Digital Assets I am Holding and Trading

Here is my digital assets portfolio as of July 21st. Any critiques, insights, or comments are greatly appreciated. Steemit is a virtual library of knowledge, and I love interacting with people who are smarter than I am in this field.
Surprise, surprise, a digital assets portfolio with Bitcoin. The Bitcoin I hold is there for the long term. It is not that useful for payments like Dash, Steem, or Litecoin because of the processing speed. Segwit 2X is certainly going to help, but I think most people would agree that the future for Bitcoin looks to be geared towards a digital gold.
I do keep a decent amount of Bitcoin in a Jaxx wallet. This allows me to share it with my friends and family as they jump into the cryptoverse. It is the easiest coin to share with them because of name association.
Dash is that quiet kid who doesn't make many headlines but is constantly working behind the scenes - the Evolution wallet is scheduled for release this fall and promises to be groundbreaking. Dash has a quarterly conference call where they give updates on each sector of their business. The latest call, which came out a few days ago, is linked here.
I've been adding to my position since the price dropped below $200. Anywhere between $150-$175 is a deal to me.
I crossed into baby dolphin territory about a week ago with my Steem Power holdings. If you are reading this, chances are you know the market advantages and technical prowess of the Steemit coin economy so I won't discuss that in this section.
I continue to exchange my SBD for Steem and vice versa when the percentage is favorable (5% or more differential) utilizing tools like Blockfolio, and Changelly. I like the extra 15-20% leverage on post earnings it gives me in 1 weeks time.
Bitshares has recovered nicely after a rough go during the latest Bitcoin dip. The team is beginning to promote their product heavily and has hired a marketing team to garner attention as they roll out their Hero coin campaign. As more and more centralized exchanges experience problems, Openledger will look attractive to traders, but I don't see greater adoption of that platform until the UI is improved.
The upside for bitshares is massive and thus it is one of the main coins I am pouring resources into. I would not be surprised to see $200 bitshares in the next 5 years especially if the Hero campaign has moderate to good exposure.

EOS is probably the coin I am most excited about for the moment. When you look at the current state of the Blockchain industry, everyone wants to build a DAO or smart business, and developers have wisely customized their computers to run decentralized applications. The problem is they are having to solve the same problems over and over again, ie account setups, recovery processes. To me, EOS looks to be the Microsoft Windows application for the DOS environment that Blockchain is working in right now. They are enabling the common features that decentralized apps need and shortening the set up time for developers.
While Ethereum is already struggling with scaling issues as ICO's join their network, EOS has the scalability to process millions of transactions per second. Yes, that still boggles my mind as well. That kind of speed will allow DAPP developers to earn profitable returns on their businesses as they utilize the EOS operating system.
Since @nepd is all over Peerplays, I found out it is trading on Openledger within minutes of launch. The dividend aspect of this coin appeals to me just as much as the sports connections. Dividends are a nice segue for the established financial world into the cryptosphere. I am just starting to trade this coin with a goal of 200.
Like Dash, Litecoin is quitely positioning itself to be a payment juggernaut. Founder Charlie Lee is working full time on the project now which bodes well for faster innovations and long-term planning.
If you follow Bix Weir or Clif High at all, you know that they are quite bullish on Litecoin. Clif's predictive lingustics has proven to be quite accurate when it comes to crypto, and he has Litecoin reaching a 4 to 1 ratio with Bitcoin when the latter reaches $15,000 per coin.
Since I am holding EOS, Ethereum has started to take a back seat as I liquidate some profits. The goal for now is to hold 100 coins and watch the mainstream adoption take effect. I believe Ethereum will be around for the long term but I am rooting for EOS to be the industrial grade blockchain that gains the most market share.
Image Sources: 1-2
Video Source: Dash Quarterly Report
Very nice portfolio @lydon.sipe - very similar to mine! Have only done some short-term trading with DASH and LTC before.
How did you acquire your EOS?
Thank you! I do hang around your blog and the bitshares universe a good bit, haha.
I set up an Exodus wallet (they just added EOS) and used Shapeshift to exchange some coins.
Nice post. Great idea. I agree with a lot of your reasoning. I am very Bullish on LTC and BTS!
