Why I bought VEN, ICX and REQ

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

To understand what is going in the world of Cryptocurrency I look for interesting altcons and try to understand them.
This week I bought VEN, ICX and REQ, three complete different coins.

Ven is the coin of VeChain. It's a new coin and not fully developed yet. The aim of this coin is to be a network for transactions. It's compared with NEO. Like NEO had the coin Gas to pay for transactions VEN will develop the coin THOR, named after the god Thor. Their aim is to make a platform that secures and identifies the origin by using RFID-chips in (luxury) goods. Owners of VEN will get a part of the revenues of the used Thor's.

REQ stands for Request network which wants to be the an alternative for PayPal. Their aim is to make transactions cheaper than PayPal and make it possible without a third party. They're thinking about paying salaries, taxes and bills in general. On their 'Wishlist' is a plugin for WooCommerce.

ICX stands for Icon. The aim of Icon is to "hyperconnect' the world. It's a kind of global Identity. With that Identity you can act on every Blockchain in the world.

On the search for new altcoins I stumbled on this website https://etherscan.io/tokens where you can check if the coins build on Ethereum (ERC20 coins) are OK, neutral or suspicious. ICX and VEN are neutral, REQ is unknown.

You can read about my other coins in a previous post.


I have 2 out of 3. I'm hoping for an interesting year ahead!

Me too, in the good sense :)