Do you know what is the most resultative way of advertising? The answer is native advertising. Native advertising is blended into content so it's indistinguishable.
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The most suitable format for native advertising is video blogging. It happens for a few reasons. First of all, bloggers produce their content much faster than traditional mediam, especially, TV. Secondly, bloggers are percieved as friends therefore they are much more trustwothy. Besides, financial entry bar for advertisers is significantly lower because there is no need to invest a ridiculous amount of money in order to be able to place native advertising. Moreover, bloggers market itself is decentralized by nature - bloggers are ordinary people, they are not a part of any system and they don't want to be. Therefore Blockchain is the perfect fit for development.
We've prepared an explanatory video about Efir.io ecosystem with subtitles in 5 languages.
And here's what is Efir.io explained in one minute.
Check out our article on Medium to learn more about native advertising and how successful is the market: https://medium.com/@efir.io/what-is-native-advertising-and-how-successful-is-the-market-f3ab8841a7db
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