We think alike! Since we are great friends, what don't you agree with? :)
Honestly I dont "disagree" with anything, other than the fact Bix was on Rogue Money a day before one of my interviews, and said Litecoin had no use...but I digress ;) I think you have a pretty well balanced portfolio there! The only thing you might think about adding is a "privacy coin". It might be a good speculative move, I am sure some actions taken by governments will effect the price of these coins in the future. Again this is just nitpicking I think you are holding some great coins! :)
Great post buddy. Which exchange does EOS trade on? I've wanted to look into getting it but I didn't see it in Poloniex or Bitrrex... Try to avoid using the sketchy exchanges!
Thank you! I hear you on the sketchy exchanges. Bitfinex has EOS for trading, and you can exchange coins for EOS on shapeshift.
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I should have held a lot I 'had' but sold way to early from my portfolio ... had about 40 Ethereum from when they were $7 ea. I sold 'em ALL at about $40 ea, sure, nice profit, but should have held them in my portolio. I think holding real crypto, not s@#% coins ... for long term is the way to go.
I let go of other good coins early too thinking I was a crypto trading queen, making profits, that today would have been HUGE.
Saying that, right now I only have two coins in my portfolio which I will hold on to. Since I just recently learned this lesson, I have no 'play' money to add anything else to my portfolio at this time LOL
I will admit I am tempted to sell a lil while the value is up and rebuy when down to get some action, but scared it will not go back down when I sell.
Here's to profitable portfolios :)
That is some nice profit with the Ethereum.
It is a struggle to know when to sell, or hold. The prices move so much and is tempting to get in or out multiple times in a single day.
Well, you found Steemit, and here is to growing a nice portfolio! :)
nice i like good
this was an interesting glimpse into your cryptocurrency investment strategies, lydon, but I'm curious to know what approximate percentage of your overall funds earmarked for investment are channelled into this endeavour compared with traditional vehicles such as stocks and bonds, real estate etc
I have little to no investment in stocks, bonds, and real estate at this time. Most of my holdings are in precious metals and digital assets.
The traditional assets are too manipulated and overpriced for my liking right now. Once they have a correction I'll move funds back into real estate and stocks - never been a huge fan of bonds. Believe me, I am looking forward to a passive income versus the active one I have now.
my son got into solar panels b/c the Ontario gov't was going green - excellent passive income until they began rewriting the contracts - didn't think govt's would do that - there's no perfect investment
A government contract can be lucrative as long as the money is there. True, there is no perfect investment.
very nice post nicely described everything.
Thank you, I appreciate that.
Excellent portfolio @lydon.sipe and your steemit account will really snowball from now on. Great going.
I have a little BTC I cloudmine LTC too plus both Steem and SBD.
I like that snowball proclamation.
That is a solid portfolio. I'm working on cloud mining some more Dash myself.
To snowball uphill that is haha.
Are you cloudmining Litecoin?
Haha, indeed.
I am not at the moment. Working with a Genesis Mining contract for Dash. Is Litecoin profitable within a year?
Im currently all Bitcoin and a little bit of Litecoin, feel like all of the alts are following what Bitcoin does.
all of the altcoins are following Bitcoin's tailwinds at this point (in my opinion).
also if you're new to crypto / have friends that are new to crypto... I just published a book on Amazon aimed at cutting the crypto learning curve as quickly as possible for new crypto peeps. The book is called "Welcome to the F*cking Show: Bitcoin and Your Future With Money". Check it out, promise it is of value.
Cheers to the crypto game my friend
The prices of alt coins are following Bitcoin's tailwinds for sure. I am curious when that begins to change.
Cheers to your investing as well!
nice i like good
Unlike some of your commenters, I would not say it is a diversified portfolio any more than a portfolio that has nothing but half a dozen airline stocks is diversified lol. However like the adage says: Dont put all of your eggs in one basket, BUT if you decide to put them in one basket, hold that basket with BOTH hands LOL. Im rooting for you, my friend!
Lol, you always have the right mix of financial expertise and corny humor to make my day!
Appreciate the encouragement! Blessings to your endeavors as well!