Why are Digital Currency Prices Dropping? Time to Buy Steem!
This cryptocurrency sale is amazing because prices for Steem are not likely to ever be this low again! I bought 1451.966 more Steem on Bittrex today after buying 1023.206 STEEM yesterday because I think Steem is going to hit $10 within a few months! If the price would drop down to $0.50 or lower over the next few weeks I would be really excited because then I will be able to load up before the increase! On Coinbase, I am depositing $5,000 more and am loving what I see as the last opportunity to get Steem cheap before it goes to outer space!
Why are all cryptocurrency prices dropping?
On August 1, 2017 the Bitcoin network is going to update to follow the Bitcoin Improvement Proposal 148 (BIP 148) which will update the network to an improved protocol featuring an increased blocksize, script versioning, signing of input values, increased security for multisig via pay-to-script-hash (P2SH), reducing UTXO growth, efficiency gains when not verifying signatures, and malleability fixes. Read more at https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0148.mediawiki.
The fear and uncertainty from this change has led to a lot of selling in almost every digital currency meaning more seller orders than buy orders keep driving the price down.
Will there be a soft fork or a coin split or some other disaster?
No because the majority of miners will want to protect their investments by not causing any trouble with splitting the blockchain and will benefit from the improvements. Naturally this update is a good focal point for fear and uncertainty amidst what has been an insane buying wave recently for altcoins especially. There is nothing to worry about with this change because it will make Bitcoin better and presents huge opportunity to buy in while prices are low! For total safety, sell Bitcoin into an altcoin like Steem to avoid any potential issues in case I am wrong!
When was the last time the market dropped like this?
In 2014, I was certain that the Bitcoin price would be over $1,000 again someday when it was at $600. I started buying all the way down to $170 at which point I had almost $10,000 invested. The problem was I trading for short term profits more than planning to buy and hold. Every price drop jumped me into fear and often prompted me to sell at exactly the wrong time including selling all my Bitcoin for around $200. Today I realize that when the market is dropping that is when I want to buy in and then hold indefinitely because the profits are there. I am grateful I started buying Bitcoin again at $300 which was hard to do after I had sold it all because long story short that is how I now have over 40,000 Steem today.
Is today the best time to buy Steem we have seen in a month?
Yes! The price has not been this low since May 2017 and I think after the next big price jump will never be anywhere close to this again maybe for 10 or 20 years. You can see how much I bought today and I am hoping to be able to buy thousands more while the price is low before Steem goes crazy as with hit critical mass with people discovering that this is really a top 5 currency with #1 potential! I made a matching with this post that you might enjoy on YouTube!
Thank you for reading this and for every comment you have made already! I am reducing to 1 or 2 posts a day again after my experiment and am scheduling more time to spend with you in the comments because your feedback helps me better serve you!
Would you please vote this post up today if you found this helpful because your upvote is how I know that you would like me to write more like this?
Jerry Banfield
What is it - specifically - about Steem/Steemit that makes you think this? Why do you think prices won't go lower and why do you think the STEEM price will go to $10 soon? On what are you basing that?
Ten to twenty years? You can make a price prediction for the next decade or two based on the last two months of prices? Can you elaborate on why you think prices will not be this low for the next 10 to 20 years?
I think enthusiasm is great but having a more measured outlook would probably be good, especially when you have a lot of followers (many of them blind or otherwise ignorant about crypto markets in general) who might be using your actions/advice for investing/trading purposes.
These are the ten reasons I believe Steem will go up to $10 within 1 to 9 months and not come down as long as it is active https://steemit.com/steemit/@jerrybanfield/10-reasons-for-usd10-steem-price-in-10-months.
In the two months since I wrote this, my friends have poured in tens of thousands of dollars to Steem including many that are making their first crypto investments like @joeparys who just put $2,500 in and others experienced crypto veterans like @robertgenito that have been involved before 99% of us had ever heard of Bitcoin. Like Bitcoin, once certain levels are reached they are not returned to again even in the lowest of times. Bitcoin is unlikely to be worth $10 again within the next 10 or 20 years and I think Steem is on a similar path.
