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RE: I Received a Cease & Desist from a Bitconnect Promoters Attourney

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Oh my...
If I received that email, I would probably feel nervous as well, like wtf?

I think you did the right thing. Even though you may be in the right, you have to choose your battles. You don't need to deal with all the BS of legal battles and what not.

Good job


One thing I've learned in business and from a legal standpoint is that anyone can use anyone for anything and while you may be 1000% in the right, is it worth a crapload of money to prove that.

I had a legal issue regarding a business of mine and my lawyer at the time said you are 100% right, now is it worth $50,000 to prove your right? I wound up deciding no and moving on lol.

Part of me on principal wants to kick up a stink regarding this, however I guess I've matured enough that I can say choose your battles, some stuff isn't worth your time or the headache, but it does really make me angry how outrageous this is and I know 1000% I didn't say anything that wasn't factually true and any other statements were sharing my opinion which I have the right to do.

Just saw your blog post, glad to see it man you got huge balls to pickup and move to anther country, really admire that about you and looking forward to hearing more about it. Keep it up with these types of posts. I dropped you a barrage of questions if you wanna touch on any of it in future posts lol

If there was a case (doubtful there is) the promoter would need to dish out the dough to actually go to court. If he does this even a few times, hes looking at $100k+ in attorneys fees with guarantee that they'd win. As soon as the funds dry up the lawyer will drop the case, especially if it doesnt look like they could get any money out of the case. They would need to prove a specific amount of monetary damages, likely much smaller than the cost of the trial.

You probably did the best thing by taking down the video, but it is highly doubtful they would be able to successfully tale you and any other media influencers to court and come out on top.

Best legal advice I've received (besides "get it on paper") is "don't spend good money chasing bad money".

True wouldn't be cheap for either party however with his Bitconnect riches he's got deeper pockets than me :(