NOIA – The Next Gen Content Delivery Network

As you have determined from the title that we’re going to talk about the CDN (Content Delivery Networks), let’s determine what it basically is and what the widespread problems are across this network, and what needs to be focused in order to make it efficient.
Content Delivery Networks
To begin with, CDN is a systemized distribution of servers that helps delivering the web pages and other web content to an internet user, based on where the users reside and from where that particular web content is hosted. Since the inception of CDNs, the rate of content delivery to an internet user has been dramatically boosted. However, with its arrival also came a number of challenges; for instance, affordability for small players and downtime due to geographical limitations are some of the major issues. And since most of the content viewed on internet is Video and image based, the weight of web pages are on the rise. A time is near when not everyone will be able to view everything on the internet due to their geographical and bandwidth limitations.

Why The World Needs NOIA?
Since this is a technological and internet era where most of the information and data are processed through servers and cloud based platforms, the data transfer rate is something that cannot be compromised. The world needs huge amount of hosting and bandwidth in order to fully utilize this age of advancement.
With NOIA, the world will be able to make use of unused storage and bandwidth via decentralized Blockchain protocol that will help increase the efficiency of Content Delivery. The platform itself is user-oriented and requires only basic knowledge of the processes.
Application of unused storage and bandwidth
NOIA has introduced what it calls a sharing economy in which all the internet users are able to stream their unused resources outwards. Imagine millions of users sharing their idle resources with everyone across the world; this will surely be a revolution in the current age of technology where data transfer is one of the most significant activity.
Significance of Decentralized Content Delivery Platform
The elimination of third party influence over content delivery practice will enable the internet users to witness the previously unseen efficiencies in content delivery. There are unlimited number of nodes across the world, and shorter the distance between the source and user means greater the data transfer rate.
Moreover, the Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning are some of the major technological advances that can also be used to efficiently utilize this decentralized content delivery platform (NOIA). With A.I and ML, we could determine the best routing options while optimizing caching allocations and demand prediction strategies, all in real time.

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How NOIA Works?
The basic concept of NOIA is to cache a website content and distribute it across the whole network, so whenever a visitor loads a website, the content is efficiently delivered with the help of NOIA’s widespread network. What is more that every form of data can be cached across the whole NOIA network.

Token Economy
Since every useful thing has a price so does NOIA. The NOIA token model is as simple as buying a grocery from the nearby store. You buy the services and you pay for it; what is different is the method of payment. Here, you pay through NOIA tokens according to your usage. The point to be highlighted is NOIA’s cheap data transfer rate. The traditional companies doing it price between $o.08/GB; however, with NOIA, you can avail the same amount of data transfer at as low as $0.01/GB.
Uses of NOIA Token
- Value transfer from customers to node: Customers can transfer NOIA token to nodes that share their resources with them.
- Network governance: The financial benefits make sure everyone complies with the rules and regulations. All the productive and beneficial work will be rewarded by NOIA and on the contrary, the malicious activity will be penalized.
Characteristics of NOIA Token
- The amount of NOIA token will be decreased when demand for it will start rising.
- To minimize transaction costs while increasing net Node payout rewards, NOIA team will be implementing slight delays in transferring rewards in order to minimize transaction costs while boosting net Node payout.
Value Flow
The flow of NOIA economy is based on Buyers and Sellers of NOIA tokens.
- Customers (Buyers): The primary buyers for NOIA network will be the business or websites that need NOIA to optimize their content delivery process.
- Sellers (Nodes): The sellers could be Nodes that share their unused bandwidth and storage space with the rest of the NOIA network. One can also earn NOIA token by solely selling his/her full bandwidth and storage space.
How reward system in NOIA economy works?
The reward system of NOIA is based on the following:
- Storage Utilization: How much of your storage space is dedicated to NOIA network.
- Bandwidth Utilization: How much of your bandwidth is allocated to NOIA network.
- Uptime factor: For how much time you are able to share your unused resources.

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What is NOIA
NOIA is a decentralized Blockchain protocol that aims to innovate and revolutionize the content delivery for all the internet consumers. Since we are living in the age of advancement and every now and then we are witnessing a global impact with the use of internet and related technologies, the efficient usage of bandwidth and data storage are the things that cannot be overlooked.