I am not exactly sure what Jerry Banfield is typing in this post. Why would Steem go up to 10 dollars per in a few months? No other Crypto has that much support to 10x right now, why does Steem? Steem seems to be tied directly go BTC prices for the most part. BTC goes up Steem goes up, BTC goes down Steem goes down, every time.
BTC isn't going up much when the update happens in a few weeks, in fact is SEGWIT is activated it should crash down to be worth $0 and rightly so. SEGWIT is unsafe, Litecoin didn't even implement SEGWIT on their official blockchain because of that.
Why is that you ask? Because when a transaction is almost instant to confirm and be done, it also takes less than a minute or two to reverse and overwrite the entirety of transactions done on SEGWIT. It will be 51% attacked successfully at some point and owned hard. BTC only can lose 2 or 3 or 4 blocks at a time due to a 51% attack being successful, due to so many miners competing for the average solve time of 10 minutes, SEGWIT goes around that by confirming everything almost instantly on a side chain. Anything done on the sidechain should be considered completely reversible and not to be trusted, EVER. It is centralized and can easily be hit one time and havoc will be wreaked.
If SEGWIT gets implemented into the main blockchain for Bitcoin I urge you to sell everything you have of BTC and never do anything with it again. If it only is implemented as a secondary side chain, just don't use SEGWIT for anything, instead use the Bitcoin Blockchain.
I think it comes down to a gut feeling of what the price should be. Complete speculation, but I think Steem could reach $10 soon too. There isn't really anything backing this up other than seeing how prices can be super-volatile with cryptocurrencies. Steem is also something we all want to succeed and many people see Steemit as something that will hopefully become several times larger than it is today.
If steem reaches $10 it will be directly connected to a surge in value of btc. Otherwise no.
As being new to Steem and the community of steem, and crypto currency as a whole.
I'm still trying to figure out whether to buy"Steem" "steem power" or "(Steem)" in savings, its all confusing.
I see most of your savings in in steem savings.
Is that what you meant about buying steem?
As i look at yours and pretty much everyone else, they have nothing in "steem", the first thing you see in your wallet, but load up on steem power and steem savings.
Seems so confusing, with that said, Now are uncertain times indeed, but one can say its also a great time to invest in Bitcoin, especially since everything is based off buying another coin such as steem using Bitcoin or even Etherium, not to mention Bitcoin and Litecoin seem to have the best properties as far as being finite value,something that are decentralized. where as almost all the rest can easily become centralized.
I will also throw out there Gold and Silver, especially Silver is is at the best prices one could buy in on, and I'm not talking paper but physical ownership.
Your article always is very informative, and I have lots of respect for the time you put into it.I enjoy reading them.
I have said and will continue to say, crypto is here to stay, and now is definitely worth getting into, I just wanted to say, diversify, buy crypto for sure, but don't overlook Gold and Silver
Hey guys. I'll try to help.
Any questions, hit me up and I'll try to clarify!
Wow that was extremely helpful. I'm pretty new to the site and haven't had a chance to dig in. That cleared up plenty for me as well. :)
We the most gangsterist price raising crypto thugs in this bitcoin recession ghetto!
Come hold your coins with us and we'll make sure they never get stolen by whales or Babylon corporate reptilian army's for you!!
-we the people
What? CHC is a dead coin taken over by a pump and "hodl" group. That in and of itself makes absolutely no sense. If you just HODL forever, then what difference does the price make? Are you going to hodl your MN earnings too?
And whales never "steal" your coins . . . people voluntarily sell them in a panic. If you watched btc today, we are not in a recession.
Which of the forms earns dividends/Interest? what for is the interest paid in?
You can check my other posts on @lovelyday
and also follow and upvote me.
Thanks to all friends.
SSSOOOOOOO HELPFUL! Thank you for the clarification! Haha
thank you. that explains it really well.
Great response. The only correction I'd make is that Steem Power has nothing to do with how much you get from the upvotes of other people. That is entirely dependent on their Steem Power, not yours.
I tend to think of Steem Power as being like owning a share in Steem's future because it gives you your voting rights and influence. Steem should really only be held if a person wants the liquidity to sell or trade it.
