HempCoin ($THC) Series #3 || 🌿 HempCraft Workshop 🌿 || A Proposed AnarchaForko Event

Y'know how Bubba Gump feels about SHRIMP? 🦐

Or how Dr. George Washington Carver

felt about THE PEANUT? 🥜


That's how I feel about

cannabis sativa + industrial hemp... devoted.

But I was not born to a Sadhu caste in India. So, what's a North American canna-devotee to do?

Most of my written and spoken communication celebrates
cannabis and hemp, but words will never give this plant the justice it deserves.

Its bounty is best EXPERIENCED, so I propose the following experiential workshop
for AnarchaForko, which is to happen immediately after Anarchapulco 2018.

This is actually my second proposal. The first one is here.. That Listening Lounge remains a possibility, pending expressed interest (so feel free to expressssss 😉).


:: Crop. Craft. Coin. ::

The oldest, longest, strongest, cultivated fiber plant in the world.

Part 1. Let's start with the surprisingly broad uses, and horrifically deep misdeeds, that surround this iconic crop.

Hemp exposes the comparative inferiority of many crops and industries, including cotton, timber, pharmaceuticals, petro-based oil, and plastic, for five, big, gross examples.

  • It uses 1/3 the water cotton requires.

  • It naturally resists mildew, and requires no pesticides or herbicides.

  • In 3-4 months, it produces two to four times more paper per acre, than the 20 years it takes timber to produce! <--- Is that not the most AVOIDABLY WASTEFUL thing, ever?!

  • It produces 10 times more methanol, than corn.

  • Plastic made from hemp is bio-degradable. Plastic made from petroleum is not.

Part 2. Let's CRAFT something useful or beautiful, made of hemp!

What's your pleasure... jewelry, moisturizer, paper, flour, soap, twine? There are a number of things we can make together. If there is a special project you have in mind, please let me know. Otherwise, I would organize for two easy crafts: coasters and bracelets.

Part 3. An expansive look at HempCoin.


Direct from their website:

HempCoin was among the first 30 currencies developed in 2014 and is a highly focused digital currency for the Agriculture/Farming Industry and Marijuana/Hemp Industry, built on the source of Bitcoin, its use includes the Marijuana dispensaries and the entire Agriculture/Farming trade business.

To this, I add the following comment, first shared on a Facebook friend's wall:

How can speculators not see to position themselves IN FRONT OF a trillion dollar tidal wave?!

The US prohibition is currently a big, dumb, DAM that's blocking cash, cures and criminal justice, but as soon as that sick error is corrected, the questions I'm now asking will make more sense, such as:

  • Now that currency has been decentralized and digitized, how does our need for, and use of, money change?

  • Now that a digital coin (HempCoin) has been pegged to the most powerful and lucrative agricultural crop ever grown (sit down cotton, corn and soy... combined!!), HOW CAN THAT COIN BE FURTHER DEVELOPED, AND GIVEN MORE FUNCTIONALITY... so that it more rightly reflects the near-boundless output this crop provides?

  • Now that a digital coin (HempCoin) has been DEDICATED TO THE INDUSTRY THAT FEEDS US (Agriculture/Farming), what rewards and incentives can be redirected to farmers/growers, and community-vetted associations, like Hemp Industries Association

Reminder: HempCoin can be used for all MJ dispensary purchases. While all the other weed/pot/dope coins cannot be used in the larger Ag/Farming market.

That fact alone, with no further functions built in, already shows its greater usefulness in the market, in not one (cannabis/hemp), but two (agriculture/farming) industries.

Q: Why do I care so much about HempCoin?

A: Well, has anybody ever EATEN a Bitcoin, or any other cryptocurrency or token? Are they tasty and nutritious?

The bottom (and maybe slightly dramatic) line is that HempCoin represents LIFE!! Real, actual, soil-grown, mouth-chewed life. It's the most REAL commodity there will ever be. 🌿 🍒🍋 🍊🥑🥕🍓🍇🍍🍉

And maybe that's why it's so hard for folks to see its value...

because, sadly, so many people carry no felt connection to the earth that sustains them.

Fruits, vegetables, and a civilization-building wonder-weed HAS ITS OWN COIN!!💥

Does that seriously NOT explode peoples' minds with possibility??

The workshop goal is for participants to grok and deepen appreciation for the most under-used resource on our planet. Its increased use would remove loads of toxins from our lives, food, soil and buildings. The increased use of hemp, increases the presence of live trees on Earth. So, this currency even impacts deforestation.

Jack Herer had it right… hemp CAN save the world! But the world needs more people who can SEE the beautiful lattice of life that hemp can bankroll, in every needed way. There would be a cost for materials, which is still being researched and selected.

Recommended reading for this visionary train of thought:

Charles Eisenstein's Sacred Economics.

^ Read it online for FREE at that link. ^

Is this of interest to you? How would you make this workshop even better?

@lily-da-vine is encouraging all of us to think about the kind of information and experiences we want to have at AnarchaForko, AND THEN CREATE A CONCEPT or PITCH FOR IT, and see what the market says! I look forward to seeing yours :-)

Oh, L👀K!

This meme happened.

So did this rant.



Dear @erikaharris , I am 100% for anarchy, I was just making the argument that when we still depend on systems or ressources based on statism (housing and fiat money for the most part in my life and I guess in the alcapulco 'anarchist' community also) then we are not living 100% anarchistic... I believe that blockchain will make it piossible to live 100% anarchi capitalistic with in the near future (~1-10 years)...

Keep it up... and maybe I will call myself an anarchist from time to time...

Thanks, @lasseehlers. I will, keep keeping it up. :-)

I like marijuana for many different reasons.

@atp11: Many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many different reasons. lol

I had this pamphlet back in the day from this store that specialized in Hemp products. it was really dope. Wish i still had it, would've posted the picture of all the products they specialized in.

Hello Erika,
HempCoin sounds promising for the Planet. I did not know it could be used at dispensory's. Very Cool!
Looking forward to Halloween in Aca, hope you will be around to show me around with Nathan, John and lilly?
Nathan is putting me up until I find a place full time to live at in Aca.

Need me to bring anything down for you?