Backed By

There are unlimited bandwidth and storage space that are being wasted across the world and yet no technology besides NOIA has been able to focus on the optimization of this huge amount of waste. To be precise, NOIA uses the unused bandwidth of the global network of internet users that are willing to share their part for a price. Which means no bandwidth will be wasted and with a price to per GB transfer, the big players of the certain location can sell their unused resource to their closest users in need.
The Building Blocks of NOIA
The whole architecture of NOIA is based on the following two elements:
Content Scaling Layer
It is a combination of peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing protocols, artificial intelligence (AI) and Blockchain technology that determine how content is being delivered through the network.
Moreover, it is also called the foundation of NOIA. It consists of a number of software that are integrated with each other to optimize the content delivery via different internet devices that share their storage and bandwidth across the NOIA network.
CSL is also comprised of two different technologies:
P2P File Sharing Technology
CSL uses proprietary P2P content scaling protocol that employs relevant parts of Peer Exchange (PEX), Bittorrent, Distributed Hash Table (DHT) and Websocket wire protocols.
A.I (Machine Learning)
The CSL of NOIA consists of proprietary mathematical algorithms and pattern recognition technologies in order to manage a large number of merging requests, smart caching, efficient path discovery, and network traffic prediction and anticipation.
There are two methods to implement CSL into NOIA:
- CSL Cloud Controller Model: The model controls all the CSL system layers across the NOIA network.
- CSL DAO Concept Model: It is self-automated model that promotes spontaneous administration.
The main responsibilities of CSL Cloud Controller (DAO Concept Model) are:
- Authorization of Master Nodes.
- Selection and Load balancing of Master Nodes.
- Content Scaling Commands to Master Nodes based on: Machine Learning, On Demand Scaling, and Smart Content Caching.
- Quality of Service Control.
CSL Master Node Client: The master node clients works as the mediator across the NOIA framework.
Some of the major responsibilities of CSL Master Node Client are:
- Implementation of the content scaling commands
- Request handling/Pooling
- Load Balancing Worker Nodes
- Fastest Route Discovery
- Submitting performance metrics to the Cloud Controller
CSL Worker Node Client: This client helps everyone in making the best use of their unused bandwidth and storage space. One can rent out his/her surplus resources to anyone across the network, thus becoming a point of presence for content delivery optimization.
CSL JS Library: The CSL JS Library is an open source solution that you can integrate in your website in order to optimize your content delivery through NOIA network. The primary function of this source code is to send requests to master node client and draw content at the fastest pace.
How Feasible and Applicable NOIA Is?
The feasibility and applicability of NOIA is vast and can be used by any sort of website to cache and deliver content online. It is scalable and accessible to every website across the globe.
When NOIA will be available?
It will be available in a very short span of time to everyone to access the optimized content delivery.
How easy it is to setup NOIA into any website?
The integration is quite user-friendly and does not require more than basic knowledge of I.T.
How small content providers can benefit from NOIA?
- They can significantly minimize request handling and data transferring costs.
- They can use NOIA as their CDN layer and access the network of thousands globally
dispersed POPs. - NOIA can save up to around 50% of this amount every month for every smaller web
content provider.
By using NOIA, all the website will be able to optimize and fasten their web performance and speed. The web owner will also be able to utilize 10 to 20 TB of data transfer per month at the minimal cost.
How medium and large content providers can benefit from NOIA?
NOIA provides an extra layer to the existing CDN solution for medium and large content providers. The plan will be available for all the content providers that need more than 100 TB of data transfer every month.
The highlighted benefits are listed below:
- Greatly reduce data transferring costs spent on CDN services.
- Boost speed and quality of content delivery.

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Customer Categories
Video Content Platforms: It includes on-demand TV and Sports websites and video sharing websites.
Software Downloads: It includes all the websites that sells any sort of software – be it product or service. Major examples are Video games, Mobile apps, and OTA updates.
Audio Streaming Sites: It includes on demand audio streaming sites and audio sharing sites where users can also upload their own files. It is quite data sensitive and use hefty amount of data. By using NOIA, all the data and bandwidth cost will be minimized.
Image Hosting Sites: It includes all the websites that host high quality images and offer slide sharing facility to their users.

How NOIA’s Governance Layer Works?
The whole value transfer process across NOIA network is governed and administered by a special Governance layer that is comprised of a set of smart contracts.
The efficient governance takes place by performing the following:
- Enable customers to purchase services.
- Work nodes are rewarded for the sharing.

NOIA Testnet

Sign up on NOIA and complete your KYC application in order to get approved and qualify for the Airdrop.
Visit NOIA Network GitHub and follow instructions to download NOIA Node Client software and install it on your machine.
In order to qualify for the weekly Airdrop, your node:
- Must be properly configured (ETH address in KYC application must be the same as the ETH address in your Node settings).
- Must have the 7676 port opened. To check if it is opened, go to Node settings — check port — change port number from 80 to 7676 — hit check.
- Must be active for minimum 72 hours a week (aggregate time).
Timer resets every Friday at 12 pm UTC

You can start running your node today, even if your KYC application is yet to be processed. The time will be recorded and accounted for later.
You will be given a unique referral link. Share it with your friends and increase your weekly rewards of NOIA tokens. Log in to NOIA Network dashboard to learn more.




