Centralised Chains and Protocols Will Likely be More Attractive to The Masses
If history has taught us anything so far is that most people want to be ruled. This happens due to the very architecture of human nature. What makes a human, human is to follow. The mass adoption won't come from people who know how to store their keys privately but from those who just want to buy and sell with a click of a button without bothering about the details.
This is good news for the short term investors since there is money to be made off the idiotic and obnoxious trolls that seem to buy always at all time high while busting our balls in social media. The bad news is that when the bubble bursts and mass adoption really settles in, centralised blockchains like Ripple or Neo will actually be more attractive for the average Joe.
I am a fan of Hobbes's Leviathan and Machiavelli's The Prince for this very reason. These books, although pessimistic about the potential of humanity's future, reflect the true human nature and where we are actually headed. When the computer was invented big companies like Microsoft and IBM focused in how they can make people learn more and be more digitally independent. They were wrong. Apple rose to the game and offered products for people who had no idea how to use and they were not interested in learning. Idiocracy at its finest, but, Apple won.
Centralised chains will allow the masses to join the cryptocurrency craze. The degenerate gamblers that like to pull handles, the ones that scratch lotteries, the sports betting crowd, all these people will make cryptocurrencies reach trillions of dollars while the smart investors will make money dumping on them. And then after these morons lose everything, they will start crying like little children who got fooled. And the government will join like a tentative parent with strict regulations. Humanity enslaves itself time after time because most of us are willingly irresponsible idiots that are ready to point fingers elsewhere.
I had a friend ask me recently: "How do we solve this problem?". I answered. We don't. The human species adapts and evolves at the expense of idiots. We need the sheep as a species in order to go on. There is nothing you can say to someone who is shilling Ripple at $4. There is nothing to explain to someone who only sees gains and has no idea how everything works. The only a sensible person can do is accept this behavior and take advantage of the idiots.
Bubble after bubble the pattern remains the same. As long as we are made of flesh and bones and our brain develops the same chemical compounds there is nothing to be done. We might be the first "decentralised dreamers "because we believe in human individuality and independence. We are the exception though, not the rule. The wide adaptation will come from people who still worship imaginary deities, never finished formal education and don't understand basic arithmetics and/or statistics. The future has more chance being centralised rather than the other way around.

NEO is not centralized like XRP. Look at the coin supply. NEO holders control 65% of the tokens and within a few more years the community will control 100%. Most of the new supply of NEO being unlocked is being paid out for new development. This is all in the whitepaper and has been the plan for long time. In NEO, the validators will be ID'd voted on by community. This is to make happy the Government regulators since they demand KYC/AML. The goal is to get the real economy on the NEO blockchain. Hence, the motto "NEO - Smart Economy".
Very good point. That’s why MLM’s like OneCoin are so successful in selling their packages and recruiting more people - they actually lead with the fact that they are centralized.
That’s why I believe that the only thing that can “save” us is a shift in consciousness. Otherwise humanity will keep going in circles. We need to upgrade to the next level. I think that’s happening but the questions is, is it happening enough.
The shift has to happen on an individual basis 1st. Hopefully if enough people do the work to shift into higher conscious thought patterns, the tide will change. But that's just it. What motivation does anyone have to think and do differently? Instant gratification and constant media bombardment telling you what to think make it difficult. My take is that very few think differently.
Funny you mentioned Onecoin....was literally approached 2 mins ago by someone trying to recruit me.....I played along and tried to outline the benefits of de-centralization. They just couldn't see. They were lost. I had compassion, I truly did...
And now both of you are probably waiting for the other party to finally “wake up!!” 😀 That’s the situation we are in.
Shift in consciousness. Yes you count as one. Maybe a few more readers and more who were awakened by moving their personal resources (differs from investing) into cryptocurrency. Yet finally many will still be caught in the mire of the status quo. They "need" to have "job". They have been indoctrinated for ten to fifteen years. No instant awakening.
Ugh...part of me hates you for writing this, but the other part knows behind a shadow of a doubt that humans work this way. I hate what you write because there is so much that exists in the field of potentiality, yet most of us will never experience it. Why? because my experience has demonstrated time and time again that everybody wants to transform into something other than their circumstances, but NOBODY wants to do the WORK to identify the patterns, shadows, secrets, and actually transcend them into behaving differently- who has the time given the fast paced lifestyle and all that is available at the finger tips?
My frame of reference for this is trading. It doesn't matter the asset class you're trading. It always ends up being the same behavior that fucks people over. By "fucks people over" I mean losing all your resources.
Everybody is in love with the thought of being your own boss and making lots of money to "buy Lambos and bang bitches" (seriously, someone actually told me that). What is lost is the thought that you come to the table with, for example, poverty or lack consciousness, addictive tendencies, deep seeded thoughts of low self worth, etc. and lifetimes of experiences that reinforce it. Trading simply amplifies subconscious beliefs and becomes a mirror for the defective and destructive self.
I always say trading is about the money but you can't make it about the money. Its not about the trade but how you manage the trade. Its about taking a risk, the right kind of risk. I call it the duality of contradiction. I ask if they can see how beliefs will color decisions they make. I mostly get blank stares.
Until we take the time to look within and do the work we will always be sheep being led to perpetual enslavement and slaughter, myself included.
Centralized “blockchains” will be hacked. They are really just databases.
Great post...
Thank for sharing information...
Please upvote my post...
The only problem with your logic is that it is based on old information.
The magnetic field has changed and human nature is following suit.
Sure, what most people want is just ease of use, however, the demand minimum security. If the centralized block chains never have any problem, then the point is moot, but if they do, it only takes one time of touching the stove to avoid that from then on.
It will be interesting to see what happens.
human nature doesn't change. It it what makes us humans.
Show me cyborgs and I will reconsider.
Excellent!!! Bravo!!! Once again you expose the reality with gumption and almost scientific precision! I 'll resteem this post in a while! Already followed you of course, have a nice day and more useful articles like this!
really our friends should think about the future, because we have a future further.