Perma Crypto Culture - Review of How the Permaculture Design Principles can be Applied to the Crypto World

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

The first name I came up with was 'Quit Yer Frigging Job'.

That was too abrasive.

Then I thought of 'What Do You Want To Do?'

I'm now thinking that title was too vague and really had nothing to do with what I was talking about.

Now, here comes the third incarnation


My exploration through the world of crypto currency investing using the Permaculture principles shall now be called ...

Perma Crypto Culture

Now, I've gone through half of the 12 Permaculture principles and how one can use them in relation to the crypto world. Let's do a quick recap of what we've found so far and hopefully we can get some comments from people at @homesteading and @cryptocurrency so we can maybe add some more points to each principle for when I compile them all into one place (book, pdf, post) in the future.

Follow along a I go through the PERMACULTURE PRINCIPLES and how they can be applied to the world of crypto investing and interaction.

Links to full length original posts are in the titles

Perma Crypto Culture Principle #1 - Observe and Interact

'Extended observations, all are useful, even if you don't know why'

Observe, read as much as you can stomach about bitcoin and the crypto world. Watch videos, follow youtubers, subscribe to twitter feeds from big time names in crypto. Read a white paper or two if you can handle it. The Steem whitepaper is a good place to start and more readable than most in my opinion.

Here are some links

Interact, buy a wee bit of coin, an amount that you can afford to lose. Transfer it to an exchange then back into a wallet. Send it to a software wallet then back to an exchange. Get used to how to do these things with a very small amount so as you will be able to execute these actions confidently when dealing with larger amounts in the future.

Use the stuff. Buy something. Here is a quick site of some places that accept crypto

And we all know there are a ton of interactions to be had right here on @steemit.

Perma Crypto Culture Principle #2 - Catch and Store Energy

'Cycle energy through a site'

Some coins generate interest if you keep them in their respective wallets. NEO is one I know and use for sure. A DASH masternode is another but thats a bit out of most peoples price ranges at the moment. Staking and voting in the ARK wallet is another.

CoinX is a site one can use to lend bitcoins and generate revenue from fees. I'm sure there are others like it as well.

Vitalik Buterin on how these inner incentives are really the core innovation of cryopto - "It uses incentives defined inside of a system in order to protect and secure that systems ongoing existence.". Now that is cycling energy.

Perma Crypto Culture Principle #3 - Obtain a Yeild

'Think creatively about yields, use it or fear neglect'

Use it, use it, use it. What's all this for if not to use it? Get out there and buy stuff with your crypto profits. Show people that it's useful and that might encourage them to get onboard which we know creates more value for the crypto ecosystem. Huge list of online stores that accepts crypto here.

Here is also a nice list of very creative ways to use your crypto.

Perma Crypto Culture Principle # 4 - Apply Regulation and Accept Feedback

'Set rules but accept feedback to change to what works.'

Set yourself some rules. @squdsi1 just sent me a neat one that he's been applying to himself. "We started holding 6 alts then four big coins (ETH, LTC, BTC, XMR). When a small alt tripled we take a third out and buy into more of our big coins. After 4 of the 6 alts tripled we decided the next two that triple we will buy more small alts with the third we sell off."

Now that's a bit of a wild one, but squdsi1 is a wild guy (What if it an alt doesn't triple?). I'm a little more conservative. My regulations sort of went as follows: Never buy into a coin without thorough research. That means looking over the whitepaper, checking what online communities have to say, going to their websites and checking out their team. Everybody is different but think about what you are doing and why is the main idea.

Perma Crypto Culture #5 - Use and Value Renewable Resources When Possible

'Always favour biological solutions'

We've heard the fuss about how much energy/resources it takes to mine bitcoin, well, why not favour some coins that don't require mining or mass energy consumption. IOTA is one of the big ones. Ripple is as well and there are a host of others that use far less energy to mine. Proof of Stake over Proof of Work is the name of the game here and isn't ETH going that way as well in the future?

Perma Crypto Culture #6 - Produce No Waste

'Waste is an unused output of a system'

The reality for the moment is that a huge heap of coins, and big daddy Bitcoin as well, do use mining and it does consume a massive amount of energy. More than entire countries as a matter of fact.

Well, all those cpu's produce heat right? Take a look in my linked post above to see some creative ways people around the world are using that heat to keep their houses warm. Seems like they are making a profit and not paying heating bills anymore. Nice.


So, that's just a quick run through the first 6 principles with some very BASIC ideas on how they might apply to some aspects of crypto. I would LOVE to hear some more ideas and suggestions for what to add to these ideas in the end.

The next 6 principles are as follows:

Design from Patterns to Details
'Pattern recognition is the precursor to design'

Integrate Rather than Segregate
'Make functional connections'

Use Small and Slow Solutions and Decentralize
'Take care of the rain as it falls rather than in one chunk'

Use and Value Diversity
'Strength in numbers'

Use Edges and Value the Marginal
'Edge is where the action is'

Creatively Use and Respond to Change
'Don't react, respond'

Please contribute some ideas in the comment section on how these principles might be applied to the crypto world.

hami -


All work is @originalworks and @photographs are my own and can be used or stolen or whatever by anybody. Thanks to @squdsi1 for the quote and to @buttcoins for being a butt.


Lot of work on this post!

Mmm, a bit ya. Really looking for more input towards figuring out how crypto can match up with the following 6 principles

Can i come up with some names....that sounds fun.
or CryptoPerm
Perma Alt Nation
Natural Crypto
Culture of the Perma Alts
Bit of Nature
haha...i love these kinda games
oh yeah...great post, so nice, your amazing, powerful stuff, Awesome!

Wink wink, nod nod


I’m coming to understand that you are far more brilliant than you look.

Bit of Nature ... not bad. Maybe I’ll change it to that next.

why not create a token to promote real permaculture and finance young benevolent futurist farmers?

Nice work Hami! Great post and informing. Peace