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RE: Why Nano is the Cryptocurrency of the Future

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

Nice article, I hold some NANO tis my fave coin, as you know. The high energy costs and fees are exactly why I don't like BITCOIN . Why put your faith in a coin like BTC when there are better alternatives available.

No one drives old cars because they use too much gas, get the car that goes the distance for the least amount of gas. I mean this is why electric cars took off.

Also steem users might realize that steem is just as feeless as NANO but it can in now way handle the same amount of transactions per second.

Real world scenario NANO is the best P2P out there!!

Also you used the word goof when you meant to use good.


Fixed the typo, thanks!

I agree. Nano is the most impressive in terms of the tech. Bitcoin is a much safer investment right now, but I think when Nano breaks, it will happen fast.

haha maybe its safer, GE was a pretty safe company too.

Can't cook the books if everything is on the Blockchain. When massive companies have failed, a la Enron, or experienced massive losses like GE, it's because of serious mismanagement and or fraud.

The thing is, if Bitcoin does crash in value and the big mining pools pull out, people will rush back in to take advantage of the reduced power requirements. I can envisage Bitcoin being pushed out gradually, but I can't evisage the technology actually crashing and staying crashed. I could be hilariousoy wrong though!

Alright bad example... but Enron and GE first lost due to bad business models then the fraud happened. There would have been no need for fraud where they making money.