Is Travelblock Real?
I was able to book a room for $33.00 per night at the Westgate Hotel and Casino. The hotel wasn’t on the exciting part of the strip but it was connected to a monorail stop that would take you up and down the strip much quicker and cheaper than a taxi or Uber would. I was very pleased with the hotel and the room for the price we got it for, here is 2 pictures of the room.

The whole booking process was smooth and easy, the only complaint I had was that I had to use fresh fiat and not the tokens I bought for this purpose. The tokens use will be added to the platform very soon among many other benefits for token holder/users. If I had more time available I would have waited so I could use the tokens but since time was limited I decided to just buy the vacation and save the tokens for another vacation. We stayed at a 4 star hotel for 5 days for about $160 which is close to the rate of a one night stay if not cheaper than a hotel in Las Vegas. I did not just settle on booking on Travelblock they gave me the excitement to look for a vacation and I searched all the websites to find the best deal. Long story short I ended back on Travelblock to book and it was done with just a few clicks.
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Or join the telegram channel to find out how you can get involved with this exciting fun way to travel while saving ridiculous amount of money. The telegram is an awesome place to get questions answered and to share or see other people post pictures of their vacations. The staff is very friendly and easy accessible. The Travelblock platform is your one stop shop to booking discounted vacations, you can book everything from Airlines, cruises, car rentals, hotels/resorts, and even Air BnBs on the beta. This is not the final version many more options and features will be made available very soon. I just wanted to take some time and write my personal testimonial that this platform is live, working, and does what they say it does. I am very pleased with the platform and look forward to the rest of the exciting features they add.
Nice write up there, has this project only got deals in the US?
No of course not they got deals all over the world
Thanks for the article it confirms that I was right to invest in TravelBlock
I think travelblock is a great project. Glad I invested!
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