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RE: SCAM UPDATE - GoldSneak Revealed!!

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago

But it takes a 1 in a million cocksucker to outblow even the greatest cocksuckers. And since a large % of em hang out at ShitTheBed's place, I might be moving to China. Even at 1 in a million odds of finding one it still it means there are thousands of "world class" cocksuckers in China. :O This crypto shit gettin looney. We already know'd sheeple been getting clipped in "live" cryto trading...but now we "should" know who the guys doing the clipping is...if the blockchain truly works. Confused? me too. So I'll keep waiting for BTC at $5 before I "maybe" make my first buy...and only thru my pet GBTC. At least I know DRYShits has shipping containers and I can always use one of those to live in and make raised gardens and HUGE jacuzzi's. Whata you get with crypto...besides nothin? :-0