Bitminer Factory : Blockchain Made Sustainable

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

8 months ago we had a dream: we wanted to participate in the Blockchain revolution. As our expertise was in infrastructure, particularly renewables, technology and digital marketing, we thought that designing and shipping mining equipment to all those who were passionate about the crypto world would have accomplished the objective of keeping the Blockchain really distributed. We started in Calenzano (Florence, Italy) by producing mining rigs, both GPU- and ASIC- based, and making them available to retail and business clients. However, we immediately realised that scaling-up and reducing the environmental impact of the mining activities were the challenges that the Blockchain revolution was facing. So we built a farm, now the largest in Italy, to sustain more than 1,000 mining rigs, with its dedicated electrical infrastructure of more than 1MW, mostly from renewable sources. Now we want to do even more, while keeping in mind our goal and leveraging our expertise in mining and renewable energy: through our ICO — Initial Contract Offering, we want to allow everyone to participate in our project, by purchasing our token. It is a mining contract, that allows anyone to benefit from the production of our mining rigs and renewable energy plants. We firmly believe in our vision: so much that we will undertake a quarterly BuyBack plan for our tokens. Every three months, we will allow our clients to sell back their token to us, at an increasingly high price. You will find additional information in this whitepaper. We want to make the Blockchain increasingly sustainable, and we are sure that our token is the right opportunity to reach ours and your objectives.

Furthermore, the rising price of oil — and, in general, its volatility — could unpredictably dampen the profitability of cryptocurrency investments, whose net gain is heavily reliant on fuel cost. Many prominent publications have started raising the alarm about the dangers associated with indiscriminate energy consumption related to cryptocurrency mining, and we will not let this cry for help go to waste. The goal of our activity, therefore, is to make mining operations sustainable, both in terms of the profitability of your investment and in terms of environmental preservation.

As reported in several publications and online resources, the power required for worldwide crypto-mining activities has increased fivefold in less than a year, reaching an amount high enough to sustain the energy requirements of whole countries such as Peru, Portugal or Israel. This figure is growing exponentially, and is expected to double in the next twelve months, up to 150 TWh/year, as much as the yearly energy consumption of the entire Netherlands. This trend is, clearly, unsustainable, but is deemed to continue due to the rising difficulty of mining operations and the increased competition in the field. Miners need energy for executing computations and for cooling their equipment, but most of them do not really pay attention to where they draw it from — they simply care its cost is low enough. This leads to an exploitation of existing fossil-fuel and other non-renewable sources, regardless of the impact they have on the environment. The rising price of cryptocurrencies makes the investments in mining increasingly worthwhile and, as a consequence, increases the energy required to perform such operations, fueling a vicious cycle.

Cost of renewable energy generation has also reduced massively over the past few years, thanks to the rapid fall of the cost of technologies and the development of a larger-scale global industry, and there is now a general consensus on the competitiveness of renewables with fossil fuels. Renewables expect a +33% grow by 2022 and, as installation accelerates, the cost equation for renewables will just get better and better. For these reasons, the use of renewable energy to supply the consumption needs of the growing Blockchain ecosystem has become inevitable to guarantee sustainability of mining activities.

Bitminer Factory idea dates back to November 2016, and our progress since then has been huge, with our first mining factory, now the largest in italy, completed and fully operational since April this year, after twelve months of hard work and dedicated refinements. We started with the idea of following the cryptocurrency wave, and we have ended up being at the forefront of innovation in the field, leading the way to a sustainable process for mining cryptocurrencies. Some publications are starting to suggest that renewable energies are the future of cryptocurrency mining, and we will be among the first in realizing such a dream

Diversification through Renewable Energy asset ownership: they will strengthen our position to achieve our goals. With 30% of the proceeds of the ICO, exceeding $20M, we will invest directly in the construction of Solar/Hydroelectric power plants. The 100% clean and renewable energy outcome will be used to directly power our mining equipment. Energy projects are capital intensive and require a significant scale: for this reason, we chose to invest in Energy projects only past the $20M mark, still maintaining our commitment to a greener mining solution if proceeds will be below $20M. Owning custom-designed renewable power plants will allow us to achieve even lower electricity cost for our operations, cutting out all the intermediaries between energy production and utilization. Furthermore, we will be able to sell energy to the national grid, generating an additional, stable stream of profits, to be used for our token-holder and for reinvestment in our operations.

Official token crowdsale website , one link to our Pitch Deck




Bitcointalk username: yarseli

Bitcointalk profile:;u=1439009

ETH Address: 0xa8Ff9B940683F5c640353e66e8201A0E90acc8A9