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RE: DIYT Coin Presale Soon Ending And Amping Up For ICO

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

why do you only have 291 followers but have been here twice as long as i have? your only at 58 rep too... ive been here half as long and have literally more than twice the followers at 565 and my rep is 55.6 already. it must be because my content is better than yours and everyone sees you for the fraud you are lol... clearly you suck and should just quit like you do everything else you fail at...


I dont care about your numbers. You sound proud. Good, then run along and care for your own blog and leave my family alone.

Continued harassment of my family all these years online and in the real world is criminal.

You hear that Doc? @fixedbydoc .....Troy @thediyworld told you to "run along".
Just like his mommy did to him when she was canning his tomatoes and making his ketchup last fall.
Troy claimed he was too busy saving his videos before YT deleted them.
You may not have seen that episode but Troy was acting the fool while she was enabling her little boy.
Here is a photo from that day.
Notice that Troy is holding the tongs upside down?!

Terrell told Troy, "Just leave Troy".

you sound mad troy reid that i have proven to be better than you in every single aspect of life...

Good for you.

You go get them tiger!!!

Interesting. Looks like you are the one hurt. Odd. If you are so much better than I am and so proud of it, then why must you gray out my answers?

Hmmm, maybe you are not so happy afterall?

i grey out your answers because they are lies and it is fun and you go crying about it... im out to prevent you from earning a profit off lies, scams, fraud, and crimiinal activity. that means greying you out. you seem pissed i can do it without spending rented power and you cant earn enough to do it with your own without renting... perhaps if you were not a fraud and had real content you might earn a profit and have a quality account...

Well, I will thank you for one thing here.

You just openly stated that you are trying to prevent me from earning a profit from my work.

That helps my case a lot.

i am openly preventing you from trying to earn a profit by you scamming and ripping people off through your fraud.

I dont care how powerful your account is compared to mine.

The sad thing is that you spend all your time on my blog harassing me.

The sad thing is you waste all your down voting power graying out my own comments on my own blog.

Nobody will ever find me over on your site, or any of your sites, doing anything to you.

Let the world see for themselves.

i enjoy using my power to reveal your crimes and scams and fraud. the whole reason i even have an account here is for this purpose. to prevent you from running your scams...

poor jealous troy reid has nothing better to do than blame all his failures on me and others. you should get off the internet and disappear for good before you end up in prison.

Well, you have tried countless times to get me in prison for crimes I did not commit.

I got to know the local police, state police, sheriff, town hall, health dept, fire dept, FBI and many more.

They all watch my videos now too. My subscriber count keeps going up the more you turn me into different authorities for false crimes.

I guess there is something good coming from all this.

I am getting to know all the authorities and important people without leaving the convenience of my own home.

And my subscriber count keeps going up.

please provide evidence that i have EVER done anything to your family troy reid! stop the lies! no one is after your family! we are only out to refute your lies and prove you are a fraud!!!

Your own words here on the blockchain stand as evidence for the world to see.

yes my words calling you a fraud a liar a slanderer and a scam artist based on my 5yrs of observation of you and personal experience dealing with you. not criminal not harassment but the truth. i only speak the truth about you and i will never stop. if it were criminal you would be able to press charges at no expense to you. no lawyer and no cop will take your case because they know you are a fraud.

Hmm, seems like you did not like my answer.

My reply was grayed out by you. Let me try again:

Interesting. So it would appear that you only want to openly harass me and post harmful and accusational questions.

But you keep graying out my answers.

Only someone trying to skew the real truth would do that.

i grey your comments out because you lie. tell the truth for a change...

Interesting. So it would appear that you only want to openly harass me and post harmful and accusational questions.

But you keep graying out my answers.

Only someone trying to skew the real truth would do that.

if you told the truth and were not a fraud then you would have nothing to hide and the questions would not be harmful and accusational questions.

Interesting. So it would appear that you only want to openly harass me and post harmful and accusational questions.

But you keep graying out my answers.

Only someone trying to skew the real truth would do that.

if by harmful accusations you mean the truth then yes i am here to tell the truth about you troy reid...

Interesting. So it would appear that you only want to openly harass me and post harmful and accusational questions.

But you keep graying out my answers.

Only someone trying to skew the real truth would do that.

so you admit you are trying to skew the truth by greying out everyone who comments here about you...

Nice twist of words. But I do not have to accept harassment, slander and lies against me on my own blog.

No go run along and take care of your own life.

if what i do is criminal then why am i not in jail???

Because, as you know, have been too poor to sue you in court and you are too poor to persue in court.

The local police wont help me because you are in PA. The PA police wont help me cause I am not in PA.

But you know all that and it makes you feel all good and cozy.

Interesting that you keep graying out my answers.

You keep posting accusational and harmful questions but gray out my replies.

Now, a truly honest person would not do that.

lmao im nowhere near poor troy reid... you just know you would lose... and you claim what i do is criminal which if it were you would not need to sue as you could simply press charges. but since ive done no crime you cant press charges. you lie cheat steal and slander with your false claims. i dont sue you because you truly have nothing i want and you are poor. the police wont help you because you have no case...

troy uses his cult training without success

Anyone with half a brain can come on here and see for themselves two things:

  1. Ryan aka Doc, harasses me all over the internet.

  2. I do not harass anyone.

no troy what you do is scam everyone and commit fraud.

by the way what people see is my reporting your fraud and informing people of your scams.

yes i am ryan lipinski aka fixedbydoc


You harassed me in this blog post....

Soy-boi Troi has a sad....