Quit spamming your CHC memes all over the platform. Thank you.
This was very helpful @abstractart - thank you. I have a question about what "Redeem Rewards (Transfer to Balance) means and what that does. Is it better to hit that button or let it sit in the part of the wallet that is highlighted in light green? Can you tell me what that is all about? Thanks.
The "Redeem Rewards" function is a fairly recent change to Steemit. Previously rewards were paid directly into your account balances and this step did not need to be done. The change was made simply to help the blockchain run more efficiently, as it reduced the number of transfers/transactions happening since not every little .001 Steem was being sent, instead being accounted for in this ledger type balance.
Click it whenever you think about it, there's no harm in claiming often and in fact there is no benefit to just letting it sit there unclaimed. The sooner it is in your actual account balance the sooner it is earning interest for you or making your votes more powerful (if it is Steem Power.)
That was a helpful explanation thanks
Thank you @bryan-imhoff! I appreciate you taking the time to answer my question.
I agree also very helpful! It is a complicated system to grasp.
This is the best explanation i have seen on this thus far. Thanks abstract! Will upvote you and follow!!
Thanks for clearing this up, I kinda felt it was wise to put my earnings into SP, glad to know now!
You and Jerry have been most helpful!
I follow you in youtube and thanks to you I got to know steemit. Never heard of it before. What I really don't understand is when to sell. You always make comments on don't buy high/sell low (like a lot of people do), so, the next question would be, When Should I Buy/When Should I Sell any cryptocurrency? Im in it for the long haul but when is it the best time. You never know what's going to happen in this market. Thanks and best regards from Mexico.
Thank you so much for explaining this. I'm new to steemit and I was really confused about SP,SBD and STEEM. You made it super easy to understand. I think anyone new should read this post.
Thanks, @Abstractart!
I'm a little clearer now, thanks!
How can I get / buy SBD if that's possible though?
Soooo what exactly happens when I upvote?
I am new here too. Great explanation! Thanks.
excellent comment
Great reply @abstractart.
One other question.....what is the "SAVINGS" item about ?
Very helpful thanks ...
Very nicely broken down. I think people don't understand the whole power down process. Steem really has good protocol measures to ensure the daily operations go smoothly.
Very helpful! I had a basic understanding but was still foggy on a few things. This really clears it up! Thanks!
Thanks a ton, @abstractart. That clears a lot of doubts for a newbie like me. Hope to learn more as the days go by.
You can check my other posts on @lovelyday
and also follow and upvote me.
Thanks to all friends.
This helped SO MUCH. I'm a newbie and very confused. Thank you very much for explaining!
Also, is there a way to save posts? Could use yours to come back to in case I get confused again haha!
Thank you for the explanation, am new here and still learning.
good explanation!
I hope for all and for myself that steem will go in a right direction! cryptocurrency based on socialmedia - that is a lot of potencial and must be a Success!
jerrybanfield I realy like your content, a lot of useful infos !
Just be careful, this market still has room to drop until August 1, so again... be very careful.
We the big homies who Jumped Segwit
We'll make sure your bike or your bitcoin value don't get stolen..
we got your back!
It is the best time to invest in Bitcoin if you have large amounts of money. If you are a beginner with a small capital, your best investment lies within the alt coins. In simple terms, you will get more for your buck. With that said, it is important not to invest in just any alt coin. Investing in the alt coins with solid team, good technology, and a great community, like steemit, will certainly yield a great return.
Here's an article that is well written and easy to read and understand.
I 100% agree with you on gold and silver. Diversify as much as you can. (Many eggs, many baskets).
great question...i have the same questions as you do bro...i am new here and seeking answers.
If you want to buy anything, it should be steem. Then conver to steem power(power up). Othewise just having steem in your wallet is pointless unless you plan to convert to cash.
I agree... Bitcoin, gold and silver all the way. And maybe a few altcoins like Steem / ETH / Antshares etc...
Totally agree to diversify with Crypto currencies and also with gold/silver.
You can check my other posts on @lovelyday
and also follow and upvote me.
Thanks to all friends.
