Cryptocurrency- Volatility at its best
Bitcoin was created in 2008 during the global financial crisis. The main aim here was to create a system different from the central government and the banks. The system thus fought skepticism, rejection and now it has come a long way forward. The bitcoin now is the most trending word we hear almost every hour of the day.
It was slowly that the government started to recognize it as an asset. Over these years, Bitcoin’s framework has challenged regulators, as most of them struggled to find ways to bring it under control. Due to this many countries have banned it; some has closely observed it and had put taxes to make the process legal. Something that has remained constant in all these years is its volatile nature.
There countries like Japan which has accepted bitcoin as a method of payment in their country and on the other hand there are countries like the USA where it is banned. Also, there are countries like India, which are stuck in middle. They have neither banned it nor accepted it.

The demand of bitcoins touched heights which in turn increased demand for the other bitcoin linked products. The legitimacy of Bitcoin’s existence doesn’t just come in direct ways; approvals of investment products based on Bitcoin indicate what regulators think - the reason why Bitcoin prices tanked to about $900 levels from $1300.
As we have seen that bitcoin has gained importance slowly and gradually and it wasn’t a sudden change.
Bitcoin still continues to be highly volatile as the market nowadays is a roller coaster ride. The market is sheer unpredictable nowadays. All we can do is to just hold our heart and watch the market change.
Hope it grows !!
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