
Remind me where I said any of this was more than potential and speculation...

hehe. See my comment I just left.
You give the OP too much credit! Could it really be possible? I'm no expert in the technicals although it seems more risky for the banks to have such an open decentralised system where they might be exposed themselves. A more interesting question to me is to ask whether the motive makes any sense. In his scenario banks would have actually done crypto a favor.

Yes, you are no expert. I however have worked for years in the field. Banks risk nothing because they create money out of thin air. They aren't risking their assets they are risking yours. As the old saying goes, if you can't beat them, join them. In this case take control of crypto and use it to implement a long standing goal of a global cashless digital currency where every penny can be tracked. Crash the market, buy up controlling interest in everything - control everything.

Banks risk nothing and yet you claim they're afraid. Your whole concept is a contradiction.

Mind quoting me where I said that? They risk nothing by creating fiat. They do however risk control of the money system by not taking control of crypto. It is pretty clear you have an agenda here at this point and are just being disingenuous. P.S. Please let me know when you get around to creating your own content (since you are such an expert).