.

Here we go!

1- Node (Latin nodus, ‘knot’) — is any device connected to the network. The nodes of a decentralized network are contacted via P2P protocols to exchange information about blocks and transactions. Node, depending on its type, stores only a part or all of the data blockchain.

Distinction is made between the following types of nodes: it can be Masternodes, Securenodes, Supernodes and so on. They can be mentioned in different ways, but their meaning remains the same — it is the maintenance of decentralization and security of the blockchain network.

Such nodes have projects like: Bitcoin, Dash, ZenCash, PIVX, Crown and a lot of others.

Some projects pay extra money for the content of the node using their coins, but to get such a node, you need to have enough coins and keep the remote PC online 24/7.

For instance, Dash’s reward is 45% of the total reward for each block found by the network, and ZenCash has 10% for Supernode and 10% for Securenode.

It looks like a passive mining, where you need the PC connected to the Internet and a certain number of coins.

The profitability of the different projects nodes can be found on specialized sites.

One of these:

Naturally, the idea of nodes also adopted fraudulent projects, which first drive people under the pretext of high profits from the nodes, and then sharply sell their coins, dropping the rate to 0.

You also have to be accurate and completely study project except those that are sharpened only under the nodes.

As an example of how exactly nodes provide decentralized network, I leave this Bitcoin geolocation nodes image.

2- PoS-mining

In 2011, alternative proof technology was proposed — Proof of Stake or Proof of Share. It differs from the proof of work (PoW) by the fact that instead of performing computational operations the creator of the block shows that he has a share in the system in the form of a crypto currency in his wallet. Thus, the more digital currency a miner has, the higher his chance to be rewarded for a new block.

PoS — algorithm, that provide security system, at the same time, it makes it possible to earn for a good long-term investor. To do this, he only needs to buy a crypto currency with PoS and transfer it to a special wallet on the PC.

The PoS-mining ancestor was the project NXT, which exists to this day.

Some projects with PoS can be found here:

3- Analogues

In some projects incentive payments are also used. For instance, in some stablecoin projects, and when using DAO for motivation, the participation of the owners of tokens in the management of the system.

Such payments are implemented by the LibreBank project.

The owners of the tokens will freeze their LBRS in a special smart contract, the algorithm of which will contribute to the accrual of tokens in proportion to the share of ownership. It is also a good opportunity to make money because of having money in your wallet.

We are approaching to the most interesting part of this article.

What exactly are the actions you need to do to start earning by these ways?

Lets first choose the project, study it and in case it match our requirements, then we purchase the necessary amount of coins on the exchange and transfer it to our cold wallet.

1- To earn income from Node, you need to visit the project site you are interested with Nodes. And find the appropriate section. I recommend not to worry about that, and using Google search enter the query: Dash node, ZenCash node. So it will be easier and faster. In these sections there will be instructions for installing the nodes, on which you can install them.

If you find it difficult or you do not want to figure out, then write to the chat:

I will try to help in the best of my competence, and it’s high on this issue. I installed a lot of Node in different projects.

2- To get revenue with PoS, the action is even easier. Just need to purchase the necessary number of coins and transfer them to a special wallet designed for mining. All the information on the PoS — mining projects are provided on their sites or in social. networks.

3- With similar projects is slightly more difficult. Here you need to look for coins in the search engine by yourself, in which you will be charged % for some processes or actions. In the case of LibreBank, you simply need to buy LBRS tokens now at a low price in your account and keep them until the end of the DAO development. By that time, the price of the token will increase and you will be able to earn extra, for example, thousands of dollars every month. More information about the LibreBank project you can read in my previous articles.


The other day I was actively interested in the practice of using the nodes from my friends and was able to take a short story from one successful node holder who earned big check.

Guesse, it’s fair to begin with Dash.

This is one of the first notable coins with the presence of nodes.

Earlier in 2016, when Dash had costed 2 backs, very useful article appeared on habr: (Please use Google Translate if you are gonna read it, because its translated to Russian).

It inform interesting things about the basics, the essence, the principle of voting Masternodes and so on. I read this article in the summer of 2017 and took some notes.

My story with the nodes began on June 24, 2017 when I’ve learned about the Vivo project.

Then I counted and figured out how much I had to spend to mine through Nicehash 1000 coins on the Vivo node.

Then there was something about 0.35 BTC or at the rates of that time about $ 860.

I was a little scared …

I did not join, and I hadn’t enough funds in the crypto currency, and I was afraid to pay fiat money.

But then, Eventually, I managed to collect some of the starting capital on Vivo. Together with my friend, we calculated that the complexity changes every 30 blocks. At first the blocks went more often (low complexity), then less often (the complexity increased). In the future, NicaHash brought this to the point that 30 blocks flew for 2–3 minutes on leased facilities with NiceHash, and the next 30 blocks were scanned with cards 8–10 hours when everyone left. Then again 2–3 minutes “rush” with NiceHash and again silence.

During this instability, during running from the NiceHash, it was possible to get 40–50 coins at a price of 0.0005–0.0007 BTC, and merge on the stock exchange 0.0012–0.0015 BTC.

Total output was 0.015–0.02 BTC net profit for one such cycle.

That’s how I saved my first Bitcoin.

The next was Innova.

I mined some amount and buy some part — set the Node.

Waited some more time and sold it with 0.1 ВТС as a profit.

Then there was a megaprofit at Gobyte.

At auction, the nodes went 0.5–0.6 BTC, and a few days later the coin rate was already 0.0012 for a coin and the node was worth 1.2 BTC, the price then increased even to 0.005- 0.006 BTC.

Then there was the CrowdCoin auction.

There were hiccups, and it was possible to take the node for 0.29 BTC and a week later it was already 0.8 BTC and for quite a long time the rate was at 0.0018–0.002 BTC.

Next were the projects Sparks, Lizus, Mun, Cerebrus, Qbic, Coin2fly.

But it was already February and the HYIP passed.

If the first Sparks, Lizus still gave a less noticeable profit, the rest barely returned investments with a minimum advantage

Some kinda stuff like Fxc, Curve, Jew, Stone, didn’t return my investments, and with the current rates went into negative.

This story once again confirms that you can and need to earn with nodes, but don’t forget that time comes and the market unfolds. At this time, it is necessary to wait for the bottom, where there is a need to go into similar projects and install the nodes. Also don’t forget about scam projects, scammers are waiting for your money.

Be careful and wish profit to everyone!

Read hot to earn money with LibreBank tokens (LBRS).
Read about LibreCash stablecoin.
Buy LibreBank tokens.

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Thanks for following me ... welcome to Steemit .... Work hard be successful dear👌?

Posted using Partiko Android

yep =) Thank you

Cardano is based on proof and stake and will have staking.

The next layer that allowed staking is currently in their testnet

Wow nice post, keep it this way... deserve a re - steem ...