
Hey Kendra, as much as you might not think it, I appreciate your criticism of my post. In truth, if you read the whole thing, it was never meant to attack anyone. My goal was to express the reasons why I would not be investing in XRP and believe it to not be a real cryptocurrency.

Mind you, your criticism of Bitcoin are very valid, hence why I'm not a maximalist and truthfully share your concerns regarding its centralization.

It's obvious that you know the answer to how consensus is achieved, but my question or more accurately said, my challenge was meant for those who know little to nothing about the tech they claim to love. If you felt it as an attack, then you read something that just was not there.

I also appreciate that after beginning the sentence with a hostile tone, you decided to change your comment. I appreciate it because I suspect that you saw that I had and have no ill intent behind my opinion. But, you must admit that the somewhat gutural reaction my post generated on you comes from "team style" loyalty, that as much as I can understand it, can't be too objective.

Am I saying I have no biases? Of course not, we all do. I may be too much of an idealist and maybe that is my problem. Actually, it might be one reason that will keep me from making amazing gains. But, what I'm trying to convey is that I'm OK with that notion, I'm at peace with that possibility.

That being said Kendra, thanks for stopping by, thanks for voicing your opinion. Believe it or not I value your type of comment 100 times more than I would do a.

"Great post"

So please, let me have it. When you feel I'm wrong, when you think you can teach me something, show me a different perspective. Feel free to tell me, I will never take it personal. I love to debate ideas.

I'll say bye for now... hope your weekend rocks



No digital currency will make people think differently, at least not to the degree that is needed.

You hit a nerve there, because as much as the practical side of me wants to agree with you.. that truth, that little ugly truth poking out of the ground is staring back at me, and i want to change it...

So, in the name of pragmatism I have to agree. But in the name of idealism... I don't want to!!

Hahahah what a conundrum