Is It Too Late To Invest In Bitcoin or Ethereum?
I have really been wanting to invest in Ethereum especially but still haven't. Bitcoin is doing amazing and I've been tracking its trends for the last month, but still unsure of which cryptocurrency to invest in. So I figured, why not ask the amazing Steemit community!
I'm well overdue for an introduce yourself post but I would like to say that since I started heavily using this platform a week ago, I've been in absolute love. The passion in this Steemit community is so inspiring, just want to say thank you to all of you for contributing to the future!
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2013 “too expensive”
2014 “too expensive”
2015 “too expensive”
2016 “too expensive”
2017 “too expensive”
It's better to invest in alternative coins, you may read my last post to know which ones are going to be the best choice in July.
thank you vikky ! very informative xo
Hello, it's not to late to get in.
Bitcoin has some big step in August but if everything is fine, maybe price is going to skyrocket
Ethereum has explode to 400 $ and just fall, it's normal in the cryptoworld, we can count the number of time bitcoin did it. Ethereum still has great feature to come (Metropolis) and if Ethereum follow bitcoin path, there are no reason to think it will not move upward.
Besides ETH and BTC, there are a tons of altcoins out there and some great projects. Do some research, just invest what you can afford to lose, forget it, come back in few years and profit.
Best of luck !
I am definitely going to invest in Ethereum, I don't know why I've been procrastinating in doing so for the last 2 weeks. Steemit is definitely inspiring me to just do it. Thanks for taking the time to be so informative. peace xo
Bitcoin has a nice future in front of itself and soon reaches the limit to the last. And bitcoin has a major time in the media that is now paying attention and many countries have been about bitcoin.
Bitcoin has been getting a lot of media coverage for sure these last few weeks. Thank you for your insight :) peace xo
Hey lover! Its never to too late to buy bitcoin or ethereum. And both of them are great to invest in. I put in $50 into Ethereum about 3 months ago and its up to $400 now- You don't even need to buy a full Bitcoin or Ethereum, you can just buy some - and they say Bitcoin will reach over 500,000 dollars one day so we are still really on the beginning of the train to hop on now.
Wow thats a quick gain on that Ethereum, amazing ! I'm gonna put $50 in too , also want to invest in some of the altcoins out there too. Thank you love :)

Nice post. Find me on @sofwanidris. Thankyouu
Good points in this article. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. In my opinion blockchain is here to stay. A proper investment for the long term. We really need more insights in the market and previous investment results. I found this great website: I'm really enthusiastic about this site, they let you analyze every single coin out there. Check: For a complete Bitcoin Report.
Interesting to read this 7 months later :), obviously it was not too late to invest in neither Ethereum nor Bitcoin!