For more information about NOIA
NOIA Network Website
NOIA WhitePaper
NOIA Telegram
NOIA Medium
NOIA ICO Token Sale
NOIA Facebook
NOIA Twitter
NOIA Reddit
NOIA Youtube Channel

Hi! my dear friend @flash07. Great article! A very good review about NOIA Network. And I noticed you are using NOIA node too. How is your experience? It was easy to install, wasn't it? And It does not affect computer performance.
Thank you for your kind words my friend @jadams2k18.
Yes my friend without doubt they made great application. It's not loading too much, no any bad effects to computer. Easy to install & easy to use. Overall experience is great till now.
Looks like you already joined them and having good experience with them.
It's great as we are allocating them the space and all things it may increase load on our computer. But if it's not then it's great.
Thank you for the information @flash07.
good morning @flash07
Excellent review. I was just wondering how would you classify this project? as a utility token, security, payment token or .... ? I would love to hear your opinion as Im myself not sure how to classify NOIA network.
In theory it does look very much like a utility token (one of very few real ones) but since their goal is to launch funds then it raises just a small question marks in my head.
I've been in touch with their representatives for quite some time and Im fully aware, that they follow all necessary regulations and they consult every move with the lawyer. So investors shouldn't be worried about putting money into this project. But I still would like to hear your own opinion.
I never thought about this question. I read your ICO post too @flash07. After reading @crypto.piotr I am little confused too. According to what I read and what I know in utility tokens they use their platform or product and it's not for investment purpose. Sorry I may sound like confusing but hope you got my que @flash07.
Thank you for sharing this. I am more confident about this project now. It's not look only promising but their team is pretty good too. I used their telegram to ask some question and they guide me very well. I am pretty impressed with their team.
No my friend there is no thing like "silly question". Your confusion is natural my friend. But I already answered this que above. I think you missed it @techbuzz07.
I love to see how responsive and supportive you are @techbuzz07
ps. perhaps you could drop me a message on telegram? crypto_piotr
we seem to have mutual friend @flash07 :)
Thank you @crypto.piotr.
Previously contacted you when you gave me your email id. Will surely contact you again. Thank you for sharing your telegram contact.
Yes, @flash07 is the one who recommend me to join this great platform.
Thanks again bussy @flash07 for recommending me this great platform :)
hi @techbuzz07
could you drop me an email again? [email protected]
I tried to find any email from you but somehow I've failed. Would be great to get to know you closer.
Definitely, an ambitious project trying to solve one of 21st century biggest problem :P ! Don't we all hate slow loading times and who doesn't want to browse the worldwide internet, I can say the this upcoming generation get's frustrated when waiting for webpage to load. Interesting use-case for a Cryptocurrency project.
Not the next generation but this generation is quite frustrated too. Slow net when we are watching our fav. show, slow net when we are using online application. NOIA came with amazing concept where they are using unused space of our system. Not only the unique and helpful concept but they used most advance technology in their project to make sure user get great experience. They are using Blockchain and AI technology together.
For sure, I never seen project like this on Blockchain.
Thank you for stopping by and sharing your views @crypto.hype. I suggest to use their Testnet - easy to set up and easy to use. Just allocate unused space to them and they will reward you with their token.
Totally agree with you my friend @flash07. It's too frustrating too wait & instead of watching videos I am just watching loading sign there.
Don't worry my friend @techbuzz07. Stick with NOIA and you will not have to see loading sign anymore :)
Hope for the best :)
Completely agree with you.
Isn't that an amazing solution @flash07. The best part is that it will directly impact the cost of internet access. Now, how many solutions have we seen doing that? The roadmap seems quite robust and I even hear that the testnet is progressing with quite a gusto. I find your views on the testnet quite comprehensive and like you mentioned users can actually make some money. What I was unaware of was the referral. What a cool proposition - you can make money by participating yourself and you can further make money by referral.
Thanks for the nice write-up!
Yes it's amazing for sure. Yes you are right now every testnet user make some difference & helping to make internet faster.
In my knowledge - None
Yes my friend they are rewarding not only for using testnet but also for referrals too. Earning money is never easy like this one.
NOIA is not only providing great solution but also providing many ways to earn from home ;)
Have you joined their Testnet my friend ?
Great one more good thing about this. I think I missed the referral point earlier. Can you help me @flash07 by guiding me where to find referral link for my account ?
-On the left hand side you can see 3 tabs, click on "TestNet+Airdrop" & you will see your referral link there.
For your reference screenshot attached too.
Thank you for this instructions. I think I should read comments now on wards because on every comment I learnt something new here. If I not read this comment then I must have missed the referral point. Thank You @flash07.
