Trading: NEO Open Position Buy ...

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Hallo Stemian...


Sedang ada sinyal bagus nih untuk Open Opisi Buy di NEOBTC. Kita lihat candle sudah break out dari Support Downline (Orange Trend Line). Ditambah lagi hal meyakinkan adanya divergen yang ditunjukkan dari indikator RSI. Target bisa di titik 0.00445000.

There is a good signal for Open Opisi Buy on NEOBTC. We see the candle is already break out from Support Downline (Orange Trend Line). And... it assures the divergence shown from the RSI indicator. The target can be at the 0.00445000 point.

Semoga sukses.

Good Luck!


Ini adalah analisa pribadi, sangat disarankan bagi kalian untuk tetap menggunakan analisa sendiri. Jika Anda memutuskan trading setelah membaca artikel ini, maka sepenuhnya itu adalah tanggung jawab Anda sendiri.


This is a personal analysis, it is advisable for you to keep using your own analysis. If you decide on trading after reading this article, then it is entirely your own responsibility.


yes, may be is a good time to buy! I've been waiting from quite some time to buy some more! Thanks for the advice

I do not know much about the 4th industrial coin but I think it gives me good information. :)

Thank you for commenting on my first greeting. I hope to go along well.

I’ve been looking at Neo... Thankyou for the information:)