Tutorial: How to open an account in HitBTC?

The best exchange houses for me are Bittrex (for its security and sales volumes), Cryptopia (easy to buy, sell, trading) and HitBtc (low commissions and only to work with the most known currencies)
Opening an account on Hitbtc is as easy as registering in an email:
1.- We are going to Register and we enter an email and password, we accept the terms and conditions.

2.- We wait for a confirmation link in our e-mail and click

3.- At the top we can see that it says "Deposit" in green color. Click and we can see the top ten of the crypto-coins, Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Dash, Litecoin, etc.

4. In the Exchange part we can see the graphical guides, and the main movements minute by minute.

5.- Finally, we scroll and see the buying and selling section. The picture shows buying and selling LTC (Litecoin)

Images of Tutorial by Jaime William - Peru (Me)