Crypto and Real Estate: Earning while Hodl'ing. Is it a Scam?

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)


I like Coins and Tokens that pay me to hodl! VeChain, KuCoin etc.... These are interesting investments to me. Who doesn't love a coin or investment that goes up in value per share, coin or token held with the market. Even better they gain a percentage on top of that. The beauty of that is even when your losing you are winning on some level. I am always out there looking at where I can make my money work for me while I sleep! This makes me think of a very eye opening quote by Warren Buffett.

making money while you sleep.jpg

That couldn't be more true!

Recently I came across a new project by Westland Storage. Westland Storage offers you to become a share owner of real estate around the world. Buy square feet of real estate and get a daily profit from their lease. On top of that they have integrated their investment with cryptocurrency. They claim they currently work in 39 countries, investors already own 13.7 million square feet and have accrued 50.2 million dollars of investment profits from investors.

The technology they have developed is called Diceland Online. Essentially, it allows them to tokenize real estate assets.
Really cool concept and I think it could really go somewhere if truly implemented properly. I have been looking around online to see if it is a total scam or not. My research so far shows me people claiming both. Most of what I see from the naysayers is that it is a HYIP like Bitconnect was. That whole fiasco has people gun shy on investing in to something like this. That is understandable as people should be cautious on investing in anything these days. Especially something with so much promising return on investment.

I have also seen multiple videos and reviews with live withdrawals and screenshots of confirmed payouts. I decided to give it a try and signed up and did just the requirements of the bounty and social tasks. They are indeed depositing in to my account on their website. It is indeed accruing the promised rewards. I figure since I haven't invested a whole lot and what I have got in is growing that I will work at seeing where that goes. I started with nothing and therefore have nothing to lose. The bounty, airdrops and social tasks alone are worth checking it out. They boast a 1% gain daily. I have noticed that it does however only gain .05% on all days. It has so far made good on that lofty promise of accrual no less. It also provides opportunity to reinvest what you have earned further decreasing any risk if you started purely off of their airdrop, bounty or refferals etc....


Will this fail? Too early to tell in all honesty. Is this a scam? Well, it is paying out and seems profitable. It also has affiliate opportunities as well as bounties etc... With that said it definitely has high yield investment program written all over it. It has yet to fail so far. At this point I am not investing anymore than I am afraid to lose. There is an ICO slated for 2019. The website is however already in a highly functioning state and is pretty well put together. I am however concerned at their vague proofs of actual real estate. This is something I am going to keep an eye on.

Who is Westland Storage? Well according to their website:

Their company started in 2001 in Michigan. That is when Brandon and Brian Williams brothers leased their first space. And who could know that this would be the beginning of a long road that would lead them to the creation of an international company, WestLand Storage.

Then, the first profit was immediately directed to purchase more real estate. And so, within just a few years, the Williams brothers became owners of commercial real estate throughout the United States.

But this was only the beginning of the company's development. Since 2011, WLS has been buying up residential and commercial premises abroad, in South America, Europe and Asia. This was done not just so, but to move on to the next stage of the company's development, the technological revolution in the real estate world.

They have a team of 15 people. The company's specialists developed the DiceLand technology, which allows to minimize the investment threshold of entering the real estate market, and get rid of intermediaries and risks. To decentralize this technology, WestLand Storage will conduct an ICO, which will begin immediately after the preparatory stages. They also have PDF's of legal documentation on their registration as company in the UK as well.

One more concerning issue is there is not a whole lot of information on them out there. Another reason I would invest cautiously. If anything I would suggest people who are interested to do as I have and join for the bounties and social tasks rewards. Work off of that first and see where it goes. A person with nothing ain't got nothing to lose and in this case has everything to gain if he works this angle. A smart option would be to work the social tasks, bounties etc... Then withdraw your earnings off that after a while. Continue to do that ever so often. The minimum amount required to withdraw makes it fairly quick to do so. Their proprietary token is WLS and upon withdraw you can convert to BTC, ETH, LTC, BCH and a couple others.

In any case this is an eye opening experience. I will give updates in the future on my withdrawals and amounts. I intend to fully put this to the test.

If you wanna try your hand at making something out of nothing go for it. Please let me know about your experiences as well:

Also I would love to here your opinions and input. Also, if you have any experience with this please put it down below good or bad. The more we know, The more we understand and The more we grow!


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BCHBitcoin Cash588.515$13.12%2.61%