in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Different to many other crypto currencies Stellar is already active and used from companies.
To calculate the worth of a currency you need to know about several things.

A few you have to look up are:

  • Community / How many people are in that movement
  • Marketing / Do they advertise the product ( look up, whether there is a technology behind it and not rely on ads)
  • Roadmap / Whitepaper (make sure that you know and believe in the tech for a long term investment)
  • Is there a use case?
  • Do they have a product already?

Many of those points are well done by the Stellar Team.

  • Their community is large (they have about 190k follower on Twitter)
  • The marketing is good; not to overloaded. Some Youtube influencer, but the coin is already integrated in the top coins
  • The Roadmap is relly interesting, it has been released yesterday / They want to include the lightening network to fasten their transaction and make it much cheaper, so that you can take use of it even in micro transactions.
    For further details look up here:
  • The product is Stellar Lumen and has already been released
  • Stellar has use cases as you can see in the picture below:

I personally invested about 35% of my amount into STELLAR XLM, because you can get it to a very good price right now,
it hit 0.9$ already and fell back to 0.6$, so it is likely to go up to its highest peak again in the next time.

Here is just a comparison between stellar and other ico

(Extract of the meetup in Singapore)