Stop spamming
Correct! And check out our interviews
We're going to talk about it w/ Top influencers:
I'm fairly new as well and i've learned to keep a nice spread. That way they can some what balance each other out. Then you have the quick flipper coins which price jump up and down daily. Just buy low and sell high t all times. Happy vibes and I wish you well.
Thanks for posting this article link. I want to learn everything I can about Steem since this is my first crypto currency.
@roadscribe step number one: Hurry and buy as much Steem as you can while it's this cheap. You will never witness this again with this one. New heights or projected and it's all aboard the Steem express. What's beautiful about this platform is the fact it has this grassroot type feeling where it allows its users to help build their platform.
Most who don't understand stand it would simply call it a scheme yet the platform speaks for itself. Everyday something new is being incorporated to help improve the overall stability of Steem itself.
Block chain technology is the future and the future has begun. Don't be one of those guys talking about how you had a chance when it was sooooo cheap. It's simple to purchase. Do you have a coinbase account or a means to purchase bitcoins?
That's awesome I cover 2 big things effecting Steemit payouts here:
THIS is the question I had in mind while reading this article. "Steem" or "Steem Power"?
Needless to say, I'm new too (and very clueless).
those are the same things steem power is just on your account here locked up
Oh okay. Thanks!
Thank sir for giving the knowledge of Steemit thanks a lot
I'm right there with you! Am brand new to Steemit/community/crypto world, but would like to buy a little as well... but which version of steem?
Steem is going to parabolic once the Market Rebounds after August 1st and when the next phase of STEEM starts and the STEEM DEX is ready. We probably won't see this price again. Great Post by the way @jerrybanfield we Upvoted and Resteemed.
Next phase of Steem?
Anyone supprised about the correction needs to put everyting into perspective. We are riding the bubbles.
"veterans" like Jerry will agree that this has happend many times before and most lose money trying to make the short term profits.
See my old post:
This post has been resteemed by @netuoso courtesy of @netuoso from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ). Join us in Discord.
We are experiencing bargain prices on majority of the altcoins. BTC was holding very well but finally broke to downside creating buying opportuinities that I was waiting for. I have more funds coming to my exchange to keep on buying those dips. The number one coin I want to load on is BTC and also want to increase on my steem.
Check my post from today that is between the same lines: https://steemit.com/cryptocurrency/@czechglobalhosts/summer-sale-50-off-your-favourite-coins
Can't wait to see Steem increase again!
Yes because the more we buy now, the more we make when it goes up! I hope it waits to go up until I have bought as much as I can stand at these low prices. I am planning a few more weeks of buying.
Same here! Hoping it goes under $.50 before Aug 1st!
Past performance isnt a predictor of future results, but in terms of altcoins Steem does have a real use unlike many others. Seeing the number of new users just on this thread makes me bullish at this price.
Agreed @superskillz! Also another factor that personally makes me bullish with steem is how active the steem community is.
Good research Jerry.
yes good one.
can you vote me,please????????
Such a savage... keep on stackin lol
And boy do we staunch holders deserve a break. Iw will happen, no worries, why worry.
Is it possible to buy steem through this site or must this be done on an exchange? sorry, I'm pretty new here.
We cannot help you unless you help the community by purchasing Steem Power.
Help me brother
@jerrybanfield, it's great that you're so pumped on Steemit and think that it's going to $10...I get your reasons why you think so, however you're also looking at Steem from only your own personal angle...someone who came in and invested a ton of money giving you a ton of voting power, which draws other users to you...as well as you're an excellent marketer and you came with A LOT of followers, so you instantly were getting paid for videos you post. I wonder how much you'd like it if you came in with no followers and signed up with no money. Pretty sure you wouldn't like Steem as much as you do now and wouldn't be able to gain the traction you have in such a short time span. Most of the new users, who are the ones that would really make Steemit grow, experience it this way, and it exposes you to seeing some serious flaws in the infrastructure of Steem, which apparently you aren't aware of. Try making a mother account where no one knows who you are, with no money in it, and start marketing then...you'll go nowhere fast. I'm also curious about your thoughts on the technicals of Steemit. I feel like you're analysis is pretty biased towards just the idea of Steemit, without considering some of the analytical side. They're diluting themselves at a very quick pace...they have no advertising revenue either, so since money doesn't just last forever and come free by posting videos, what's going to happen when no one is getting paid to blog anymore and no more new users are coming in because of that. There's more to consider with Steemit than you talk about.....have you actually looked at it as deep as you would look into a stock before buying it? I don't think the future is as bright as you do for Steemit, and I'd be surprised if it ever hits $5 at the way they're going. Just somethings to think about....enjoy your Sunday!
