Join the Peaceful Revolution: A Massive, Global Transfer of Wealth

Can you feel it? Are you participating in the massive transfer of wealth going on right now? I'm surprised by it every day, even though I've been talking about it since the beginning of 2013.
Centralized currencies controlled by violent, immoral authoritarians can't survive against open-source, decentralized, cryptographically-secure ledgers with provable and auditable characteristics. Programmable money leads to distributed, autonomous corporations where every participant is a customer, employee, and owner. The potential for human well-being exponentially increases. Automation, general artificial intelligence, gene editing, and so much more change how we value "work."
Cryptocurrency changes how we value "stores of value."
Blockchains and directed acyclic graph technology bring about non-violent, global consensus. Cooperation through networks instead of powerfully-controlled hierarchies give everyone equal access to participate, contribute, and prosper.
Money flows from the banksters, international crooks, and violent thieves to the technologists, early-adopters, and visionaries who imagine a better world and put in the work to create it.
The powerful, peaceful revolution has begun.
I hope you join us.
Learn some stuff with or this great introduction to cryptocurrencies by Kevin Wong.
Have your own answer for when to buy bitcoin. Come up with your own bitcoin pizza challenge answer.
Create a BitShares wallet: and learn about it:
- My Altcoin Investments: A Steemit Story
- Playing in the Margins: bitUSD and BitShares on Open Ledger
- Reading the BitShares Whitepaper
- Questions from a BitShares Newbie
- A Simple Example of Shorting the U.S. Dollar With BitShares
- 9 Day bitUSD Loan Result: 19,821 BitShares and 199 ZAPPL for Free
- Are you Shorting Fiat Currency yet?
- I Got Margin Called on HERO Today. Things Don't Always Go Up.
- Do Cryptocurrency Speculators Fear Utility?
- luke-stokes Just Became a Lifetime BitShares Member
Learn about other interesting projects like SmartCash:
- My SmartCash Story
- I Bought Some More SmartCash
- I Finally Took the Loss
- SmartCash is Blowing Up! Social Capital and the Warm Feeling of Being Lucky!
- Teaching Cryptocurrency to the Next Generation: My Son Just Bought $8.33 More SmartCash
Find a project you love and write about it. Help us all learn with you.
And, of course, learn about STEEM which makes this whole platform possible:
- Should You Convert, Power Up, Sell, or Hold?
- Explaining Steemit to My Friends: Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies
- Thoughts on the Price of Steem [video]
- Steemit: The Killer App For Blockchain Mass Adoption (BarCamp Nashville Talk Proposal)
- Steemit: The Killer App For Blockchain Mass Adoption (my RESTfest 5 in 5 talk)
- Steemit: Putting the Social Back into Social Media
- Consider Buying Steem. Be an Owner, not a Renter.
- Why Am I Such a Fan of DPOS Blockchains Like STEEM and BitShares?
Education often requires direct participation and emotional engagement. Until you know what it feels like to get margin called or waste 100 bitcoin on a bitcoin miner you melt or get scammed out of your air-dropped Ripple or any number of other silly (and amazing) things I've been able to do in this space, you may not fully understand. My encouragement to you is to get out there and try some things. Start with small risks, learn, and do some research.
Tell us about your journey. Your unique story will help educate us all and give us new paths for exploration.
Luke Stokes is a father, husband, business owner, programmer, STEEM witness, and voluntaryist who wants to help create a world we all want to live in. Visit

Ohh oh yesssss! I can feel it :)
I can even smell it 🤩🐒😉
Exactly !
Mad skillz.
the meek are taking back the money... FOR ALL !! peace
I mean with BTC prices skyrocketing I think it makes more sense to try cloud mining because of higher returns. 10% OFF voucher: 7487B9DC-10OFF
Trixy Hobbitses! Sneakiest spam I've seen. Even relates to the post...
Not even gonna say more.
This means “spammmming” not nice at all!
Hello @lukestokes
This is succinct!
Even as little as I am in terms of wallet balance and general ranking of this program, my life has not been this better in the recent time.
More importantly, I found the titles of all other articles you linked here very appealing to read. And I am going to really copy this link and make out time to really go through all of its contain links.
@eurogee for @euronation
I hope you not only find them useful, but they lead you on your own journey which you can then share back with the rest of us.
I feel you. It feels good to have hope for a decentralized future
One of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite movies.
Sign me up, man, I'm so joining @lukestokes!
The revolution is surely in progress, and would take over for sure in just a short while, everyone has realised or is realising the evils of centralization and the good sides of decentralized currencies are becoming clearer and clearer. Even some members of the authorities are getting pissed off with the old ways and keying into the future.
What could be better than this:
I got that from the great talk I linked to by Brock Pierce. I've been talking about DAO and DAC's since 2013, but he clarified it so well in that talk around minute 20. So good.
Great post
So much information I'll have to come back to this because I still have some things I need to learn to do in the crypto world
Ultimately I'm immensely happy to be a part of the replacement for the shit system we have right now. I'm glad to be supporting the future and not the past.
I am so glad to be a part of this peaceful revolution!
Keep spreading the word Luke. Good to have "met" you here on Steemit back in June. Hope to meet you in person someday.
Thanks Matthew! There are very many amazing, incredible people here, and I'm thankful daily for how much I enjoy building relationships in this environment. If you're ever heading through Nashville, let's grab a bite to eat.
Would love to! I don't expect to be in your area of the country anytime soon... but thank you. I appreciate the invitation.
I love you @lukestokes! this is great! We finally have a chance to level the playing field, and it's such a blessing for all of us to be a part of it! Steem On!
I love you too, man! :)
I agree, it's amazing time to be alive and be aware of what's happening.
I am new to all this but oh so excited and I can not stop reading, reading and reading more blogs and ideas. I do not know how I found your post but something drew me towards it and I am so glad ....I love your post and the way you write @lukestokes. I vote for you..
Thank you! I really hope you find these posts useful to you.
Now this is the real news!
Thanks man. :)
I have rarely read a piece of writing, anywhere, that has delivered such optimism.
Were I a devout follower of Warren Buffet, I'd sell every scrap of crypto I could get my hands on LOL.
I happen to think you're absolutely correct, and that, in this case, the optimism isn't irrational exuberance. Unlike the equities markets, the rise in value of the cryptocurrencies is based on potential that isn't being raped by Fedophiles.
Fiat currencies are doomed. Particularly the dollar. Inflation is theft, and BTC, like metals (were they unmanipulated in price) retain their full value - except as intended to inflate for growth purposes (like Steem).
The myriad savings in time (which is not only money, but life itself), and treasure potential to cryptocurrencies is enormously valuable, at multiples that make equities look like buying fake portraits by old masters.
There are Muni's being sold now at 2% for one hundred years. Fiat based markets are simply uncompetitive.
Thanks so much for your encouragement. I know I can be considered overly optimistic or idealistic by some, but I try to stay real as well. If I have rational reasons for my perspectives, then maybe I'm just peaking into the future a little sooner than others. I hope for a great future.