Where do I pick the "Petro" coin up?

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Interesting article. I would be happy buy alittle into the Petro coin to see where it goes. But the United States seems to always go to war with countries who threaten the petro dollar.



Hi, I'm a lawyer from Venezuela I would like to share with you my legal advice about the petro

This is opposition propaganda.

This article is not objective only based on an oppositionist vision, and based on distorted ideological foundations

The article is based in the constitution and the law, which are a objective thing. I'm not inviting that.
So in that logic the only objective analysis would be the government do.

No Mr. "Lawyer". You don't know anymore then your audience. Do you hang with young Maduro? Do you even understand crypto or just the law? Probably not too much crypto because if you are in the legal system,civil or otherwise, you would never risk it there. Everything you have said doesn't ring the bell.. and kind of depressing.

Although thinking about it..maybe u do..shit I'm responding right now. U sneeky guy! lol

who really knows yet?

Ad hominem, that resume your arguments.

So we SHOULDNT support dictators with our cash in hopes for a quick gain at the expense of repressed people? You know we have a Walmart at every street corner.... all joking aside... great article and read... I will keep this in mind when considering the PETRO.

thanks for supporting

This guy is right wing propagandist. Users here on Steem are more socially aware. Beware of promoting such bullshit.

I'm not promoting political parties or ideology. I'm trying to warned of the Venezuela situations and the real possibility of finance a dictatorship regime with the Petro and be affected patrimonilly in the way.
I don't see the sin or bullshit in that.

Where can I buy it?

rguia its people like you that caused this problem if you and your parents and people like you had looked after the Venezualian people years ago, the condition would not be there for the poor to rise up.
So cut the crap about corruption, where are the billions that was shipped out to Miami while the people of Venezuela rotted over the years. You and people like you are heartless predators. I am with the long-suffering masses . Dont you think it is time for you to go live in the USA

Considering latest events in China, should buying ANY chinese coin to be considered as supporting dictatorship, too?

Today it should be out!

I would not touch the Petro with a 497498 block height stick!

I think as soon as Petro can be aquired, is going to be the hottest token.

I hope it does well, so i can change my worthless VEF for petrocoin, "thanks obama"

I think you are mistaken, there is not coin out yet, 14 days later

Please can you elaborate on it a bit.

So far I don't know where to get a Petro coin, but once it is available, if it really becomes available, i think it will be very valuable.

The funny thing is, "PETRO" as a ERC 20 token is available on Ethereum Wallets


the presale is supposed to start on feb 20th. 2018

the official site is up and there is a whitepaper download. however not yet any information on wallets or where to buy.

please do NOT buy this coin. it is government owned and venezuela is the worst of the worst when it comes to corrupt governments. if you buy this coin, you are supporting a dictatorship that commits human rights violations against its people every day. this is THE OPPOSITE of what cryptocurrencies should stand for.

jaja, la gente no va a comprar porque tu lo digas. esa es tu opinion.

You can buy it on the official website. It is NEM based at this point so you will need to create your own wallet.
Keep in mind that even though their website allows US citizens to buy it, you cannot and should not buy it if you are a US citizen, or you will be committing a crime by violating US sanctions, which carries a fine of up to 1 million dollars and 20 years of prison term.

please do NOT buy this coin. it is government owned and venezuela is the worst of the worst when it comes to corrupt governments. if you buy this coin, you are supporting a dictatorship that commits human rights violations against its people every day. this is THE OPPOSITE of what cryptocurrencies should stand for.

That's false. Venezuela is a democracy and with Petro they are only trying to defend themselves from US sanctions. Invest in $PTR happily and support a free country.

me gustaría que el petro remplace al bolivar, seria un gran avance contra la inflación que personas como @gimmekimmy allí arriba apoyan.

I have been researching about this petro coin and there's nothing so far. I think we would like to know things like:

  • what are they forking? or are the creating a new coin from scratch?
  • Is it premined?
  • Can it be mined? If so what algorithm does it use?
  • Will it be listed in exchanges?
  • What about wallets? Are they offering android/iphone wallets that everybody can use in their daily basis?

I found out they already published the official website, but it is quite empty. https://petro-moneda.com

Then there's the website for "National Association for Cryptocurrencies" (ASONACRIP) https://asonacrip.org.ve but it seems to be down.

Esas son paginas de asociaciones y organizaciones aparte y con muchisimo tiempo de creadas en mi publicacion puedes ver las paginas de registro y un poquito mas de INFO

Petro is going to become one of top ten coins on the market, pennies for the ico it would turn into 100-300$ for each petro coin, after a few months ...

There is not such coin "yet" all that was said was an announcement, weeks later we still don't know anything about the "new" coin

Good questions that everyone should research before buying one of these petros. They put links to wikipedia on the petro's website.....seriously? I smell disaster

the right site is www.elpetro.gob.ve

esa el la pagina oficial.

It comes out on February 20th, it can't be mined, it'll be listed on Observatiro BlockchainVE, that's all I can say about it, I don't really know very much about these coins (not just Petro, all of them)

please do NOT buy this coin. it is government owned and venezuela is the worst of the worst when it comes to corrupt governments. if you buy this coin, you are supporting a dictatorship that commits human rights violations against its people every day. this is THE OPPOSITE of what cryptocurrencies should stand for.

Are you sure? The oil backed crypto stands for something else as well. It stands for the first time ever a nation will openly trade outside of the petro dollar. Don't get me wrong, I agree that Maduro may not do the right thing but that nation is neck deep in shit with a fresh bucket aimed straight for the face.

People are being kid napped and held for ransom of "Rice and Beans"! They have been leveled by international and US policies. They will need and want that oil for the future but why should Venezuela, Lybia, Iraq, Panama, Iran and Syria all have to pay for US needs?

We know what they do. It's no secret that the IMF will "draw and quarter" any nation under the guise of "Let us help you"...Why can't we just have a fair trade system. If they want to sell oil for crypto let them sell it. Even if a little trickles down to the people of Venezuela it will be more then they have now.

I'm not saying I am going to buy the crypto, I fear for other reasons. First of all, I give them less than a year before they get hacked.

They will need their own exchange I'm sure and Maduro will be siphoning a little off the top of every trade.

That's where they will get hit by the US and other petro dollar supporters. They will destroy it's credibility through "Hacks", be them real or perceived through the bullshit media and make it as about attractive as Kubera Coin!

(by the way, anyone want to buy 100 thousand Kubera coin from me, it was a "single malt decision" that I have to live with) :)

Here's my upvote ...

Nothing less then very depressing and from a contry with such large reserves. They should be riding around in gold plated cars like the Iranians, instead they must beg for food.

Thanks for sharing that article. I pray for the people...

This is right-wing opposition propaganda. The rich in Venezuela want us to believe this filth in order to harm the revolution so they can maintain control over the economy. Fortunately Abby Martin actually went to Venezuela to see first hand the lies that these counter revolutionaries promote. Here first hand video footage:

como diria Homero Simpson, "aburrido".

"I would be happy buy a little into the Petro coin"

Why? If you want to invest in oil then just do that. Uphold have talked about introducing oil to it's platform, through which you can already own gold and other metals, all of which can be purchased with cryptocurrency.

Because it will ICO at a fraction of the cost of a barrel of oil. Do you even ICO bro?