Taylor thank you very much for helping me see the downsides of Steem because I feel it is critical to be aware of the ups and downs of any situation in life to get a true picture. You are right that Steemit does give a huge advantage to those that invest which might make it hard to attract the masses and therefore get a big price increase. What will happen when no one gets paid to blog if the prices goes back to under $0.10 where it was for a while is a good question. Would I still make Steemit #1 priority if I got $10 a post instead of a $100 or would I film a video course I could sell instead? Even with all these things considered, I think Steemit will still do very well because it will continue to attract investments which will pull the price up and continue to bring more followers in many of whom will likely be very grateful to even have the chance to make money with a post or a comment compared to other social media networks paying nothing. Steemit offers more potential than anything I have ever seen online even for someone with no existing following but just because it has potential does not mean it is certain to fulfill it! I appreciate you helping me be more patient with continuing to invest going forward!
My max upvote how you take your coffee? sugar and cream , or black? coffeerdinker51
Excellent post! I 100% agree and understand your perspective. We put in a few hundred dollars into Steem Power to have some voting power and whatnot and it hasn't really done anything. I mean, we've gone from making 1 or 2 cents a post or comment to like 8 cents, 18 cents, with one post making $1.50. It doesn't seem like much when you consider we've 'invested' a few hundred into the platform and every one of our posts are still getting buried the second they are posted because of the big players. Jerry makes a post, upvotes it to like $25-40 and it rises to the top instantly, then after 10 minutes of receiving lots of other upvotes (Because the content is ALSO good), he stays at the top and rides the wave. The new accounts will never get to that stage unless they invest heavily and bring a following.
I really like the idea of steemit and what it represents, but it is increasingly becoming a platform very similar to other social media platforms where the people with the most followers, or the most money go to the top very fast and the vast majority of the readers/users are left at the bottom even though they account for the majority of time spent. From my understanding, the idea of Steemit was to reward the users who contribute and spend time on the platform. Don't get me wrong, I've made more than I've ever made using Facebook ($0) so I am being rewarded (5cents here, 10 cents here), but overall it's not much considering I'm still down hundreds of dollars in a sense to earn a few bucks in total in rewards.
Jerry has made thousands in his first few weeks and I'm very happy for him, he's a great marketer and he's leveraging a platform that's working well for him. On the other side, I've made less than $3 on steemit since I've joined and it seems to be dropping over time and that's with 140 posts that we've made and by contributing around $250 - 300 to the platform in Steem Power. (Yes, content matters, Jerry posts high quality content and that definitely counts, but my point is it's more about being seen. Our posts within 30 seconds become buried just like the vast majority other people's posts. Jerry could make a terrible post, upvote himself and still have it stay near the top because his vote alone will surpass 95% of others)
I think for the success of Steemit, this is a very important topic because I've seen a lot of people on Youtube who have already forgotten about steemit. I don't know what the solution is. There will always be the big players and the small players in anything humans do, but it's interesting to analyze/understand what's happening and the reasons Jerry is able to move up so quickly!
We will continue to chug along on Steemit, since we do believe in it, but it's important to understand people earn a ton of money because they have a ton of money invested in their account. Money makes money. The rich get richer! That's all it is.
