Cryptocurrencies are the Plans to the Death Star

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

When I talk to people about Cryptocurrency I find that the first hurdle in explaining it is that hardly anybody understands the thing we call "money". It is pointless explaining the radical and ingenious solution to a problem if the person you are telling it to see's no problem to begin with. We already have a functioning monetary system don't we? So why rock the boat, why re-invent the wheel. 


Many esteemed Steemians will no doubt realise that we don't have a functioning monetary system, far from it , what we have is a complex and clever mechanism of theft. A mechanism that, almost undetected and invisible, syphons energy from the producers in society up to a tiny number of legacy uber-criminals.

All other systems of control are reliant on this mechanism, from the media propaganda machine to the military industrial complex, all would ultimately crumble if the creation of the money supply was put back in the hands of the many not the parasitic claws of the few.

Cryptocurrency, if you will pardon the metaphor ,is the plans to the Death Star. Satoshi Nakamoto found the weak spot and now the Rebels need to hit them where it hurts and take back control of the Galaxy not so far, far away.

The "Thing" we call money 

Every time you go for a beer or do some shopping, year on year you notice things go up in price, rarely matched by your income. This is very simple. Its called inflation but its actually theft of both energy and time. If it took you an hours work to buy a beer last year and this year it takes two hours work that beer has cost you twice as much energy and time. Life is made up of energy and time and therefore your very life is being stolen away incrementally , generation after generation with very little resistance.

The power of inflation is in the hands of a very few mainly unknown people. Therefore the power to make you work harder and exchange more and more energy for life necessities (yes, beer is a necessity) is given over to unscrupulous and untrustworthy bankers who remain anonymous and have zero accountability.

Many believe that the Rothschild family have Trillions of dollars but I think you will find they have none. At the top of the pyramid they understand that its the mechanism that has the value and that money is only part of the parlour trick. Energy and time is what they are stealing from you, in truth the only things of value.

There is some controversy over wether or not Mayer Rothschild actually said this , wether he did or not hes still a C***

Crypto .... The Bankers Kryptonite


Cryptocurrencies are not simply technology, they are Ideology. A form of digitised fairness, where consensus, cooperation and transparency reign over corruption greed and secrecy.

All humans may be ultimately weak or greedy when they are given too much power, which is why we need a decentralised system in-between human transactions that acts as mediator. For too long the intermediaries in society have stolen wealth from the two transacting parties. With crypto the only intermediary is Maths. Maths can't be greedy or genocidal, we can trust Maths much more than ourselves it seems.

So if you love the environment, hate wars, want to end massive inequality and are tired of the upside down world we have created then research and get involved with the crypto revolution .... It really might be the weapon we have always needed to restore balance to the force.



I believe you to have it backwards, my friend. Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology are much better suited as a weapon that can be used against us.

It seems likely to me that this was always what they were intended for.

All technology has the capacity to be used for good or bad, a hammer can be used to bang in a nail or bang in a skull. There is plenty of subversion in the crypto world as there is on the internet but if you have a real understanding of how it works you would know that if used correctly its a game changer.

Your entitled to your uneducated opinion though. 😉