TaaS: ~2x ROI in Dividends Within 9 Months

It's a delight reading the report released by TaaS yesterday showing that it has exceeded the global cryptomarket performance: https://medium.com/taas/taas-outperforms-global-cryptomarket-in-the-third-quarter-showing-significant-364-growth-of-total-340225861dc4
TaaS is the world's first tokenised closed-end fund dedicated to blockchain assets. If you've entered its ICO back in mid 2017 with let's say 1 Bitcoin (~$1300) at $1 / TaaS, you would have acquired a total of $2600 in dividends within 3 quarters. How about the price of one TaaS token? At time of writing it's at ~$5.70 / TaaS, putting it at 5.7x the price of TaaS in mid 2017. So far, a total of 7.7x from day 1 with both dividends and token price included.
Let's say if you were to just hold on to that 1 Bitcoin instead of getting TaaS tokens, it would've grown to ~$8750 at time of writing, which is at 6.7x the price of Bitcoin in mid 2017. In short, you would be underperforming just holding Bitcoin compared to TaaS. This would be especially true if you're not heavily invested.
But of course, it's difficult to compare since TaaS is not as liquid as Bitcoin and riskier because TaaS performance is beholden to the team behind it, until they automate the entire process in the future. Plus, there are time-horizons for each cryptocurrencies that investors would need to adjust according to their portfolio and personal appetite.
In any case, TaaS may not be one of those short-term 1000x unicorns but I believe it's a valuable blockchain asset that's fit for the technology. All you need is to just acquire TaaS, keep them in your private wallet, and ethers will automatically be deposited every quarter. It should be noted that 50% of quarterly profits are reserved for us token holders, 25% for the TaaS team, and 25% will be retained for the active portfolio.
Not going to name all, but these are the TGEs that TaaS had participated in as early contributors:-
- Etherparty
- Jibrel Network
- Hacken
- Bancor Network
- TenX
- Neuromation
Personally, I'd say TaaS is quite a good project to support, especially for individuals that don't have the time and knowledge to deal with cryptocurrency markets. It has certainly provided my portfolio with better exposure to the wild wild west of cryptocurrencies. Not going to be surprised if the team manages to roll TaaS into a three-figure coin in a couple of years, since the fund is still retaining early-bird tokens of other projects. Check out the quarterly report: https://medium.com/@Taas/token-as-a-service-quarterly-report-3c11e89eff01
- Just hold TaaS tokens in wallet, get dividends in ether quarterly.
- TaaS tokens have market value, following NAV.
- Team behind TaaS are professionals that don't skip on due diligence.
- Transparent team members and company behind project.
- Cryptographic audit (but not fully transparent, yet).
- Stable growth every quarter (so far, as only 3 quarters performance sample available)
- AFAIK, activities included are algorithmic trading and mining as well.
- Centrally managed. Rounding up of funds "by hand" before distribution via smart contract.
- All processes involved are not entirely automated.
- No insane 1000x growth.. (just joking)
- Price of token usually crashes around payout period.

These results are likely only for early adopters. Anyone buying in now should expect an under-performance, because the token price is already much higher than the initial offering.
Website: https://taas.fund
About: https://www.taas.fund/about/
@kevinwong dude cant find you on the chat. need to talk about copytrack with you! ping me
Oh, interesting thing. I didn't know about it, definitely give it a try.
For the time being, Pray for Bitcoins 😁
Pray for BTC :)
Taas has been a great investment for me! Invested in the ICO big time and haven't regretted it since. I do like HODL Taas token prior the quarterly payout to sell some beforehand and hold for those fantastic gains. They had bad reputation since the ICO, however I think critics are silenced by their overall performance. I've you too lazy to trade but want a share of those Crypto Gains, let the Taas team do it for you
They had bad rep since ICO? Seems alright so far, maybe i haven't been paying attention to the chat channels etc. If they automate the whole process so it'll outlive the team, then i'll definitely grab more lol
yeah, bad reputation because there was an article circulating online regarding of one the Founder! The founders of Taas had to response to this claim. To be honest, I'm glad I just tuned out and got to participate big time with this ICO. Really Happy!
one of the best ICO to invest in back in the days :)
I'm still wondering what's with BCAP? Nvm just holding :p
what's BCAP?
some crapcoin i've been holding.. http://blockchain.capital/
I also Invested! To be honest, I've sold this stupid crap coin... Even though it's the most lawyered up ICO.
Well they're behind plenty. I'm just holding. Just let them do what they do.
Alright. The ICO is from the past. Lets forget it. Following that reasoning noone will be buying bitcoins if they would have not bought them from block 0.
So I have two questions which any person wanting to get into TaaS should know:
If I can buy a TaaS token now for that amount or even less and get paid a similar amount per token after 12 months, then it is ok to buy now, as I would get the dividend AND still be holding the token.
Yup check out the reports on their blog. Been growing in performance every quarter, but by no means an indication of future performance.
Oh, yeah. I can see that latest payout was 1.36 USDT. That is great for the current TAAS price. I will be monitoring that payout for the following months before buying.
It's performing impressively! I picked up a bit of Taas after reading one of your previous posts about it and have certainly not regretted it so thank you. Lets hope the team can continue to grow the fund and pick out some exciting projects to invest in.
thanks for information on crytocurrency dividend like your post ☺
By far one of my best investments in the space. I trust the team after all these market cycles.
This is great information. Without your post I would have never know there are any tokens paying dividends.
Thank you so much!
I want to diversify and this is the perfect option.
Yeah this is the only one, maybe besides Sharpe Capital (i haven't looked into that). Hopefully TaaS token value will maintain growth, or else a token value of zero after dividend payout would be devastating..
Very interesting!Now I'll come and see!I have not even heard of TaaS...Thank you and good luck to you @kevinwong !
By the way, if you’re thinking about it, best to wait after 10 February after the current quarterly payout is finished. Token price might drop.
Thank you!
Do you recommend to get in with that Taas thingy?
Double in profits it's not that bad even though comparing to x5000 with other ICO's is a bit lacking, but we should not be greedy and buy some Taas.
more than double actually because it's paid in ethers. let's say if you invested 5k usd during the ICO, you'll be getting about 17 ethers total by 3rd quarter. just goes to show how insane the market was the past year. 2018 might end up being all the way down and sideways lol
Ah, it's okay. I invest only what I can afford to lose. So I will be fine. Maybe cry a little bit.
If it goes down I will have more free funds to buy))))
all the best!