Reading comments is always useful my friend @pratik99. By reading comments you may see different kind of interesting que that we might never think of .You will see different kind of mindset and views on each thing. In short you will learn something new by reading comments.
Agree with you my friend. Thanks again for your kind suggestion & support.
Never saw supporting guy like you my friend @flash07. You made whole process easy for me.
Thanks again for your kind support.
Don't mention it my friend. I am happy that I was able to help you someway.
Have a great day @techbuzz07.
Thank You for such a nice explanation.
I see you are making good affords to support users - based on the picture with the instruction you provided.
Great job my friend @flash07.
Thank you for such a nice appreciation my friend @imthinker.
Posted using Partiko Android
Not joined the testnet yet @flash07! But for sure joining and going to spread the referral news!
You can earn 40 NOIA tokens easily by referring to your friends. Wish you good luck @oivas & hope you will earn too many tokens my friend.
I never think of this @oivas. Now I am having very good feeling about it as I am going to make some difference too with NOIA network :)
I agree @techbuzz07! Every participant is going to make a difference. :)
Yes my friends @techbuzz07 @oivas - Let's don't wait and join this project as early adopters and make some difference :)
Really exhaustive Review, Complete turned all the stones as regards NOIA Info.
NOIA makes the internet pretty more interesting. And rewards you for it!
Love NOIA!
Awesome Review @flash07
Thank you for such a nice comment my friend @ced000.
Let's join NOIA Testnet to make it more awesome :)
Have you joined their Testnet my friend ?
@ flash07 hello dear friend, happy to read you
Excellent post as you usually present, great work of research and development of information
Thank you very much for letting us know all this information
I wish you a great day
Thanks you @jlufer for such a nice comment & your continuous support. I knew that you will like this project. As you always support nice projects with uniqueness and which have some real life use.
Thanks again for your kind support my friend :)
The innovative concept of NOIA to keep the cache of a website for further use is impressive. It has been now proved that Blockchain technology is now being used to lead the time for the 4th Industrial revolution everywhere. Use of text node and opportunity of using favourite internet comment like software download, Audio, videos features will lead the project to catch colossal attention. Also, the NOIA looks like promising with the professional team.
Best wishes for the team.
And bro, Thanks for letting us know about such a fantastic project.
Keep up doing the great work.
Good to see you my friend @mike949. After a very long time I am seeing you here. Hope everything is well and you were just busy in working :)
Yes my friend. We are seeing blockchain now in every industry in every plat form. It's new Internet :)
Yes it is my friend. They are working hard to make our life better.
I suggest to use their Testnet easy to set up and easy to use. Just allocate unused space to them and they will reward you with NOIA tokens.
@flash07, Yes, the main issue when we talk about the Internet is Lack Of Bandwidth and Slow Internet Connection. And we have to see an world where everyone can access the Internet with the effectivity. And that's why we need the help of Blockchain Technologies because these are the Technology which can look towards the effective Distribution. Keep up the great work.
Wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂
Yes my friend. You said completely right thing.
Yes and NOIA come up with the excat solution. It does not only using the Blockchain Technology but also using A.I. algorithm to make it more efficient. Additionally they are providing reward tokens by joining their testnet.
I suggest to use their Testnet - easy to set up and easy to use. Just allocate unused space to them and they will reward you with their token.
Wishing you the same.
Thank you @chireerocks for taking time to read my review and sharing your views with us 🙂
Welcome and thank you so much. Have a great time ahead. 🙂
Wish you the same my friend @chireerocks.
Thank you. 🙂
Hi @flash07
I just join steemit. Just wrote few hours ago that I want to learn new things here. I think I am right place, first day here and I get to know this kind of project. This project helps to internet more faster and also we can earn crypto easily with this. After steemit project I like this NOIA project. You explained everything very well, I am not that technical person and new in this field but I think I understood this project correctly based on your explanation. I will follow your account closely also will try this NOIA testnet for sure.
Have a good day @flash07.
First of all welcome to steemit my friend.
Thank you for such a nice comment my friend. I am happy that you liked the review my friend. It's great that you thought of joining the test net. As early adopter you will get benefits. As early adopters always get benefits. Also NOIA provides referral program too using which you can earn NOIA tokens by referring to your friends.
Wish you good success here my friend @imthinker.
Looks like you are quite active my friend @flash07.
Totally agree with you my friend.
How much NOIA they offer any idea ?
At the moment it's 40 NOIA tokens my friend.
It's great. I am exited to join NOIA testnet my friend.
Then don't wait my friend.Grab the opportunity when you have one.
Good luck :)
I already grabbed it ;)
Great @imthinker. Congratulations for earning lots of NOIA token in advance.
Posted using Partiko Android