Well, will ,go look up Jerry banfield 10 tips to Steemit, just go to his post. Good Fortunes, and nice reply to the problems!! Aloha Al
HI Will, I have a different perspective. Although I think it is good to be realistic, and not over-optimistic to the point of burying your head in the sand, it is possible to do well here starting from scratch. Look at @Papa-pepper. His posts are averaging $80-$300. He started from ground zero. No previous blogging experience or following. I've met the guy in person when I visited my brother in law, @bluerthangreen in Arkansas a few months ago. They live in the same area as homesteaders. Papa-pepper really does handle snakes and geckos and different animals--a super nice, laid back, but hard-working guy that started on Steemit while working a full-time job, homesteading, and raising a family. True, he started about a year ago, but he created good content, learned as he went along, and slowly, over time his posts increased in value. He and his family bought a plot of land--I saw it--and they are going to be able to build their home debt-free because of the revenue he's earned on Steemit! So, although the rich may have an advantage, with consistent hard work, those on the bottom can also increase too.
That's well said, @mattphilleo

Followed you.
Good point my friend. That's exactly the way I feel about Steem. Right now it's like pay to win depending on how much money you have to buy Steem/Steem Power for influence, hence the whales and crypto youtubers are currently dominating the platform. I came in to Steem with almost nothing invested. You really have to work very hard if you're just starting off in here. Right now I see a lot of copy/paste posts, people seem to think that if they just copy/paste photos or articles that they can get rich overnight. Personally, I'm treating the platform like my blog. Just take more time on your posts and make sure it's quality content that you made, if other people on here see that, they will upvote and follow.
Good to read something about this,
bit of a shame also where most votes go to, i'm an early member 22000, usually supporting new writers, fat wallets have no need for my vote, i've seen it myself, i'm supported by a few loyal readers, but most of my income went to exchanges, no cash on wallet no votes. Which is a shame, the power of money.
As for the Steemprice, who knows, just be safe with withdrawing BTC to a personal wallet. Will get messy.
Hi! I need help here! "Be safa with a personal wallet! Does coinbase counts? I've heard pros and cons of using coinbase, but I will appreciate your input! Thanks!!!!
Omwith has to do with the possibility of a BTC-split, if this happens you're never sure which BTC you get(from exchanges) and if you get the BTU, best to read some on Internet, some exchanges stand behind BTC segwit etc but not Roger Ver, also some exchanges will halt trading on august 1 and some withdraw fees have shot up.
Most advise you to put it on a wallet with private keys, Bitcoincore, Electrum and wait it out (go in Alts, like Steemit, but i can't advice there.). Perhaps good trades can be made?! Also when you withdraw best some time before 1 august, to be safe.
Just Google BTC segwit 1 aug etc
Thanks for your comment! I'll do as you suggest!!
Although I 100% agree with you, there is one thing you haven't considered, and if it will save or should I say keep this platform alive is yet to be seen, but...
Remember, that us as content creators are always in the minority, even though we don't see it that way, because in our minds everyone on here is trying to blog and get money, which is simply not true.
On all platforms, the great majority of users are consumers. They consume the content we creators create, and that's how platforms survive and thrive.
Now, with that being said, if Steemit just keeps pumping out articles of people jerking off Steemit all the time, or the same old crypto-currency articles, or Asian chicks taking trips to the Bahamas, well then... this platform will surely die.
Unfortunately, as of now, all the whales like that kind of shit, and will continue to up-vote it all into the "Hot" and "Trending" sections, which may very well put Steemit out of existence in the months or years to come.
@tolkatore, well said, and valid points!
Extremely valid point, @tolkatore. I'm a newbie here, and I'm having a hard time coming across real quality posts. I totally agree with you on the fact that unless quality becomes a priority over quantity...interest of the consumers will wane very quickly.
Here's hoping that the quality of articles here rules, and maybe someday there is a "quality check" process put in place.
The people who created this are smart but also very short term. Dan Larimer is the creator of the system and he has already left. If you just use steemit like a blog platform then you will be fine.
I think you've hit the nail on it's head. That one should just use this as a blog platform, and should enjoy the practice of writing and sharing their stories. The earnings will follow, I'm sure. The moment someone gets into this with only the earnings in mind, I guess that's when they lose steam, become impatient, and quit.
So lets enjoy writing...and leave the rest to hard work, patience, and a little bit to destiny too :)
Spot on dude, +1.
Buy whatever's on sale and a lot of it, as my mother used to say.
Thanks Jerry!