Ultimate injustice of the human world.

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)


Guys, while scrolling through the airdrops and filling up the requirements, few things popped into my mind. For those who don't know, airdrops and bounties are basically distributions of tokens and coins for various types of tasks offered by crypto projects.

So whenever you want to do a bounty or an airdrop for a new crypto coin, those with highest ranks on certain social and other types of media are able to get the highest rewards. On a long timescale, those with highest ranks will inevitably accumulate the highest value compared to those with lower ranks or no ranks at all.

One should say, "Well, they are the biggest contributors to this tech, its marketing and are most competent, thus they deserve to be rewarded more". Which I agree, but this leads me to my next thoughts about the world that we live in and omnipresent oligarch systems that we have. Disclaimer: I don't want to compare anyone to anyone or even worse, blame someone for anything. These points only lead to a certain chain of thoughts that I wanted to share.

For next points keep in mind that current world oligarchs were also biggest contributors to "XY" tech, long ago, and "Rich getting richer, poor getting poorer" effect is ever present. Also, while many of them had good intentions, many things turned out wrong and very damaging to our civilization and world ecosystem. Andreas Antonopoulos discussion "Worse than useless" is perfect in portraying this.

Let's say that the crypto story will ultimately succeed, and most of the new and old coins have some sort of real, like really real, value in the future. Those who participated and were first to adopt and farm/mine these tokens will inevitably be the new rich of the world. Yes, this includes some of the old rich. Which lead us to the result that many people of the world, will be left behind to a simple fact that they are starting the race which has started long ago (and due to various circumstances they were unable to participate).

Ok, you can say, well, whenever they start and switch from the old monetary game to the new one, at least they are starting a fairer race than the previous one, so better something than nothing. Which is understandable.

However, in this new "fairer" world, we would still have new rich (including the old one) that have far bigger impact on the world and are able to affect the lives of the rest, and we are not sure if they are more competent then those who have less impact, cause they are not necessarily those with the highest moral and altruistic values (sometimes not at all). You could counter this by saying, "Well, cryptos and bitcoin technology goal is just that, to bring the equality to anyone and everyone", and I'll say, don't underestimate corrupt nature of human species. I have also found out that however good the intentions of the projects are in bringing equal opportunity for the people, those who were first to participate will inevitably yield more value than the rest. Also, while blockchain is created with good intentions, this whole crypto rush is far more in favor for those with resources and are "faster", than those who are not, and these circumstances are not correlated with compassion or altruism at all. One is amazed to find how many smear campaigns are in process with the goal to diminish other crypto projects, and profit is the only goal. 08view_600.jpg

You could also have the Darwinian point of view and say, "Well, those who are the fastest and who are most intelligent should have more power", which is also true to a certain degree, because there are many many "fastest, most intelligent, more compassioned" people in the world that are simply disadvantaged because of the circumstances that are out of their control and lack comfort that people in western countries have. Also, many of these "new rich" are not necessarily the most intelligent and fastest etc, some of them got rich most certainly because of luck.

Which leads me to the conclusion that this human world is inevitably unjust, at least for now (And this is not necessarily, if at all, the fault of old-new rich). It seems that life simply doesn't care for justice and injustice as we see it, as long as things are working.

Well, I guess for 100-200 years (without any WW3 type of thing), most of the humanity will be just fine and people will realize that there is enough of everything for everyone.

Once we fix most of our problems, one will look back and see the history of the humankind painted with not that much justice, and with blood, pain, and suffering, till the moment that we just somehow managed to get our own sh** together. I guess we can all choose on which side of the history we will be once future generations look back on us. It also seems that very little good and justice is needed to turn the wheels of this world and point it in the right direction, despite the overwhelming amount of evil and bad things that we could witness throughout our history.

On the bright side, blockchain/crypto/bitcoin and whatever similar technology is to come, have the undoubted potential to fix some issues that we have and bring just a little more justice to this terrible and beautiful world that we live in.

I am not sure if I wanted to make any point, I just wanted to let this out there. This is my first thought that I am putting here, and from what I could read, Steemit is a great thing. I would want to engage in various types of discussions and challenge my mind, as well as minds of others. My first intentions of writing were not at all concerned with crypto, but here you go. Share your thoughts and don't be too harsh, please. I am fairly new to this whole world of crypto and Steemit for that matter. I am also aware of the limitation of my English skills, keep in mind that I am doing my best.

If by any chance you want to donate for my future work (and PLEASE, inform me if this is or is not allowed on Steemit) here are my donating addresses:
Etherium: 0x63f5e549c8895Af77D6bb34c9Bdbc8fc9a201595
Bitcoin: 18sHzKkZNNBUaEZxLJqG2tBwBhvmxRvxZP

(Just so I can get myself out of mud and do what I love and that is to fully engage in discussions and tackle the problems that the modern world have…. or become new oligarch (wink wink))

Source of the pictures:

  1. https://www.google.rs/imgres?imgurl=http://www.abeautiful.world/wp-content/uploads/sites/41/2015/06/altruism-830x460.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.abeautiful.world/stories/altruism-can-change-your-mind-literally/&h=460&w=830&tbnid=Pn88QGilP-RUfM:&tbnh=160&tbnw=289&usg=___IuJ7uHolUs9qVy8JmFdtaOlz8U%3D&vet=10ahUKEwiLtuOG-vXYAhVJ16QKHYqVDrYQ_B0IrwEwCw..i&docid=vrU16aqEDigu8M&itg=1&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiLtuOG-vXYAhVJ16QKHYqVDrYQ_B0IrwEwCw
  2. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/08/business/economy/08view.html

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