Tip.cc Powerfull Discord tip bot

in #cryptocurrency5 years ago

Did you ever heard about Dragon? Or did you ever heard stories about Cinderella?
Well this is now for real you might never hear about tip.cc

What is it?

Tip.cc was a Cryptocurrency bot that support many currencies and they support atleast 90+ currencies and still accepting new currencies
Tip.cc has run over 1-2 years to serve people in discord that are related on Crypto

Why do we need it?

Probably by using Blockchain it will use many fees, well with tip.cc no fees are require (except withdrawal you just pay for transaction fee)
Make your thank you tip easier

What make tip.cc different from others?

This part is the best and all other users are want to use

  1. Faucet System
  2. Airdrop tipping
  3. Multiple Users tip
  4. Raining Tip
  5. Gambling Features
  6. Mine information
  7. Live ticker
  8. Fiat Conversion balance
  9. Listing the Good currencies
  10. Support Steem and Hive
  11. Etc

Wow this is amazing how do i invite him?

Simple you can invite him at https://tip.cc
Or if you want just use this link https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?&client_id=617037497574359050&scope=bot&permissions=81984

How do i know it is safe?

The balance are safe as your discord account, so to make it more safetier use 2Fa for your account

Is there any Support server or Support center?

Yes, join using this link https://discord.gg/dZuxhT4
In that server you just didnt get support you also can get Giveaway or free gift, or you can boost the server to get 5x Faucet boost

This is awsome where i can donate the dev?

Simply as tipping the bot or you can go to the support server and tip oknu#7863

So are you exicted to invite the bot and try all the function?
You also can submit request to list your token here for free or paid
Make sure to check their website https://tip.cc
Thank you for those who read my blog :)

This blog is written by @gamewatch