Smart People use Smart Money

Smart person: who are you smart money?
Smart money: I am cryptocurrency.
Smart person: wow!!!!!!
The first time I heard about cryptocurrency was when one smart guy arrived at my work place and made a presentation on steemit,cryptocurrency,bitcoins,and the likes.
Ten minutes after that wonderful life-changing presentation one of my colleagues said " guys did you hear what that man was saying? I wanted to listen to him but he annoyed me when he talked about bitcoins. I don't want to be confused, I'd rather stick to my Rands"
Ah! I was so disappointed to hear this guy at his age and level of education speaking like that. Do we have to live like our grandparents? I wonder!!!
Our grandparents used to carry heavy bags full of banknotes, silver coins and gold coins to the banks and cue there for the whole day. At times misfortune would fall upon them on the way and lose all the money to armed robbers and thiefs.
Nowadays we are so blessed, we don't have to carry heavy loads that sometimes tear our beautiful expensive bags apart. That is,we have cryptocurrency, smart money, it is untangible and so it will never become a heavy load that can attract robbers to follow us. And it doesn't tear our expensive bags apart. THE WAY I HATE BEING LOADED WITH LUGGAGE
Equally important, we don't cue at the bank counters where the tellers serve us only when they feel like it.
When people run like headless chickens to get to the banks five minutes before they close, smart people just walk like kings to their cars and drive home. THE WAY I HATE RUNNING FOR IT CAUSES SWEATING AND SWEATING WASHES AWAY FACIAL MAKE -UP
People and banks can be robbed of money but no one can snatch away cryptocurrency from you, even professionally trained robbers, if they ever exist, can try but lose 10-0
Cryptocurrency is a medium of exchange like normal currencies such as USD, but designed for the purpose of exchanging digital information, where cryptography is used to secure the transactions and to control the creation of new coins. LIFE IS GOOD INDEED!!!